No Description
Uploaded | Mon Apr 2 23:53:19 2018 |
md5 checksum | 3b938586df1c13833b9dd920e5cf952e |
app_entry | open ${PREFIX}/Applications/ |
app_type | desk |
arch | x86_64 |
build | h9a1a769_0 |
depends | fonts-anaconda, libcxx >=4.0.1, libedit, libgfortran >=3.0.1, openssl >=1.0.2o,<1.0.3a, pandoc >=1.19.2, qt >=5.9.4,<5.10.0a0, r-base64enc >=0.1-3, r-bitops >=1.0_6, r-catools >=1.14, r-digest >=0.6, r-evaluate >=0.8, r-haven >=0.2.0, r-highr >=0.3, r-htmltools >=0.3.5, r-htmlwidgets >=0.6, r-httpuv >=1.3.3, r-jsonlite >=0.9.19, r-knitr >=1.14, r-markdown >=0.7, r-mime >=0.3, r-miniui >=0.1.1, r-mongolite >=0.8, r-odbc >=1.1.1, r-packrat >=0.4.8_1, r-pki >=0.1, r-profvis >=0.3.2, r-r6 >=2.0, r-rcpp >=0.11.5, r-rcurl >=1.95, r-readr >=0.2.2, r-readxl >=0.1.0, r-rjava >=0.4_15, r-rjdbc >=0.2_5, r-rjsonio >=1.0, r-rmarkdown >=1.6, r-rprojroot >=1.0, r-rsconnect >=0.8.5, r-rstudioapi >=0.5, r-shiny >=1.0, r-sourcetools >=0.1.5, r-sparklyr >=0.5.5, r-stringr >=0.6, r-xml2 >=0.1.2, r-xtable >=1.7, r-yaml >=2.1.5, zlib >=1.2.11,<1.3.0a0 |
has_prefix | True |
icon | c839dc03e5d17d3cd61dbf23ae3ca88b.png |
license | Commercial or AGPLv3 |
license_family | GPL |
machine | x86_64 |
operatingsystem | darwin |
platform | osx |
subdir | osx-64 |
summary | A set of integrated tools designed to help you be more productive with R |
target-triplet | x86_64-any-darwin |
timestamp | 1522713005461 |
type | app |