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Terradue / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
atc public Application Trigger Coordinator 2025-03-25
pyrosar public A Python Framework for Large-Scale SAR Satellite Data Processing 2025-03-25
spatialist public A Python Framework for Large-Scale SAR Satellite Data Processing 2025-03-25
scoop public Scalable COncurrent Operations in Python 2025-03-25
ellip_nb_runner public No Summary 2025-03-25
gefolki public GeFolki is a coregistration software for SAR/SAR and for other cases of remote sensing image coregistration (ex LIDAR/SAR, optics/SAR, hyperspectral/optics) 2025-03-25
reactiv public No Summary 2025-03-25
run_inverse_model public The software provides volume change in the subsurface observing the surface displacement retrieved with InSAR at active volcanoes 2025-03-25
run_dic public Feature tracking algorithms to be applied to Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 satellite imagery 2025-03-25
r-rintaros public Interface between RGeostats and Intaros 2025-03-25
r-rgeostats public RGeostats is the Geostatistical Package (under R platform) developed by the Geostatistical Team of the Geosciences Research Center of MINES ParisTech. 2025-03-25
r-rlandsat8 public No Summary 2025-03-25
ellip_atc_helpers public No Summary 2025-03-25
ellip_atom public Generate and modify an ATOM entry with EarthObservation extension element 2025-03-25
whittaker public Whittaker smoother in Cython, including a V-curve optimization of the smoothing parameter 2025-03-25
sphinx-rtd-theme public ReadTheDocs.org theme for Sphinx, 2013 version. 2025-03-25
py_snap_helpers public Helpers for SNAP and Python 2025-03-25
pymasker public python package for mask generation from landsat 8 Quality Assessment band and MODIS land products. 2025-03-25
iplantuml public Package which adds a PlantUML cell magic to IPython. 2025-03-25
plantweb public Python client for the PlantUML server 2025-03-25
nbmerge public A tool to merge / concatenate Jupyter (IPython) notebooks 2025-03-25
pydap public An implementation of the Data Access Protocol. 2025-03-25
deprecated public Python @deprecated decorator to deprecate old python classes, functions or methods. 2025-03-25
fes public No Summary 2025-03-25
multi_key_dict public Multi key dictionary implementation 2025-03-25

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