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OpenEye / packages / OpenEye-toolkits
conda Standard Python

  • License: commercial
  • 1483371 total downloads
  • Last upload: 11 days and 20 hours ago


Info: This package contains files in non-standard labels.
  • osx-64 v2024.2.0
  • noarch v2024.2.0
  • osx-arm64 v2024.2.0
  • win-64 v2024.2.0
  • linux-64 v2024.2.0
  • linux-aarch64 v2024.2.0
  • win-32 v2019.4.2

conda install

Authentication Prerequisites:
anaconda login

To install this package run one of the following:
conda install openeye::openeye-toolkits
conda install openeye/label/archived::openeye-toolkits
conda install openeye/label/beta::openeye-toolkits
conda install openeye/label/rc::openeye-toolkits
conda install openeye/label/tk_archive::openeye-toolkits

pip install

Authentication Prerequisites:
TOKEN=$(anaconda auth --create --name download-token)

To install this package run one of the following:
pip install -i https://pypi.anaconda.org/t/$TOKEN/openeye/simple openeye-toolkits
pip install -i https://pypi.anaconda.org/t/$TOKEN/openeye/label/archived/simple openeye-toolkits
pip install -i https://pypi.anaconda.org/t/$TOKEN/openeye/label/beta/simple openeye-toolkits
pip install -i https://pypi.anaconda.org/t/$TOKEN/openeye/label/rc/simple openeye-toolkits
pip install -i https://pypi.anaconda.org/t/$TOKEN/openeye/label/tk_archive/simple openeye-toolkits


.. installpython_windows:


Installing Python on Windows

.. note::

Python is not generally installed by default on Windows and may need to be installed, possibly in a virtual environment. The toolkits can be used with Anaconda, virtualenv, and venv and can be both conda and pip installed.

However python can be downloaded from http://www.python.org/download/ and installed on your system if desired.

Installing OpenEye Python Toolkits As A Conda package

The simplest way to install the OpenEye Python Toolkits is as a Conda package.

The Anaconda package can be downloaded from https://www.anaconda.com/download for Windows, macOS and Linux platforms. Follow the very simple instructions given there for installation.

.. note::

While Anaconda is available free of charge for personal use, users may need to purchase an Anaconda license if they are doing commercial development. Please check the Anaconda license terms <https://www.anaconda.com/anaconda-commercial-edition>_.

For first time users we also recommend reading Getting started with conda <https/conda.pydata.org/docs/test-drive.html>_ and print out the Conda user cheat sheet <http://know.continuum.io/rs/387-XNW-688/images/conda-cheatsheet.pdf>_ reference.

.. note::

OpenEye Python Toolkits only supports Python3.

After downloading and installing Anaconda, the OpenEye Python Toolkit package can be installed by the following steps:

  1. First create a new conda environment with the OpenEye Python Toolkit package

    .. code-block::

    $ conda create -n oepython -c openeye openeye-toolkits

    Solving environment: done

    ## Package Plan ##

     environment location: C:\Users\username\anaconda3\envs\oepython
     added / updated specs:
       - openeye-toolkits
     The following packages will be downloaded:
     The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED:
     openeye-toolkits: |pypkgversion| -py39_0        openeye
     Proceed ([y]/n)?

    After entering "y" to proceed, a new 'oepython' environment will be created be activated with the OpenEye Python Toolkit package.


  1. Activate the newly created 'oepython' environment:

    .. code-block::

    $ conda activate oepython

  2. Run the OpenEye example oecheminfo.py to verify the installation has completed successfully:

    .. code-block::

    (oepython) $ oecheminfo.py Installed OEChem version: |oechemversion| platform: microsoft-win64-msvc17-x64 built: |builddate| ...

Alternative Installation Strategies

  • To install OpenEye Python Toolkits in existing environments:

    .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1

    windowsanaconda.rst windowsvirtualenv.rst

    The above two ways are highly recommended since it is considered harmful to install packages into your global Python installation.

For assistance with unusual installation environments such as systems without network access or heterogeneous clusters, please contact support at [email protected].

.. note::

In order to follow the PEP 440 <http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0440>_ guidelines on versions, the version label for the python toolkit is |pypkgversion| instead of |pkgversion|.

.. sectionpythontestwindows:

Integration Testing

The OpenEye Python Toolkits ship with a simple set of integration tests to make sure all the libraries function as intended. The test suite is not as exhaustive as the test suite used internally, it is just meant to ensure the OpenEye Python Toolkits infrastructure is working as intended.

.. warning::

Running the integration test requires scripttest and nose Python packages. These packages will be installed on-the-fly, if necessary. Again using conda or virtualenv environments will ensure that these packages will not be installed into the global Python environment.

To run the integration test suite (after activating the environment into which OpenEye Python Toolkits has been installed), execute the following command::

$ python -m openeye.examples.openeye_tests

A message like the following will be shown if all the tests were run successfully::

Requirement already satisfied: pytest Requirement already satisfied: py>=1.4.29 Collecting scripttest Installing collected packages: scripttest Successfully installed scripttest-1.3 Ran 42 tests in 95.877s


Tests are skipped when the license is invalid/expired/doesn't exist or if functionally is not supported on the OS/platform. For example, when using a license file that only contains an OEChem TK license, a large number of tests will be skipped::


Ran 42 tests in 0.956s

OK (SKIP=34)

Similarly, FastROCS, GPU-OMEGA, and GPU-GRAPHSIM tests are skipped on macOS, Windows, and Linux systems without appropriate GPU hardware since their functionality is not available.

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