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This package was created to analyze multi-level one-way experimental designs. It is designed to handle vectorized observation and factor data where there are unequal sample sizes and population variance homogeneity can not be assumed. To conduct the Dunnett modified Tukey-Kramer test (a.k.a. the T3 Procedure), create two vectors: one for your observations and one for the factor level of each observation. The function, gl.unequal, provides a means to more conveniently produce a factor vector with unequal sample sizes. Next, use the DTK.test function to conduct the test and save the output as an object to input into the DTK.plot function, which produces a confidence interval plot for each of the pairwise comparisons. Lastly, the function TK.test conducts the original Tukey-Kramer test.
2023-06-16 |
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Calculate posterior modes and credible intervals of parameters of the Dixon-Simon model for subgroup analysis (with binary covariates) in clinical trials.
2023-06-16 |
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Rows of two matrices are compared for Shannon entropy, coefficient of variation, and expression. P-values can be requested for all metrics.
2023-06-16 |
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Fixation and saccade detection in eye movement recordings. This package implements a dispersion-based algorithm (I-DT) proposed by Salvucci & Goldberg (2000) which detects fixation duration and position.
2023-06-16 |
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Contains various routines for drawing ellipses and ellipse-like confidence regions, implementing the plots described in Murdoch and Chow (1996), A graphical display of large correlation matrices, The American Statistician 50, 178-180. There are also routines implementing the profile plots described in Bates and Watts (1988), Nonlinear Regression Analysis and its Applications.
2023-06-16 |
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An eikosogram (ancient Greek for probability picture) divides the unit square into rectangular regions whose areas, sides, and widths, represent various probabilities associated with the values of one or more categorical variates. Rectangle areas are joint probabilities, widths are always marginal (though possibly joint margins, i.e. marginal joint distributions of two or more variates), and heights of rectangles are always conditional probabilities. Eikosograms embed the rules of probability and are useful for introducing elementary probability theory, including axioms, marginal, conditional, and joint probabilities, and their relationships (including Bayes theorem as a completely trivial consequence). They are markedly superior to Venn diagrams for this purpose, especially in distinguishing probabilistic independence, mutually exclusive events, coincident events, and associations. They also are useful for identifying and understanding conditional independence structure. As data analysis tools, eikosograms display categorical data in a manner similar to Mosaic plots, especially when only two variates are involved (the only case in which they are essentially identical, though eikosograms purposely disallow spacing between rectangles). Unlike Mosaic plots, eikosograms do not alternate axes as each new categorical variate (beyond two) is introduced. Instead, only one categorical variate, designated the "response", presents on the vertical axis and all others, designated the "conditioning" variates, appear on the horizontal. In this way, conditional probability appears only as height and marginal probabilities as widths. The eikosogram is therefore much better suited to a response model analysis (e.g. logistic model) than is a Mosaic plot. Mosaic plots are better suited to log-linear style modelling as in discrete multivariate analysis. Of course, eikosograms are also suited to discrete multivariate analysis with each variate in turn appearing as the response. This makes it better suited than Mosaic plots to discrete graphical models based on conditional independence graphs (i.e. "Bayesian Networks" or "BayesNets"). The eikosogram and its superiority to Venn diagrams in teaching probability is described in W.H. Cherry and R.W. Oldford (2003) <https://math.uwaterloo.ca/~rwoldfor/papers/eikosograms/paper.pdf>, its value in exploring conditional independence structure and relation to graphical and log-linear models is described in R.W. Oldford (2003) <https://math.uwaterloo.ca/~rwoldfor/papers/eikosograms/independence/paper.pdf>, and a number of problems, puzzles, and paradoxes that are easily explained with eikosograms are given in R.W. Oldford (2003) <https://math.uwaterloo.ca/~rwoldfor/papers/eikosograms/examples/paper.pdf>.
2023-06-16 |
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Tools for the identification of unique of multilocus genotypes when both genotyping error and missing data may be present. The package is targeted at those working with large datasets and databases containing multiple samples of each individual, a situation that is common in conservation genetics, and particularly in non-invasive wildlife sampling applications. Functions explicitly incorporate missing data, and can tolerate allele mismatches created by genotyping error. If you use this tool, please cite the package using the journal article in Molecular Ecology Resources (Galpern et al., 2012). Please use citation('allelematch') to call the full citation. For users with access to the associated journal article, tutorial material is also available as supplementary material to the article describing this software, the citation for which can be called using citation('allelematch').
