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sfe1ed40 / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
geopy public Python Geocoding Toolbox. 2023-06-18
chart-studio public This package contains utilities for interfacing with Plotly's Chart Studio service 2023-06-18
lightfm public A Python implementation of LightFM, a hybrid recommendation algorithm. 2023-06-18
ruptures public Change point detection for signals, in Python 2023-06-18
asammdf public ASAM MDF measurement data file parser 2023-06-18
window-ops public Implementations of window operations such as rolling and expanding. 2023-06-18
rankfm public A python implementation of the generic factorization machines model class adapted for collaborative filtering recommendation problems with implicit feedback user-item interaction data and (optionally) additional user/item side features 2023-06-18
scikit-surprise public A Python scikit for building and analyzing recommender systems. 2023-06-18
implicit public Fast Python Collaborative Filtering for Implicit Datasets. 2023-06-18
adtk public A package for unsupervised time series anomaly detection 2023-06-18
mlflow-skinny public MLflow Skinny: A Lightweight Machine Learning Lifecycle Platform Client 2023-06-18
mlflow public MLflow: A Machine Learning Lifecycle Platform 2023-06-18
databricks-cli public A command line interface for Databricks 2023-06-18
prometheus_flask_exporter public Prometheus metrics exporter for Flask 2023-06-18
querystring_parser public QueryString parser for Python/Django that correctly handles nested dictionaries 2023-06-18
pytest-grpc public Write test for gRPC with pytest 2023-06-18
gensim public Topic Modelling for Humans 2023-06-18
prophet-pystan-model public Prophet PyStan Model for Snowpark 2023-06-18
quantile-forest public scikit-learn compatible quantile forests. 2023-06-15
quantlib-python public The python wrapper of QuantLib. 2023-06-13
quantlib public The QuantLib C++ library 2023-06-09
mgrs public MGRS coordinate conversion for Python 2023-06-08
scikit-learn-extra public scikit-learn contrib estimators 2023-06-06
tesserocr public A simple, Pillow-friendly, Python wrapper around tesseract-ocr API using Cython 2023-06-02
scispacy public A full SpaCy pipeline and models for scientific/biomedical documents. 2023-06-02

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