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rocketce / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
array-record public A new file format derived from Riegeli 2025-03-25
sklearn-pandas public Pandas integration with sklearn 2025-03-25
objsize public Traversal over Python's objects subtree and calculate the total size of the subtree in bytes (deep size). 2025-03-25
lightning-cloud public Lightning Cloud. 2025-03-25
lightning-app public Use Lightning Apps to build everything from production-ready, multi-cloud ML systems to simple research demos. 2025-03-25
blessed public Easy, practical library for making terminal apps, by providing an elegant, well-documented interface to Colors, Keyboard input, and screen Positioning capabilities. 2025-03-25
arviz public Exploratory analysis of Bayesian models with Python 2025-03-25
ray-train public Ray is a fast and simple framework for building and running distributed applications. 2025-03-25
ray-air public Ray is a fast and simple framework for building and running distributed applications. 2025-03-25
ortools-python public Google Operations Research Tools (or-tools) python package 2025-03-25
ortools-cpp public Google Operations Research Tools (or-tools) python package 2025-03-25
coin-or-utils public COIN-OR Utilities (CoinUtils) 2025-03-25
coin-or-osi public Coin OR Open Solver Interface (OSI) 2025-03-25
coin-or-clp public COIN-OR linear programming (Clp) 2025-03-25
coin-or-cgl public COIN-OR Cut Generation Library (Cgl) 2025-03-25
coin-or-cbc public COIN-OR branch and cut (Cbc) 2025-03-25
pyro-ppl public A Python library for probabilistic modeling and inference 2025-03-25
orbit-ml public Orbit is a package for bayesian time series modeling and inference. 2025-03-25
lightning-utilities public Lightning Utilities. 2025-03-25
httplib2 public A comprehensive HTTP client library 2025-03-25
datasets public HuggingFace/Datasets is an open library of NLP datasets. 2025-03-25
cmdstanpy public CmdStanPy is a lightweight interface to Stan for Python users which provides the necessary objects and functions to compile a Stan program and fit the model to data using CmdStan. 2025-03-25
cloudpickle public Extended pickling support for Python objects 2025-03-25
zlib public Massively spiffy yet delicately unobtrusive compression library 2025-03-25
xsimd public C++ Wrappers for SIMD Intrinsices 2025-03-25

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