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sfe1ed40 / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
kedro public A Python library that implements software engineering best-practice for data and ML pipelines. 2023-11-29
pip-tools public pip-tools keeps your pinned dependencies fresh. 2023-11-28
toposort public Implements a topological sort algorithm 2023-11-28
anyconfig public Library provides common APIs to load and dump configuration files in various formats 2023-11-28
vowpalwabbit public Vowpal Wabbit is a machine learning system which pushes the frontier of machine learning with techniques such as online, hashing, allreduce, reductions, learning2search, active, and interactive learning. 2023-11-28
ensmallen public ensmallen is a C++ header-only library for mathematical optimization. 2023-11-28
armadillo public Armadillo C++ linear algebra library 2023-11-28
superlu public Supernodal LU: solvers for large, sparse, nonsymmetric systems of linear equations. 2023-11-27
sktime public A unified framework for machine learning with time series 2023-11-24
sse2neon public A C/C++ header file that converts Intel SSE intrinsics to Arm/Aarch64 NEON intrinsics. 2023-11-24
omegaconf public Flexible python configuration system 2023-11-24
pytest-lazy-fixture public It helps to use fixtures in pytest.mark.parametrize 2023-11-24
sf-hamilton public The general purpose micro-orchestration framework for creating dataflows from python functions. 2023-11-24
skbase public Base classes for sklearn-like parametric objects 2023-11-23
dynaconf public Configuration Management for Python 2023-11-22
nlp_primitives public natural language processing primitives for Featuretools 2023-11-22
geoip2 public IP address geolocation library for Maxmind DBs 2023-11-15
maxminddb public This is a Python module for reading MaxMind DB files 2023-11-14
dbt-extractor public Jinja value templates for dbt model files 2023-11-14
mashumaro public Fast serialization framework on top of dataclasses 2023-11-13
geoip public GeoIP Legacy C Library 2023-11-10
dlfcn-win32 public dlfcn-win32 is an implementation of dlfcn for Windows. 2023-11-08
forex-python public Forex Python is a Free Foreign exchange rates and currency conversion. 2023-11-06
woodwork public Woodwork is a Python library that provides robust methods for managing and communicating data typing information. 2023-10-27
rbcl public Python library that bundles libsodium and provides wrappers for its Ristretto group functions. 2023-10-27
pydicom public Pure python package for DICOM medical file reading and writing 2023-10-27
u8darts-torch public A python library for user-friendly forecasting and anomaly detection on time series. 2023-10-24
u8darts-notorch public A python library for user-friendly forecasting and anomaly detection on time series. 2023-10-24
u8darts-all public A python library for user-friendly forecasting and anomaly detection on time series. 2023-10-24
u8darts public A python library for user-friendly forecasting and anomaly detection on time series. 2023-10-24
oblivious public Python library that serves as an API for common cryptographic primitives used to implement OPRF, OT, and PSI protocols. 2023-10-23
streamlit-folium public Render Folium objects in Streamlit 2023-10-23
barriers public Python decorators for including/excluding type checks, value/bounds checks, and other code blocks within the compiled bytecode of functions and methods. 2023-10-23
pystache public Mustache for Python 2023-10-20
librdkafka public The Apache Kafka C/C++ client library 2023-10-19
bn254 public Pure-Python library that implements operations over the BN(2,254) pairing-friendly curve. 2023-10-18
fountains public Python library for generating and concisely specifying reproducible pseudorandom binary data for unit testing. 2023-10-18
ge25519 public Pure-Python data structure for working with Ed25519 (and Ristretto) field elements and operations. 2023-10-18
bitlist public Pure-Python library for working with bit vectors. 2023-10-18
fe25519 public Pure-Python data structure for working with Ed25519 (and Ristretto) field elements and operations. 2023-10-18
parts public Minimal library that enables partitioning of iterable objects in a concise manner. 2023-10-18
arrow-cpp public C++ libraries for Apache Arrow 2023-10-16
python-cufflinks public Productivity Tools for Plotly + Pandas 2023-10-16
cufflinks-py public Productivity Tools for Plotly + Pandas 2023-10-16
jinjasql2 public Generate SQL Queries and Corresponding Bind Parameters using a Jinja2 Template 2023-10-16
colorlover public Color scales in Python for humans 2023-10-16
nfoursid public Implementation of N4SID, Kalman filtering and state-space models 2023-10-13
scikit-criteria public Scikit-Criteria is a collection of Multiple-criteria decision analysis methods integrated into python. 2023-10-13
numpy-financial public Simple financial functions 2023-10-13
bertopic public BERTopic performs topic Modeling with state-of-the-art transformer models. 2023-10-11

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