Decrypt and encrypt messages compatible to the 'Stanford Javascript Crypto Library (SJCL)' message format.
Decrypt and encrypt messages compatible to the "Stanford Javascript Crypto Library (SJCL)" message format. This is a wrapper around pycrypto.
This module was created while programming and testing the encrypted blog platform on which is based on sjcl.
Typical usage may look like this:
#!/usr/bin/env python
from sjcl import SJCL
cyphertext = SJCL().encrypt(b"secret message to encrypt", "shared_secret")
print cyphertext
print SJCL().decrypt(cyphertext, "shared_secret")
Code and documentation copyright Ulf Bartel. Code is licensed under the new-style BSD license.
v0.1.1, 2014-05-21 -- Initial public release. v0.1.4, 2016-04-17 -- Re-init of repository after homepage changed. v0.1.5, 2016-07-12 -- Python3 compat v0.1.6, 2017-07-31 -- Now dependent on pycryptodome v0.2.0, 2018-02-22 -- AES-GCM mode support v0.2.1, 2018-08-16 -- Fixed (missing 'b' prefix for use with python3)