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Basic functions for dealing with wav files and sound samples.
2023-06-16 |
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some Brownian motions simulation functions
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Parentage analysis using Bayes' theorem
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contains several supplementary non-parametric statistics methods including quantile test, Cox-Stuart trend test, runs test, normal score test, kernel PDF and CDF estimation, kernel regression estimation and kernel Kolmogorov-Smirnov test.
2023-06-16 |
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The function generates and plots random snowflakes. Each snowflake is defined by a given diameter, width of the crystal, color, and random seed. Snowflakes are plotted in such way that they always remain round, no matter what the aspect ratio of the plot is. Snowflakes can be created using transparent colors, which creates a more interesting, somewhat realistic, image. Images of the snowflakes can be separately saved as svg files and used in websites as static or animated images.
2023-06-16 |
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Produce small area population estimates by fitting census data to survey data.
2023-06-16 |
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Computes the studentized midrange distribution (pdf, cdf and quantile) and generates random numbers
2023-06-16 |
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This tiny package contains one function smirnov() which calculates two scaled taxonomic coefficients, Txy (coefficient of similarity) and Txx (coefficient of originality). These two characteristics may be used for the analysis of similarities between any number of taxonomic groups, and also for assessing uniqueness of giving taxon. It is possible to use smirnov() output as a distance measure: convert it to distance by "as.dist(1 - smirnov(x))".
2023-06-16 |
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An implementation of a phylogenetic comparative method. It can fit univariate among-species Ornstein-Uhlenbeck models of phenotypic trait evolution, where the trait evolves towards a primary optimum. The optimum can be modelled as a single parameter, as multiple discrete regimes on the phylogenetic tree, and/or with continuous covariates. See also Hansen (1997) doi:10.2307/2411186, Butler & King (2004) doi:10.1086/426002, Hansen et al. (2008) doi:10.1111/j.1558-5646.2008.00412.x.
2023-06-16 |
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Create a side-by-side view of raster(image)s with an interactive slider to switch between regions of the images. This can be especially useful for image comparison of the same region at different time stamps.
2023-06-16 |
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When working across multiple machines and, similarly for reproducible research, it can be time consuming to ensure that you have all of the needed packages installed and loaded and that the correct working directory is set. 'simpleSetup' provides simple functions for making these tasks more straightforward.
2023-06-16 |
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A major challenge in estimating treatment decision rules from a randomized clinical trial dataset with covariates measured at baseline lies in detecting relatively small treatment effect modification-related variability (i.e., the treatment-by-covariates interaction effects on treatment outcomes) against a relatively large non-treatment-related variability (i.e., the main effects of covariates on treatment outcomes). The class of Single-Index Models with Multiple-Links is a novel single-index model specifically designed to estimate a single-index (a linear combination) of the covariates associated with the treatment effect modification-related variability, while allowing a nonlinear association with the treatment outcomes via flexible link functions. The models provide a flexible regression approach to developing treatment decision rules based on patients' data measured at baseline. We refer to Petkova, Tarpey, Su, and Ogden (2017) <doi: 10.1093/biostatistics/kxw035> and "A constrained single-index model for estimating interactions between a treatment and covariates" (under review, 2019) for detail. The main function of this package is simml().
2023-06-16 |
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Functions to run and assist four different similarity measures. The similarity measures included are: longest common subsequence (LCSS), Frechet distance, edit distance and dynamic time warping (DTW). Each of these similarity measures can be calculated from two n-dimensional trajectories, both in matrix form.
2023-06-16 |
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Functions for making particle-size analysis. Sieve tests are widely used to obtain particle-size distribution of powders or granular materials.
2023-06-16 |
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Browser notifications in 'Shiny' apps, using 'toastr': <https://github.com/CodeSeven/toastr#readme>.
2023-06-16 |
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Creating a great user interface for your Shiny apps can be a hassle, especially if you want to work purely in R and don't want to use, for instance HTML templates. This package adds support for a powerful UI library Semantic UI - <http://semantic-ui.com/>. It also supports universal UI input binding that works with various DOM elements.
2023-06-16 |
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Make R data available in Web-based virtual reality experiences for immersive, cross-platform data visualizations. Includes the 'gg-aframe' JavaScript package for a Grammar of Graphics declarative HTML syntax to create 3-dimensional data visualizations with 'Mozilla A-Frame' <https://aframe.io>.
2023-06-16 |
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The straightforward filtering index (SFINX) identifies true positive protein interactions in a fast, user-friendly, and highly accurate way. It is not only useful for the filtering of affinity purification - mass spectrometry (AP-MS) data, but also for similar types of data resulting from other co-complex interactomics technologies, such as TAP-MS, Virotrap and BioID. SFINX can also be used via the website interface at <http://sfinx.ugent.be>.
2023-06-16 |
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Translates antibody levels measured in a (cross-sectional) population sample into an estimate of the frequency with which seroconversions (infections) occur in the sampled population.
2023-06-16 |
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Collection of datasets from Sen & Srivastava: "Regression Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications", Springer. Sources for individual data files are more fully documented in the book.
2023-06-16 |
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Contains the function CUUimpute() which performs model-based clustering and imputation simultaneously.
2023-06-16 |
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Performs exact or approximate adaptive or nonadaptive Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel-Birch tests and sensitivity analyses for one or two 2x2xk tables in observational studies.
