
No Description

Uploaded Fri Apr 6 12:27:44 2018
md5 checksum 844758f3168d34410c376fc27b972923
app_entry open "${PREFIX}/Applications/Qt 3D Studio..app"
app_type desk
arch x86_64
build h137f3e6_0
depends libcxx >=4.0.1, qt 5.9.*, qt >=5.9.4,<5.10.0a0, zlib >=1.2.11,<1.3.0a0
icon 5182e31bb86de404e6424a96fefc679a.png
license LGPL-3.0 with Qt Company GPL Exception 1.0
machine x86_64
operatingsystem darwin
platform osx
subdir osx-64
summary Create 3D UIs - Quickly and Easily
target-triplet x86_64-any-darwin
timestamp 1523017116233
type app