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sfe1ed40 / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
census public A wrapper for the US Census Bureau's API 2024-07-09
us public US state meta information and other fun stuff 2024-07-08
sis-extras public Python package to make it easy to develop beautiful, performant streamlit-in-snowflake apps 2024-07-04
dedupe public A python library for accurate and scalable fuzzy matching, record deduplication and entity-resolution. 2024-07-01
emoji public Emoji for Python 2024-07-01
pyrfr public An extensible C++ library for random forests with Python bindings. 2024-06-27
zope.index public Indices for using with catalog like text, field, etc. 2024-06-26
dedupe_levenshtein_search public Python search module for fast approximate string matching 2024-06-26
pynisher public A small Python library to limit the resources used by a function by executing it inside a subprocess. 2024-06-25
snowflake-ml public Snowflake Python API 2024-06-25
doublemetaphone public Python wrapper for C++ Double Metaphone 2024-06-25
dedupe_lehvenshtein_search public Python search module for fast approximate string matching 2024-06-21
simplecosine public Simple cosine distance 2024-06-21
highered public Learnable Edit Distance Using PyHacrf 2024-06-21
pyhacrf-datamade public Hidden alignment conditional random field for classifying string pairs. 2024-06-21
pylbfgs public LBFGS and OWL-QN optimization algorithms 2024-06-20
haversine public Calculate the distance between 2 points on Earth 2024-06-20
affinegap public A Cython implementation of the affine gap string distance 2024-06-20
categorical-distance public Compare two categorical variables 2024-06-19
datetime-distance public Compare string distances between dates, timestamps, or datetime objects. 2024-06-19
pyvinecopulib public A python interface to vinecopulib 2024-06-18
vinecopulib public A C++ library for vine copula models (w/ interfaces to R + Python) 2024-06-18
hmmlearn public Hidden Markov Models in Python with scikit-learn like API. 2024-06-17
py_entitymatching public Python library for entity matching. 2024-06-17
wdm public A header-only C++ library for weighted dependence measures. 2024-06-17
streamlit-keplergl public Streamlit Component for rendering kepler.gl maps 2024-06-15
py_stringsimjoin public Python library for string similarity joins. 2024-06-14
keplergl public Kepler.gl for Jupyter 2024-06-13
py_stringmatching public Python library for string matching. 2024-06-12
pyprind public A progress bar and a percentage indicator object that let you track the progress of an iterative computation 2024-06-11
python-box public Python dictionaries with recursive dot notation access 2024-06-10
rouge-score public Pure python implementation of ROUGE-1.5.5. 2024-06-10
pyxirr public Rust-powered collection of financial functions for Python. 2024-06-06
shareplum public Python SharePoint Library 2024-06-06
momepy public Urban Morphology Measuring Toolkit 2024-06-05
relationalai public The Python library for building and querying knowledge graphs with RelationalAI. 2024-06-05
rai-sdk public The RelationalAI Software Development Kit for Python 2024-06-04
osmnx public OSMnx is a Python package to easily download, model, analyze, and visualize street networks and other geospatial features from OpenStreetMap. 2024-06-03
gravis public Interactive graph visualizations with Python and HTML/CSS/JS. 2024-05-31
inquirerpy public Python port of Inquirer.js (A collection of common interactive command-line user interfaces) 2024-05-31
tsdownsample public Time series downsampling in Rust 2024-05-30
pfzy public Python port of the fzy fuzzy string matching algorithm. 2024-05-30
clustergram public Clustergram - visualization and diagnostics for cluster analysis 2024-05-28
tensorflow-text public TensorFlow is a machine learning library, base package contains only tensorflow. 2024-05-25
langchain-experimental public This package holds experimental LangChain code, intended for research and experimental uses. 2024-05-20
langchain-community public Community contributed LangChain integrations. 2024-05-16
pymoo public Multi-Objective Optimization in Python 2024-05-16
pm4py public Process mining for Python 2024-05-15
motor public Non-blocking MongoDB driver for Tornado or asyncio 2024-05-13
alive-progress public A new kind of Progress Bar. 2024-05-10

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