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No Summary
2025-03-25 |
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Tools for measuring similarity among documents and detecting passages which have been reused. Implements shingled n-gram, skip n-gram, and other tokenizers; similarity/dissimilarity functions; pairwise comparisons; minhash and locality sensitive hashing algorithms; and a version of the Smith-Waterman local alignment algorithm suitable for natural language.
2025-03-25 |
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Identifies code blocks that have a high level of similarity within a set of R files.
2025-03-25 |
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Run 'R CMD check' on any of the 'R-hub' (<https://builder.r-hub.io/>) architectures, from the command line. The current architectures include 'Windows', 'macOS', 'Solaris' and various 'Linux' distributions.
2025-03-25 |
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HTML tables are a valuable data source but extracting and recasting these data into a useful format can be tedious. This package allows to collect structured information from HTML tables. It is similar to readHTMLTable() of the XML package but provides three major advantages. First, the function automatically expands row and column spans in the header and body cells. Second, users are given more control over the identification of header and body rows which will end up in the R table, including semantic header information that appear throughout the body. Third, the function preprocesses table code, corrects common types of malformations, removes unneeded parts and so helps to alleviate the need for tedious post-processing.
2025-03-25 |
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A wrapper around the C++ library 'polylabel' from 'Mapbox', providing an efficient routine for finding the approximate pole of inaccessibility of a polygon, which usually serves as an excellent candidate for labeling of a polygon.
2025-03-25 |
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Build complex HTML or 'LaTeX' tables using 'kable()' from 'knitr' and the piping syntax from 'magrittr'. Function 'kable()' is a light weight table generator coming from 'knitr'. This package simplifies the way to manipulate the HTML or 'LaTeX' codes generated by 'kable()' and allows users to construct complex tables and customize styles using a readable syntax.
2025-03-25 |
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Provides three classes: Queue, PriorityQueue and Stack. Queue is just a "plain vanilla" FIFO queue; PriorityQueue orders items according to priority. Stack implements LIFO.
2025-03-25 |
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Alluvial diagrams use x-splines, sometimes augmented with stacked histograms, to visualize multi-dimensional or repeated-measures data with categorical or ordinal variables. This package provides ggplot2 layers to produce alluvial diagrams from tidy data.
2025-03-25 |
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Include interactive sparkline charts <http://omnipotent.net/jquery.sparkline> in all R contexts with the convenience of 'htmlwidgets'.
2025-03-25 |
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Write blog posts and web pages in R Markdown. This package supports the static site generator 'Hugo' (<https://gohugo.io>) best, and it also supports 'Jekyll' (<http://jekyllrb.com>) and 'Hexo' (<https://hexo.io>).
2025-03-25 |
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Start an HTTP server in R to serve static files, or dynamic documents that can be converted to HTML files (e.g., R Markdown) under a given directory.
2025-03-25 |
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Give advice about good practices when building R packages. Advice includes functions and syntax to avoid, package structure, code complexity, code formatting, etc.
2025-03-25 |
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Look up the username and full name of the current user, the current user's email address and 'GitHub' username, using various sources of system and configuration information.
2025-03-25 |
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Run 'R CMD check' from 'R' programmatically, and capture the results of the individual checks.
2025-03-25 |
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Convert the output of 'utils::getParseData()' to an 'XML' tree, that one can search via 'XPath', and easier to manipulate in general.
2025-03-25 |
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Simultaneous clustering of rows and columns, usually designated by biclustering, co-clustering or block clustering, is an important technique in two way data analysis. It consists of estimating a mixture model which takes into account the block clustering problem on both the individual and variables sets. The 'blockcluster' package provides a bridge between the C++ core library build on top of the 'STK++' library, and the R statistical computing environment. This package allows to co-cluster binary <doi:10.1016/j.csda.2007.09.007>, contingency <doi:10.1080/03610920903140197>, continuous <doi:10.1007/s11634-013-0161-3> and categorical data-sets <doi:10.1007/s11222-014-9472-2>. It also provides utility functions to visualize the results. This package may be useful for various applications in fields of Data mining, Information retrieval, Biology, computer vision and many more. More information about the project and comprehensive tutorial can be found on the link mentioned in URL.
2025-03-25 |
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'STK++' <http://www.stkpp.org> is a collection of C++ classes for statistics, clustering, linear algebra, arrays (with an 'Eigen'-like API), regression, dimension reduction, etc. The integration of the library to 'R' is using 'Rcpp'. The 'rtkore' package includes the header files from the 'STK++' core library. All files contain only template classes and/or inline functions. 'STK++' is licensed under the GNU LGPL version 2 or later. 'rtkore' (the 'stkpp' integration into 'R') is licensed under the GNU GPL version 2 or later. See file LICENSE.note for details.
2025-03-25 |
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It provides 30 indexes for determining the optimal number of clusters in a data set and offers the best clustering scheme from different results to the user.
2025-03-25 |
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Plotting ggplot2 graphs using the XKCD style.
2025-03-25 |
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Performs search for global minimum of a very complex non-linear objective function with a very large number of optima.
2025-03-25 |
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A set of tools to analyze texts. Includes, amongst others, functions for automatic language detection, hyphenation, several indices of lexical diversity (e.g., type token ratio, HD-D/vocd-D, MTLD) and readability (e.g., Flesch, SMOG, LIX, Dale-Chall). Basic import functions for language corpora are also provided, to enable frequency analyses (supports Celex and Leipzig Corpora Collection file formats) and measures like tf-idf. Support for additional languages can be added on-the-fly or by plugin packages. Note: For full functionality a local installation of TreeTagger is recommended. 'koRpus' also includes a plugin for the R GUI and IDE RKWard, providing graphical dialogs for its basic features. The respective R package 'rkward' cannot be installed directly from a repository, as it is a part of RKWard. To make full use of this feature, please install RKWard from <https://rkward.kde.org> (plugins are detected automatically). Due to some restrictions on CRAN, the full package sources are only available from the project homepage. To ask for help, report bugs, request features, or discuss the development of the package, please subscribe to the koRpus-dev mailing list (<http://korpusml.reaktanz.de>).
2025-03-25 |
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Check if a given package name is available to use. It checks the name's validity. Checks if it is used on 'GitHub', 'CRAN' and 'Bioconductor'. Checks for unintended meanings by querying Urban Dictionary, 'Wiktionary' and Wikipedia.
2025-03-25 |
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A 'ggplot2' extension that provides flipped components: horizontal versions of 'Stats' and 'Geoms', and vertical versions of 'Positions'.
2025-03-25 |
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Pretty-prints R code without changing the user's formatting intent.
2025-03-25 |