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schrodinger / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
pymol public Incentive PyMOL Molecular Visualization Tool 2025-03-26
pymol-bundle public Meta package for PyMOL bundle 2025-03-26
shader-slang public 'The Slang shading language is designed to enable real-time graphics developers to work with large-scale, high-performance shader code.' 2025-03-25
lavapipe public Cross-platform implementation of Vulkan 2025-03-25
swiftshader public High-performance CPU-based implementation of Vulkan 2025-03-25
vulkan-validation-layers public Vulkan validation layers to assist developers in the correct usage of the API. 2025-03-25
spirv-reflect public Lightweight library that provides a C/C++ reflection API for SPIR-V shader bytecode in Vulkan applications. 2025-03-25
slm_x509 public SLM local License Checking 2025-03-25
nodegraphqt public Node graph framework that can be re-implemented into applications that supports PySide2 or PyQt5 2025-03-25
vtk-m public VTK-m 2025-03-25
glm public OpenGL Mathematics 2025-03-25
pykerberos public high-level interface to Kerberos 2025-03-25
libholoplaycore public No Summary 2025-03-25
_tkinter_pymol public Patched _tkinter for PyMOL 2025-03-25
libgfortran public Fortran libraries from the GNU Compiler Collection 2025-03-25
spacenavigator public 3Dconnexion Space Navigator in Python using raw HID (windows only) 2025-03-25
pywinusb public USB / HID windows helper library 2025-03-25
openvr public OpenVR SDK 2025-03-25
collada2gltf public COLLADA to glTF converter 2025-03-25
abseil-cpp public Abseil Common Libraries (C++) 2025-03-25
catch2 public C++-native, header-only, test framework for unit-tests 2025-03-25
dmgbuild public command line tool to create macOS disk images 2025-03-25
mmtf-cpp public MMTF C++ header only implementation 2025-03-25
theseus public maximum likelihood superpositioning and analysis of macromolecular structures 2025-03-25
pycollada public python library for reading and writing collada documents 2025-03-25

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