2023-06-16 |
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Empirical likelihood (EL) inference for two-sample problems. The following statistics are included: the difference of two-sample means, smooth Huber estimators, quantile (qdiff) and cumulative distribution functions (ddiff), probability-probability (P-P) and quantile-quantile (Q-Q) plots as well as receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves.
2023-06-16 |
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Given the scores from decision makers, the analytic hierarchy process can be conducted easily.
2023-06-16 |
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Efficiently create dummies of all factors and character vectors in a data frame. Support is included for learning the categories on one data set (e.g., a training set) and deploying them on another (e.g., a test set).
2023-06-16 |
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Performs various analyzes of descriptive statistics, including correlations, graphics and tables.
2023-06-16 |
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We present DRaWR, a network-based method for ranking genes or properties related to a given gene set. Such related genes or properties are identified from among the nodes of a large, heterogeneous network of biological information. Our method involves a random walk with restarts, performed on an initial network with multiple node and edge types, preserving more of the original, specific property information than current methods that operate on homogeneous networks. In this first stage of our algorithm, we find the properties that are the most relevant to the given gene set and extract a subnetwork of the original network, comprising only the relevant properties. We then rerank genes by their similarity to the given gene set, based on a second random walk with restarts, performed on the above subnetwork.
2023-06-16 |
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Functions for estimating EMP (Expected Maximum Profit Measure) in Credit Risk Scoring and Customer Churn Prediction, according to Verbraken et al (2013, 2014) <DOI:10.1109/TKDE.2012.50>, <DOI:10.1016/j.ejor.2014.04.001>.
2023-06-16 |
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Useful when reading the book above mentioned, in the documentation referred to as `the book'.
2023-06-16 |
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A set of methods to access and parse live filing information from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC - <https://sec.gov>) including company and fund filings along with all associated metadata.
2023-06-16 |
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We propose a new sample size calculation method for trial-based cost-effectiveness analyses. Our strategy is based on the value of perfect information that would remain after the completion of the study.
2023-06-16 |
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Solving large scale distance weighted discrimination. The main algorithm is a symmetric Gauss-Seidel based alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) method. See Lam, X.Y., Marron, J.S., Sun, D.F., and Toh, K.C. (2018) <arXiv:1604.05473> for more details.
2023-06-16 |
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Computes Dunn's test (1964) for stochastic dominance and reports the results among multiple pairwise comparisons after a Kruskal-Wallis test for stochastic dominance among k groups (Kruskal and Wallis, 1952). The interpretation of stochastic dominance requires an assumption that the CDF of one group does not cross the CDF of the other. 'dunn.test' makes k(k-1)/2 multiple pairwise comparisons based on Dunn's z-test-statistic approximations to the actual rank statistics. The null hypothesis for each pairwise comparison is that the probability of observing a randomly selected value from the first group that is larger than a randomly selected value from the second group equals one half; this null hypothesis corresponds to that of the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney rank-sum test. Like the rank-sum test, if the data can be assumed to be continuous, and the distributions are assumed identical except for a difference in location, Dunn's test may be understood as a test for median difference. 'dunn.test' accounts for tied ranks.
2023-06-16 |
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For the implementation of the step-down or step-up Dunnett testing procedures, the package includes R functions to calculate critical constants and R functions to calculate adjusted P-values of the test statistics. In addition, the package also contains functions to evaluate testing powers and hence the necessary sample sizes specially for the classical problem of comparisons of several treatments with a control.
2023-06-16 |
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This package provides functions for 1D and 2D Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT), Discrete Sine Transform (DST) and Discrete Hartley Transform (DHT).
2023-06-16 |
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Provides the "enrich" method to enrich list-like R objects with new, relevant components. The current version has methods for enriching objects of class 'family', 'link-glm', 'lm', 'glm' and 'betareg'. The resulting objects preserve their class, so all methods associated with them still apply. The package also provides the 'enriched_glm' function that has the same interface as 'glm' but results in objects of class 'enriched_glm'. In addition to the usual components in a `glm` object, 'enriched_glm' objects carry an object-specific simulate method and functions to compute the scores, the observed and expected information matrix, the first-order bias, as well as model densities, probabilities, and quantiles at arbitrary parameter values. The package can also be used to produce customizable source code templates for the structured implementation of methods to compute new components and enrich arbitrary objects.
