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Eumetsat / packages / epct_plugin_gis 3.3.0

EUMETSAT Data Tailor, GDAL-based customisation plugin.


  • linux-64 v3.3.0
  • win-64 v3.3.0

conda install

To install this package run one of the following:
conda install eumetsat::epct_plugin_gis


The EUMETSAT Data Tailor makes it possible for users to subset and aggregate EUMETSAT data products in space and time, filter layers, generate quicklooks, project onto new coordinate reference systems, and reformat into common GIS formats (netCDF, GeoTIFF, etc.). It offers a uniform way to transform both historical and near real-time satellite data provided by EUMETSAT.

This optional package provides customisation functionalities for the following products: | - AMSU-A Level 1B - Metop (AMSAL1) - ASCAT Level 1 Sigma0 at Full Sensor Resolution - Metop - Global Data Service (ASCATL1SZF) - ASCAT Level 1 Sigma0 resampled at 25 km Swath Grid - Metop (ASCATL1SZO) - ASCAT Level 1 Sigma0 resampled at 12.5 km Swath Grid - Metop (ASCATL1SZR) - ASCAT Soil Moisture at 25 km Swath Grid in NRT - Metop (ASCATL2SMO) - ASCAT Soil Moisture at 12.5 km Swath Grid in NRT - Metop (ASCATL2SMR) - AVHRR Level 1B - Metop (AVHRRL1) - Global L3C AVHRR Sea Surface Temperature (GHRSST) - Metop (GLBSST) - Global L3C AVHRR Sea Surface Temperature (GRIB) - Metop (GLBSSTGRIB2) - GOME-2 Level 1B - Metop (GOME2L1) - Polar Multi-Sensor Aerosol Optical Properties - Metop (AOP) (GOMEPMAAOP) - Polar Multi-Sensor Aerosol Optical Properties - Metop (COP) (GOMEPMACOP) - HIRS Level 1B - Metop (HIRSL1) - High Rate SEVIRI Level 1.5 Image Data - MSG (HRSEVIRI) - High Rate SEVIRI Level 1.5 Image Data - MSG (HRIT) (HRSEVIRIHRIT) - High Rate SEVIRI Level 1.5 Image Data - MSG (HRIT HRV channel) (HRSEVIRIHRITHRV) - High Rate SEVIRI Level 1.5 Image Data - MSG (HRV channel)(HRSEVIRIHRV) - Rapid Scan High Rate SEVIRI Level 1.5 Image Data - MSG (HRSEVIRIRSS) - Rapid Scan High Rate SEVIRI Level 1.5 Image Data - MSG (HRV channel) (HRSEVIRIRSSHRV) - IASI Level 1C - All Spectral Samples - Metop (IASIL1) - IASI Combined Sounding Products - Metop (IASISND02) - Daily Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetic Active Radiation - MSG (MDFAPAR) - Evapotranspiration - MSG - 0 degree (MET) - Reference Evapotranspiration - MSG (METREF) - MHS Level 1B - Metop (MHSL1) - Land Surface Temperature Climate Data Record - MSG (MLST) - Atmospheric Motion Vectors - MSG (MSGAMVE) - Cloud Analysis - MSG (MSGCLAP) - Cloud Mask - MSG (MSGCLMK) - Cloud Top Height - MSG (0 degree and Indian Ocean 41.5 degrees E) (MSGCLTH) - Active Fire Monitoring (GRIB) - MSG (MSGFIRG) - Multi-Sensor Precipitation Estimate (GRIB) - MSG (MSGMPEG) - Optimal Cloud Analysis - MSG (MSGOCAE) - HRI Level 1.5 Image Data - MFG (MVIRI) - ASCAT Winds and Soil Moisture at 25 km Swath Grid - Metop (OAS025BUFR) - ASCAT Winds at 25 km Swath Grid - Metop (OASW025) - ASCAT Coastal Winds at 12.5 km Swath Grid - Metop (NetCDF) (OASWC12) - ASCAT Coastal Winds at 12.5 km Swath Grid - Metop (BUFR) (OASWC12BUFR) - ASCAT L2 25 km Winds Data Record Release 1 - Metop (NetCDF) (OR1ASW025) - ASCAT L2 25 km Winds Data Record Release 1 - Metop (BUFR) (OR1ASW025BUFR) - ASCAT L2 12.5 km Winds Data Record Release 1 - Metop (NetCDF) (OR1ASWC12) - ASCAT L2 12.5 km Winds Data Record Release 1 - Metop (BUFR) (OR1ASWC12BUFR) - ERS Scatterometer L2 25 km Winds Data Record Release 1 - ERS (NetCDF) (OR1ERW025) - ERS Scatterometer L2 25 km Winds Data Record Release 1 - ERS (BUFR) (OR1ERW025BUFR) - SeaWinds L2 25 km Winds Data Record Release 1 - QuikSCAT (NetCDF) (OR1SWW025) - SeaWinds L2 25 km Winds Data Record Release 1 - QuikSCAT (BUFR) (OR1SWW025BUFR) - OLCI Level 1B Full Resolution (NRT, NTC or version BC002) - Sentinel-3 (OLL1EFR) - OLCI Level 1B Reduced Resolution (NRT, NTC or version BC002) - Sentinel-3 (OLL1ERR) - OLCI Level 2 Ocean Colour Full Resolution (NRT, NTC, BC002 or BC003) - Sentinel-3 (OLL2WFR) - OLCI Level 2 Ocean Colour Reduced Resolution (NRT, NTC, BC002 or BC003) - Sentinel-3 (OLL2WRR) - SLSTR Level 1B Radiances and Brightness Temperatures (NRT, NTC or version BC003) - Sentinel-3 (SLL1RBT) - SLSTR Level 2 Aerosol Optical Depth in NRT - Sentinel-3 (SLL2AOD) - SLSTR Level 2 Radiances and Brightness Temperatures (NRT, NTC or BC003) - Sentinel-3 (SLL2WST) - VII/METimage L1B top of the atmosphere radiances (VIIL1RAD) - Cloud mask from VII (VIIL2CLD) - Cloud properties from VII O2 A-Band (VIIL2CTP) - Cloud detection and first guess cloud properties from VII (VIIL2ICM) - Cloud properties from VII (VIIL2OCA) - Total precipitable water from VII (IR) (VIIL2WVI) - Total precipitable water from VII (VIS) (VIIL2WVV) - FCI Level 1C RRAD Full Disc High Spectral Resolution Imagery (FDHSI) - MTG (FCIL1FDHSI) - FCI Level 1C RRAD High Spatial Resolution Fast Imagery (HRFI) - MTG (FCIL1HRFI) - FCI Level 2 Cloud Mask Product (FCIL2CLM) - FCI Level 2 Clear Sky Reflectance Map Product (FCIL2CRM) - FCI Level 2 Cloud Type Product (FCIL2CT) - FCI Level 2 Cloud Top Temperature and Height Product (FCIL2CTTH) - FCI Level 2 Fire Product (FCIL2FIR) - FCI Level 2 Global Instability Index (FCIL2GII) - FCI Level 2 Optimal Cloud Analysis (FCIL2OCA) - FCI Level 2 Outgoing LongWave Radiation (FCIL2OLR) - FCI Level 2 Cloud Mask Test Results Product (FCIL2PADCLM) - FCI Level 2 Total Ozone (FCIL2TOZ)

The package is compatible only with epct >=3.0.

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