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rapidsai-nightly / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
rapids-xgboost public RAPIDS + DMLC XGBoost Integration 2025-02-16
rapids public RAPIDS Suite - Open GPU Data Science 2025-02-16
cuml public cuML library 2025-02-16
cuml-cpu public cuML-CPU library 2025-02-16
libcuml-tests public libcuml test & benchmark executables 2025-02-16
libcuml public libcuml library 2025-02-16
pylibwholegraph public pylibwholegraph library 2025-02-16
cugraph-pyg public cuGraph-pyg library 2025-02-16
libwholegraph-tests public libwholegraph tests 2025-02-16
libwholegraph public libwholegraph library 2025-02-16
cuvs-bench-cpu public cuVS CPU benchmarks 2025-02-16
cuvs-bench public cuVS GPU and CPU benchmarks 2025-02-16
cuvs public cuvs python library 2025-02-16
libcuvs-tests public libcuvs tests 2025-02-16
libcuvs-static public libcuvs static library 2025-02-16
libcuvs-examples public libcuvs examples 2025-02-16
libcuvs public libcuvs library 2025-02-16
nx-cugraph public cuGraph backend for GPU-accelerated NetworkX 2025-02-16
pylibcugraph public pylibcugraph library 2025-02-16
cugraph public cuGraph library 2025-02-16
cugraph-service-server public cugraph-service server 2025-02-16
cugraph-service-client public cugraph-service client 2025-02-16
libcugraph_etl public libcugraph_etl library 2025-02-16
libcugraph-tests public libcugraph test & benchmark executables 2025-02-16
libcugraph public libcugraph library 2025-02-16
cuxfilter public GPU accelerated cross filtering with cuDF 2025-02-16
cuspatial public cuSpatial GPU Spatial and Trajectory Data Management and Analytics Library 2025-02-16
cuproj public cuProj GPU Geographic Projection Library for Python 2025-02-16
libcuspatial-tests public No Summary 2025-02-16
libcuspatial public libcuspatial library 2025-02-16
libcumlprims public libcuMLPrims library 2025-02-16
raft-dask public raft-dask library 2025-02-16
pylibraft public pylibraft library 2025-02-16
libraft-tests public libraft tests 2025-02-16
libraft-static public libraft static library 2025-02-16
libraft-headers-only public libraft-headers-only library 2025-02-16
libraft-headers public libraft-headers library 2025-02-16
libraft public libraft library 2025-02-16
pylibcudf public pylibcudf library 2025-02-16
dask-cudf public dask-cudf library 2025-02-16
custreamz public cuStreamz library 2025-02-16
cudf_kafka public libcudf_kafka library 2025-02-16
cudf-polars public cudf-polars library 2025-02-16
cudf public cuDF GPU DataFrame core library 2025-02-16
libcudf_kafka public libcudf_kafka library 2025-02-16
libcudf-tests public libcudf test & benchmark executables 2025-02-16
libcudf public libcudf library 2025-02-16
ucxx public UCX Python interface built on top of the libucxx C++ implementation 2025-02-16
libucxx-tests public libucxx tests executables 2025-02-16
libucxx public libucxx library 2025-02-16

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