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sfe1ed40 / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
pyiceberg public Apache Iceberg is an open table format for huge analytic datasets 2024-09-19
google-cloud-bigquery-core public BigQuery API client library 2024-09-19
google-cloud-bigquery public BigQuery API client library 2024-09-19
google-cloud-resource-manager public Google Cloud Resource Manager API client library 2024-09-19
google-cloud-bigquery-storage-core public Core library for BigQuery Storage API 2024-09-19
google-cloud-bigquery-storage public Batteries-included library for BigQuery Storage API 2024-09-19
grpc-google-iam-v1 public GRPC library for the google-iam-v1 service 2024-09-19
socrata-py public SDK For publishing to Socrata 2024-09-18
db-dtypes public Pandas Data Types for SQL systems (BigQuery, Spanner) 2024-09-18
docstring_parser public Parse Python docstrings in reST and Google format 2024-09-18
hiclass public Hierarchical Classification Library 2024-09-13
antlr public ANother Tool for Language Recognition (ANTLR). 2024-09-11
data-science-utils public Data science common method for python. 2024-09-09
office365-rest-python-client public Microsoft 365 & Microsoft Graph Library for Python 2024-09-05
streamlit-echarts public Echarts custom component for Streamlit 2024-09-05
pyecharts public Python options, make charting easier 2024-09-05
unstructured public A library that prepares raw documents for downstream ML tasks. 2024-09-04
unstructured-client public Python Client SDK for Unstructured API 2024-09-04
libflac public Flac audio format 2024-08-28
jsonpath-python public A more powerful JSONPath implementation in modern python 2024-08-27
bson public Independent BSON codec for Python that doesn't depend on MongoDB. 2024-08-27
torcheval public A library for providing a simple interface to create new metrics and an easy-to-use toolkit for metric computations and checkpointing. 2024-08-27
filetype public Infer file type and MIME type of any file/buffer. No external dependencies. 2024-08-23
jsonpath public An XPath for JSON 2024-08-23
streamlit-navigation-bar public A component that allows you to place a navigation bar in your Streamlit app. 2024-08-22
st-theme public A component that returns the active theme of the Streamlit app. 2024-08-22
jiwer public Evaluate your speech-to-text system with similarity measures such as word error rate (WER) 2024-08-21
postal public Python bindings to libpostal for fast international address parsing/normalization 2024-08-20
libpostal public C library for parsing/normalizing street addresses around the world. 2024-08-20
pymilvus public Python Sdk for Milvus 2024-08-20
python-iso639 public Look-up utilities for ISO 639 language codes and names 2024-08-20
torchaudio public Torchaudio is a library for audio and signal processing with PyTorch. 2024-08-14
autoviml public Automatically Build Multiple ML Models with a Single Line of Code. 2024-08-08
auto-sklearn public Automated machine learning. 2024-08-08
igraph public An open source and free collection of network analysis tool. 2024-08-06
pyomo public Python Optimization Modeling Objects 2024-08-02
imbalanced-ensemble public Toolbox for ensemble learning on class-imbalanced dataset. 2024-08-02
snowflake-telemetry-python public Snowflake Telemetry for Python 2024-08-01
alibi-detect public Algorithms for outlier detection, concept drift and metrics. 2024-07-31
smac public Sequential Model-based Algorithm Configuration 2024-07-30
emcee public The Python ensemble sampling toolkit for MCMC 2024-07-30
python-magic public File type identification using libmagic 2024-07-26
pyatlan public The Atlan Python Client 2024-07-22
vrpy public A python framework for solving vehicle routing problems 2024-07-22
environs public Simplified environment variable parsing 2024-07-22
cspy public cspy is an open source Python package that gathers some algorithms to solve the (resource) Constrained Shortest Path (CSP) problem. 2024-07-22
lemon public Library for Efficient Modeling and Optimization in Networks 2024-07-22
dedupe-variable-datetime public DateTime variable type for dedupe 2024-07-12
matplotlib-venn public Functions for plotting area-proportional two- and three-way Venn diagrams in matplotlib. 2024-07-09
census public A wrapper for the US Census Bureau's API 2024-07-09

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