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r_test / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
r-scifigure public Users may specify what fundamental qualities of a new study have or have not changed in an attempt to reproduce or replicate an original study. A comparison of the differences is visualized. Visualization approach follows 'Patil', 'Peng', and 'Leek' (2016) <doi:10.1101/066803>. 2023-06-16
r-scatterd3 public Creates 'D3' 'JavaScript' scatterplots from 'R' with interactive features : panning, zooming, tooltips, etc. 2023-06-16
r-spyvsspy public Data on the Spy vs. Spy comic strip of Mad magazine, created and written by Antonio Prohias. 2023-06-16
r-spreda public The Statistical Package for REliability Data Analysis (SPREDA) implements recently-developed statistical methods for the analysis of reliability data. Modern technological developments, such as sensors and smart chips, allow us to dynamically track product/system usage as well as other environmental variables, such as temperature and humidity. We refer to these variables as dynamic covariates. The package contains functions for the analysis of time-to-event data with dynamic covariates and degradation data with dynamic covariates. The package also contains functions that can be used for analyzing time-to-event data with right censoring, and with left truncation and right censoring. Financial support from NSF and DuPont are acknowledged. 2023-06-16
r-splot public Automates common plotting tasks to ease data exploration. Makes density plots (potentially overlaid on histograms), scatter plots with prediction lines, or bar or line plots with error bars. For each type, y, or x and y variables can be plotted at levels of other variables, all with minimal specification. 2023-06-16
r-splitfeas public An implementation of the majorization-minimization (MM) algorithm introduced by Xu, Chi, Yang, and Lange (2017) <arXiv:1612.05614> for solving multi-set split feasibility problems. In the multi-set split feasibility problem, we seek to find a point x in the intersection of multiple closed sets and whose image under a mapping also must fall in the intersection of several closed sets. 2023-06-16
r-spcavrp public Implements the SPCAvRP algorithm, developed and analysed in "Sparse principal component analysis via random projections" Gataric, M., Wang, T. and Samworth, R. J. (2018) <arXiv:1712.05630>. The algorithm is based on the aggregation of eigenvector information from carefully-selected random projections of the sample covariance matrix. 2023-06-16
r-sparsemdc public Implements the algorithm described in Barron, M., and Li, J. (Not yet published). This algorithm clusters samples from multiple ordered populations, links the clusters across the conditions and identifies marker genes for these changes. The package was designed for scRNA-Seq data but is also applicable to many other data types, just replace cells with samples and genes with variables. The package also contains functions for estimating the parameters for SparseMDC as outlined in the paper. We recommend that users further select their marker genes using the magnitude of the cluster centers. 2023-06-16
r-sparkline public Include interactive sparkline charts <http://omnipotent.net/jquery.sparkline> in all R contexts with the convenience of 'htmlwidgets'. 2023-06-16
r-spanish public Character vector to numerical translation in Euros from Spanish spelled monetary quantities. Reverse translation from integer to Spanish. Upper limit is up to the millions range. Geocoding via Cadastral web site. 2023-06-16
r-solrad public For surface energy models and estimation of solar positions and components with varying topography, time and locations. The functions calculate solar top-of-atmosphere, open, diffuse and direct components, atmospheric transmittance and diffuse factors, day length, sunrise and sunset, solar azimuth, zenith, altitude, incidence, and hour angles, earth declination angle, equation of time, and solar constant. Details about the methods and equations are explained in Seyednasrollah, Bijan, Mukesh Kumar, and Timothy E. Link. 'On the role of vegetation density on net snow cover radiation at the forest floor.' Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 118.15 (2013): 8359-8374, <doi:10.1002/jgrd.50575>. 2023-06-16
r-soilwater public It implements parametric formulas of soil water retention or conductivity curve. At the moment, only Van Genuchten (for soil water retention curve) and Mualem (for hydraulic conductivity) were implemented. See reference (<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_retention_curve>). 2023-06-16
r-soiltexture public "The Soil Texture Wizard" is a set of R functions designed to produce texture triangles (also called texture plots, texture diagrams, texture ternary plots), classify and transform soil textures data. These functions virtually allows to plot any soil texture triangle (classification) into any triangle geometry (isosceles, right-angled triangles, etc.). This set of function is expected to be useful to people using soil textures data from different soil texture classification or different particle size systems. Many (> 15) texture triangles from all around the world are predefined in the package. A simple text based graphical user interface is provided: soiltexture_gui(). 2023-06-16
r-snem public Efficient estimation of multivariate skew-normal distribution in closed form. 2023-06-16