2023-06-16 |
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Multilevel ecological data series (MEDS) are sequences of observations ordered according to temporal/spatial hierarchies that are defined by sample designs, with sample variability confined to ecological factors. Dendroclimatic MEDS of tree rings and climate are modeled into normalized fluctuations of tree growth and aridity. Modeled fluctuations (model frames) are compared with Mantel correlograms on multiple levels defined by sample design. Package implementation can be understood by running examples in modelFrame(), and muleMan() functions.
2023-06-16 |
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Convenience functions for aggregating data frame. Currently mean, sum and variance are supported. For Date variables, recency and duration are supported. There is also support for dummy variables in predictive contexts.
2023-06-16 |
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Enables simulation of water piping networks using 'EPANET'. The package provides functions from the 'EPANET' programmer's toolkit as R functions so that basic or customized simulations can be carried out from R. The package uses 'EPANET' version 2.1 from Open Water Analytics <https://github.com/OpenWaterAnalytics/EPANET/releases/tag/v2.1>.
2023-06-16 |
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Set of functions to keep track of user-defined environment names (which cannot be retrieved with the built-in function environmentName()). The package also provides functionality to search for objects in environments, deal with function calling chains, and retrieve an object's memory address.
2023-06-16 |
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Contains methods for the estimation of Shannon's entropy, variants of Renyi's entropy, mutual information, Kullback-Leibler divergence, and generalized Simpson's indices. The estimators used have a bias that decays exponentially fast.
2023-06-16 |
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A flexible framework for calculating Elo ratings and resulting rankings of any two-team-per-matchup system (chess, sports leagues, 'Go', etc.). This implementation is capable of evaluating a variety of matchups, Elo rating updates, and win probabilities, all based on the basic Elo rating system. It also includes methods to benchmark performance, including logistic regression and Markov chain models.
2023-06-16 |
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This package allows to use the hybrid Multinomial-Dirichlet-Model of Ecological Inference for estimating inner Cells of RxC-Tables. This was already implemented in the eiPack-package. eiwild-package now has the possibility to use individual level data to support the aggregate level data and using different Hyperpriori-Distributions.
2023-06-16 |
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EcoTroph is an approach and software for modelling marine and freshwater ecosystems. It is articulated entirely around trophic levels. EcoTroph's key displays are bivariate plots, with trophic levels as the abscissa, and biomass flows or related quantities as ordinates. Thus, trophic ecosystem functioning can be modelled as a continuous flow of biomass surging up the food web, from lower to higher trophic levels, due to predation and ontogenic processes. Such an approach, wherein species as such disappear, may be viewed as the ultimate stage in the use of the trophic level metric for ecosystem modelling, providing a simplified but potentially useful caricature of ecosystem functioning and impacts of fishing. This version contains catch trophic spectrum analysis (CTSA) function and corrected versions of the mf.diagnosis and create.ETmain functions.
2023-06-16 |
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Dynamic treatment regime estimation and inference via G-estimation, dynamic weighted ordinary least squares (dWOLS) and Q-learning. Inference via bootstrap and (for G-estimation) recursive sandwich estimation. Estimation and inference for survival outcomes via Dynamic Weighted Survival Modeling (DWSurv).
2023-06-16 |
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This package implements different algorithms for analyzing randomly truncated data, one-sided and two-sided (i.e. doubly) truncated data. Two real data sets are included.
2023-06-16 |
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Generates simulated data representing the LOX drop testing process (also known as impact testing). A simulated process allows for accelerated study of test behavior. Functions are provided to simulate trials, test series, and groups of test series. Functions for creating plots specific to this process are also included. Test attributes and criteria can be set arbitrarily. This work is not endorsed by or affiliated with NASA. See "ASTM G86-17, Standard Test Method for Determining Ignition Sensitivity of Materials to Mechanical Impact in Ambient Liquid Oxygen and Pressurized Liquid and Gaseous Oxygen Environments" <doi:10.1520/G0086-17>.
