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sfe1ed40 / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
python-decouple public Strict separation of config from code. 2024-03-13
catch2 public A modern, C++-native, header-only, test framework for unit-tests, TDD and BDD - using C++11, C++14, C++17 and later (or C++03 on the Catch1.x branch). 2024-03-12
metaphone public A Python implementation of the double metaphone algorithms 2024-03-07
time-machine public Travel through time in your tests. 2024-03-07
libsimdpp public libsimdpp is a header-only zero-overhead C++ wrapper around SIMD intrinsics. 2024-03-05
pydantic-settings public Settings management using Pydantic 2024-03-05
s3path public Pathlib Extension for AWS S3 Service, to provide File-System/Path like interface 2024-03-04
kneed public Knee point detection using Python 2024-03-01
fpdf public Simple PDF generation for Python 2024-02-28
azureml-mlflow public Azure Machine Learning SDK allows to build and run machine learning workflows with Azure Machine Learning services. 2024-02-28
usaddress public Parse US addresses using conditional random fields 2024-02-23
titus2 public Python 3 implementation of Portable Format for Analytics 2024-02-23
azure-mgmt-storage public Microsoft Azure Storage Resource Management Client Library for Python 2024-02-23
janus public Mixed sync-async queue to interoperate between asyncio tasks and classic threads 2024-02-22
jproperties public Java Property file parser and writer for Python 2024-02-22
avro-python3 public Avro is a serialization and RPC framework. 2024-02-22
pykx public An interface between Python and q. 2024-02-21
minisom public Minimalistic implementation of the Self Organizing Maps (SOM) 2024-02-20
avro public Avro is a serialization and RPC framework. 2024-02-20
sklearn-som public A simple, planar self-organizing map with methods similar to clustering methods in Scikit Learn. 2024-02-14
sparse public Sparse multi-dimensional arrays for the PyData ecosystem 2024-02-09
signal_processing_algorithms public Signal Processing Algorithms from MongoDB 2024-02-08
simhash public This is a Python implementation of Simhash. 2024-02-08
pytorch-tabnet public PyTorch implementation of TabNet 2024-02-08
tableauserverclient public A Python library for the Tableau Server REST API 2024-02-08
requests-mock public requests-mock provides a building block to stub out the HTTP requests portions of your testing code. 2024-02-07
probableparsing public Common methods for probable parsing 2024-02-07
types-pyfarmhash public Typing stubs for pyfarmhash 2024-01-26
timezonefinder public fast python package for finding the timezone of any point on earth (coordinates) offline 2024-01-26
researchpy public Researchpy produces Pandas DataFrames that contain relevant statistical testing information that is commonly required for academic research. 2024-01-26
isotree public Isolation-Based Outlier Detection, Distance, and NA imputation 2024-01-25
movingpandas public MovingPandas implements Trajectory classes and corresponding methods based on GeoPandas. 2024-01-25
laszip-python public Python bindings for LASzip 2024-01-24
streamlit-pandas-profiling public Streamlit Pandas Profiling 2024-01-24
openskill public Multiplayer Rating System. No Friction. 2024-01-23
tsl_robin_map public C++ fast hash map and hash set using robin hood hashing 2024-01-23
yara-python public Python interface for YARA 2024-01-22
pyreadstat public read SAS, SPSS and STATA files into pandas data frames 2024-01-20
tenseal public A library for doing homomorphic encryption operations on tensors 2024-01-19
seal public Microsoft SEAL is an easy-to-use and powerful homomorphic encryption library. 2024-01-19
xtensor public The C++ tensor algebra library 2024-01-19
ms-gsl public Guidelines Support Library 2024-01-19
xtl public The xtensor-stack tools library 2024-01-19
doctest public The fastest feature-rich C++11/14/17/20 single-header testing framework for unit tests and TDD 2024-01-19
sql-metadata public Uses tokenized query returned by python-sqlparse and generates query metadata 2024-01-17
datatable public A Python package for manipulating 2-dimensional tabular data structures. 2024-01-12
spacy-langdetect public Fully customizable language detection pipeline for spaCy 2024-01-12
langdetect public Language detection library ported from Google's language-detection. 2024-01-12
vadersentiment public VADER Sentiment Analysis 2024-01-12
textblob public Simple, Pythonic text processing. Sentiment analysis, part-of-speech tagging, noun phrase parsing, and more. 2024-01-11

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