r-smss public Datasets used in "Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences" (SMSS) by Alan Agresti and Barbara Finlay. 2023-06-16
r-skewt public Density, distribution function, quantile function and random generation for the skewed t distribution of Fernandez and Steel. 2023-06-16
r-simpleboot public Simple bootstrap routines. 2023-06-16
r-simms public Algorithms to create prognostic biomarkers using biological genesets or networks. 2023-06-16
r-simboot public Provides estimation of simultaneous bootstrap and asymptotic confidence intervals for diversity indices, namely the Shannon and the Simpson index. Several pre--specified multiple comparison types are available to choose. Further user--defined contrast matrices are applicable. In addition, simboot estimates adjusted as well as unadjusted p--values for two of the three proposed bootstrap methods. Further simboot allows for comparing biological diversities of two or more groups while simultaneously testing a user-defined selection of Hill numbers of orders q, which are considered as appropriate and useful indices for measuring diversity. 2023-06-16
r-siebanxicor public Allows to retrieve time series of all indicators available in the Bank of Mexico's Economic Information System (<http://www.banxico.org.mx/SieInternet/>). 2023-06-16
r-shutterstock public Access 'Shutterstock' API from R. The 'Shutterstock' API presents access to search, view, license and download the media and information from the 'Shutterstock's library <https://api-reference.shutterstock.com/>. 2023-06-16
r-shinyshortcut public Provides function shinyShortcut() that, when given the base directory of a shiny application, will produce an executable file that runs the shiny app directly in the user's default browser. Tested on both windows and unix machines. Inspired by and borrowing from <http://www.mango-solutions.com/wp/2017/03/shiny-based-tablet-or-desktop-app/>. 2023-06-16
r-shiny.i18n public It provides easy internationalization of Shiny applications. It can be used as standalone translation package to translate reports, interactive visualizations or graphical elements as well. 2023-06-16
r-shinyhelper public Creates a lightweight way to add markdown helpfiles to 'shiny' apps, using modal dialog boxes, with no need to observe each help button separately. 2023-06-16
r-sharpr2 public An algorithm for identifying high-resolution driver elements for datasets from a high-definition reporter assay library. Xinchen Wang, Liang He, Sarah Goggin, Alham Saadat, Li Wang, Melina Claussnitzer, Manolis Kellis (2017) <doi:10.1101/193136>. 2023-06-16
r-sgb public Main properties and regression procedures using a generalization of the Dirichlet distribution called Simplicial Generalized Beta distribution. It is a new distribution on the simplex (i.e. on the space of compositions or positive vectors with sum of components equal to 1). The Dirichlet distribution can be constructed from a random vector of independent Gamma variables divided by their sum. The SGB follows the same construction with generalized Gamma instead of Gamma variables. The Dirichlet exponents are supplemented by an overall shape parameter and a vector of scales. The scale vector is itself a composition and can be modeled with auxiliary variables through a log-ratio transformation. Graf, M. (2017, ISBN: 978-84-947240-0-8). See also the vignette enclosed in the package. 2023-06-16
r-segregation public Computes entropy-based segregation indices, as developed by Theil (1971) <isbn:978-0471858454>, with a focus on the Mutual Information Index (M) and Theil's Information Index (H). The M, further described by Mora and Ruiz-Castillo (2011) <doi:10.1111/j.1467-9531.2011.01237.x> and Frankel and Volij (2011) <doi:10.1016/j.jet.2010.10.008>, is a measure of segregation that is highly decomposable. The package provides tools to decompose the index by units and groups (local segregation), and by within and between terms. Includes standard error estimation by bootstrapping. 2023-06-16
r-scoreggum public Estimate GGUM Person Parameters Using Pre-Calibrated Item Parameters and Binary or Graded Disagree-Agree Responses 2023-06-16
r-sarp.moodle public Provides a set of basic functions for creating Moodle XML output files suited for importing questions in Moodle (a learning management system, see <https://moodle.org/> for more information). 2023-06-16
r-samplesizeproportions public A set of R functions for calculating sample size requirements using three different Bayesian criteria in the context of designing an experiment to estimate the difference between two binomial proportions. Functions for calculation of required sample sizes for the Average Length Criterion, the Average Coverage Criterion and the Worst Outcome Criterion in the context of binomial observations are provided. In all cases, estimation of the difference between two binomial proportions is considered. Functions for both the fully Bayesian and the mixed Bayesian/likelihood approaches are provided. 2023-06-16
r-salty public Take real or simulated data and salt it with errors commonly found in the wild, such as pseudo-OCR errors, Unicode problems, numeric fields with nonsensical punctuation, bad dates, etc. 2023-06-16