2023-06-16 |
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This package implements various estimators of entropy, such as the shrinkage estimator by Hausser and Strimmer, the maximum likelihood and the Millow-Madow estimator, various Bayesian estimators, and the Chao-Shen estimator. It also offers an R interface to the NSB estimator. Furthermore, it provides functions for estimating Kullback-Leibler divergence, chi-squared, mutual information, and chi-squared statistic of independence. In addition there are functions for discretizing continuous random variables.
2023-06-16 |
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Add simple runtime contracts to R values. These ensure that values fulfil certain conditions and will raise appropriate errors if they do not.
2023-06-16 |
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Statistical tools for environmental and ecological surveys. Simulation-based power and precision analysis; detection probabilities from different survey designs; visual fast count estimation.
2023-06-16 |
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This package includes functions to read and write to an EMME/2 databank
2023-06-16 |
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Auxiliary functions and data sets for "Ecological Models and Data", a book presenting maximum likelihood estimation and related topics for ecologists (ISBN 978-0-691-12522-0).
2023-06-16 |
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Solves the ``inverse eigenvalue problem'' which is to generate a real-valued matrix that has the specified real eigenvalue spectrum. It can generate infinitely many dense matrices, symmetric or asymmetric, with the given set of eigenvalues. Algorithm can also generate stochastic and doubly stochastic matrices.
2023-06-16 |
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Extended and enhanced hierarchical logistic regression models (called Huisman-Olff-Fresco in biology, see Huisman et al. 1993 JVS <doi:10.1111/jvs.12050>) models. Response curves along one-dimensional gradients including no response, monotone, plateau, unimodal and bimodal models.
2023-06-16 |
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Facilitates basic spatial edge correction to point pattern data.
2023-06-16 |
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EM algorithm for Fitting Mixture of Multivariate Skew Normal and Skew t Distributions. An implementation of the algorithm described in Wang, Ng, and McLachlan (2009) <doi:10.1109/DICTA.2009.88>.
2023-06-16 |
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Empirical likelihood ratio tests for the Yang and Prentice (short/long term hazards ratio) models. Empirical likelihood tests within a Cox model, for parameters defined via both baseline hazard function and regression parameters.
2023-06-16 |
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Perform dynamic model averaging with grid search as in Dangl and Halling (2012) <doi:10.1016/j.jfineco.2012.04.003> using parallel computing.
2023-06-16 |
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The package is aimed at dynamically visualizing probability distributions and their moments and all the commonly used distributions are included.
2023-06-16 |
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Add a "Did You Mean" feature to the R interactive. With this package, error messages for misspelled input of variable names or package names suggest what you really want to do in addition to notification of the mistake.
2023-06-16 |
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A series of functions which aid in both simulating and determining the properties of finite, discrete-time, discrete state markov chains. Two functions (DTMC, MultDTMC) produce n iterations of a Markov Chain(s) based on transition probabilities and an initial distribution. The function FPTime determines the first passage time into each state. The function statdistr determines the stationary distribution of a Markov Chain.
2023-06-16 |
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Non-iterative estimator for the cumulative distribution of a doubly truncated variable. de Uña-Álvarez J. (2018) <doi:10.1007/978-3-319-73848-2_37>.
2023-06-16 |
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A d-statistic tests the null hypothesis of no treatment effect in a matched, nonrandomized study of the effects caused by treatments. A d-statistic focuses on subsets of matched pairs that demonstrate insensitivity to unmeasured bias in such an observational study, correcting for double-use of the data by conditional inference. This conditional inference can, in favorable circumstances, substantially increase the power of a sensitivity analysis (Rosenbaum (2010) <doi:10.1007/978-1-4419-1213-8_14>). There are two examples, one concerning unemployment from Lalive et al. (2006) <doi:10.1111/j.1467-937X.2006.00406.x>, the other concerning smoking and periodontal disease from Rosenbaum (2017) <doi:10.1214/17-STS621>.
2023-06-16 |
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Bayesian Model Averaging to create probabilistic forecasts from ensemble forecasts and weather observations.
2023-06-16 |
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Functions for estimating catalytic constant and Michaelis-Menten constant for enzyme kinetics model using Metropolis-Hasting algorithm within Gibbs sampler based on the Bayesian framework. Additionally, a function to create plot to identify the goodness-of-fit is included.
2023-06-16 |