r-saltsampler public The SALTSampler package facilitates Monte Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC) sampling of random variables on a simplex. A Self-Adjusting Logit Transform (SALT) proposal is used so that sampling is still efficient even in difficult cases, such as those in high dimensions or with parameters that differ by orders of magnitude. Special care is also taken to maintain accuracy even when some coordinates approach 0 or 1 numerically. Diagnostic and graphic functions are included in the package, enabling easy assessment of the convergence and mixing of the chain within the constrained space. 2023-06-16
r-spls public Provides functions for fitting a sparse partial least squares (SPLS) regression and classification (Chun and Keles (2010) <doi:10.1111/j.1467-9868.2009.00723.x>). 2023-06-16
r-spgrass6 public Interpreted interface between GRASS 6+ geographical information system and R, based on starting R from within the GRASS environment, or running free-standing R in a temporary GRASS location; the package provides facilities for using all GRASS commands from the R command line. This package may not be used for GRASS 7, for which rgrass7 should be used. 2023-06-16
r-spec public Creates a data specification that describes the columns of a table (data.frame). Provides methods to read, write, and update the specification. Checks whether a table matches its specification. See specification.data.frame(),read.spec(), write.spec(), as.csv.spec(), respecify.character(), and %matches%.data.frame(). 2023-06-16
r-spader public Estimation of various biodiversity indices and related (dis)similarity measures based on individual-based (abundance) data or sampling-unit-based (incidence) data taken from one or multiple communities/assemblages. 2023-06-16
r-spaddins public A set of RStudio addins that are designed to be used in combination with user-defined RStudio keyboard shortcuts. These addins either: 1) insert text at a cursor position (e.g. insert operators %>%, <<-, %$%, etc.), 2) replace symbols in selected pieces of text (e.g., convert backslashes to forward slashes which results in stings like "c:\data\" converted into "c:/data/") or 3) enclose text with special symbols (e.g., converts "bold" into "**bold**") which is convenient for editing R Markdown files. 2023-06-16
r-somekfwer public This package collects some procedures controlling the Generalized Familywise Error Rate. 2023-06-16
r-solverationalmatrixequation public Given a symmetric positive definite matrix Q and a non-singular matrix L, find symmetric positive definite solution X such that X = Q + L (X inv) L^T. Reference: Benner, P., Faßbender, H. On the Solution of the Rational Matrix Equation. Benner, Faßbender (2007) <doi:10.1155/2007/21850>. 2023-06-16
r-smcrm public Data Sets for Kumar and Petersen (2012). Statistical Methods in Customer Relationship Management, Wiley: New York. 2023-06-16
r-smco public This package is for optimizing non-linear complex functions based on Monte Carlo random sampling. 2023-06-16
r-skmeans public Algorithms to compute spherical k-means partitions. Features several methods, including a genetic and a fixed-point algorithm and an interface to the CLUTO vcluster program. 2023-06-16
r-skellam public Functions for the Skellam distribution, including: density (pmf), cdf, quantiles and regression. 2023-06-16
r-sizer public Calculates and plots the SiZer map for scatterplot data. A SiZer map is a way of examining when the p-th derivative of a scatterplot-smoother is significantly negative, possibly zero or significantly positive across a range of smoothing bandwidths. 2023-06-16
r-sinib public Density, distribution function, quantile function and random generation for the sum of independent non-identical binomial distribution with parameters \code{size} and \code{prob}. 2023-06-16
r-simscrpiecewise public Contains two functions for simulating survival data from piecewise exponential hazards with a proportional hazards adjustment for covariates. The first function SimUNIVPiecewise simulates univariate survival data based on a piecewise exponential hazard, covariate matrix and true regression vector. The second function SimSCRPiecewise semi-competing risks data based on three piecewise exponential hazards, three true regression vectors and three matrices of patient covariates (which can be different or the same). This simulates from the Semi-Markov model of Lee et al (2015) given patient covariates, regression parameters, patient frailties and baseline hazard functions. 2023-06-16
r-simplecache public Provides intuitive functions for caching R objects, encouraging reproducible, restartable, and distributed R analysis. The user selects a location to store caches, and then provides nothing more than a cache name and instructions (R code) for how to produce the R object. Also provides some advanced options like environment assignments, recreating or reloading caches, and cluster compute bindings (using the 'batchtools' package) making it flexible enough for use in large-scale data analysis projects. 2023-06-16
r-shiny.router public The minimal router for your Shiny apps. It allows you to create dynamic web applications with real-time user interface and easily share URLs to pages within your Shiny apps. 2023-06-16
r-shinymatrix public Implements a custom matrix input field. 2023-06-16
r-severity public This package contains functions for calculating severity and generating severity curves. Specifically, the simple case of the one-parameter Normal distribution (i.e., with known variance) is considered. 2023-06-16

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