2023-06-16 |
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Provides supplemental 2010 census tract boundaries of the 15 states containing Seer Registries for use with the 'SeerMapper' package. The data contained in this package is derived from U. S. 2010 Census data and is in public domain.
2023-06-16 |
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Allow sharing sensitive information, for example passwords, 'API' keys, etc., in R packages, using public key cryptography.
2023-06-16 |
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This package contains the functions necessary to run the SCORER 2.0 algorithm. SCORER 2.0 can be used to differentiate between parallel dimeric and trimeric coiled-coil sequence, which are the two most more frequent coiled-coil structures observed naturally. As such, SCORER 2.0 is particularly useful for researchers looking to characterize novel coiled-coil sequences. It may also be used to assist in the structural characterization of synthetic coiled-coil sequences. Also included in this package are functions that allows the user to retrain the SCORER 2.0 algorithm using user-defined training data.
2023-06-16 |
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The package uses fitting axes-aligned rectangles to a time series in order to find structural breaks. The algorithm enclose the time series in a number of axes-aligned rectangles and tries to minimize their area and number. As these are conflicting aims, the user has to specify a parameter alpha in [0.0,1.0]. Values close to 0 result in more breakpoints, values close to 1 in fewer. The left edges of the rectangles are the breakpoints. The package supplies two methods, computeBreakPoints(series,alpha) which returns the indices of the break points and computeRectangles(series,alpha) which returns the rectangles. The algorithm is randomised; it uses a genetic algorithm. Therefore, the break point sequence found can be different in different executions of the method on the same data, especially when used on longer series of some thousand observations. The algorithm uses a range-tree as background data structure which makes i very fast and suited to analyse series with millions of observations. A detailed description can be found in Paul Fischer, Astrid Hilbert, Fast detection of structural breaks, Proceedings of Compstat 2014.
2023-06-16 |
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The design of phase 3 clinical trials can be classified into 4 types: (1) Testing for equality;(2) Superiority trial;(3) Non-inferiority trial; and (4) Equivalence trial according to the goals. Given that none of the available packages combines these designs in a single package, this package has made it possible for researchers to calculate sample size when comparing means or proportions in phase 3 clinical trials with different designs. The ssc function can calculate the sample size with pre-specified type 1 error rate,statistical power and effect size according to the hypothesis testing framework. Furthermore, effect size is comprised of true treatment difference and non-inferiority or equivalence margins which can be set in ssc function. (Reference: Yin, G. (2012). Clinical Trial Design: Bayesian and Frequentist Adaptive Methods. John Wiley & Sons.)
2023-06-16 |
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This package provides utilities for working with a library of SQL files.
2023-06-16 |
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Spell checking common document formats including latex, markdown, manual pages, and description files. Includes utilities to automate checking of documentation and vignettes as a unit test during 'R CMD check'. Both British and American English are supported out of the box and other languages can be added. In addition, packages may define a 'wordlist' to allow custom terminology without having to abuse punctuation.
2023-06-16 |
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Computes multivariate normal (MVN) densities, and samples from MVN distributions, when the covariance or precision matrix is sparse.
2023-06-16 |
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Provides methods for generating, exploring and executing seamless Phase II-III designs of Lai, Lavori and Shih using generalized likelihood ratio statistics. Includes pdf and source files that describe the entire R implementation with the relevant mathematical details.
2023-06-16 |
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Formulas for calculating sound velocity, water pressure, depth, density, absorption and sonar equations.
2023-06-16 |
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Implementation of 'softmax' regression and classification models with multiple layer neural network. It can be used for many tasks like word embedding based document classification, 'MNIST' dataset handwritten digit recognition and so on. Multiple optimization algorithm including 'SGD', 'Adagrad', 'RMSprop', 'Moment', 'NAG', etc are also provided.
2023-06-16 |
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Software that leverages the capabilities of Circos by manipulating data, preparing configuration files, and running the Perl-native Circos directly from the R environment with minimal user intervention. Circos is a novel software that addresses the challenges in visualizing genetic data by creating circular ideograms composed of tracks of heatmaps, scatter plots, line plots, histograms, links between common markers, glyphs, text, and etc. Please see <http://www.circos.ca>.
2023-06-16 |
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Format a number (or a list of numbers) to a string (or a list of strings) with SI prefix. Use SI prefixes as constants like (4 * milli)^2
2023-06-16 |
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This is an R implementation of a constrained l1 minimization approach for estimating multiple Sparse Gaussian or Nonparanormal Graphical Models (SIMULE). The SIMULE algorithm can be used to estimate multiple related precision matrices. For instance, it can identify context-specific gene networks from multi-context gene expression datasets. By performing data-driven network inference from high-dimensional and heterogenous data sets, this tool can help users effectively translate aggregated data into knowledge that take the form of graphs among entities. Please run demo(simuleDemo) to learn the basic functions provided by this package. For further details, please read the original paper: Beilun Wang, Ritambhara Singh, Yanjun Qi (2017) <DOI:10.1007/s10994-017-5635-7>.
2023-06-16 |
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Handles datetimes as integers for the usage inside Discrete-Event Simulations (DES). The conversion is made using the internally generic function as.numeric() of the base package. DES is described in Simulation Modeling and Analysis by Averill Law and David Kelton (1999) <doi:10.2307/2288169>.
2023-06-16 |
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Tools for setting up ("design"), conducting, and evaluating large-scale simulation studies with graphics and tables, including parallel computations.
2023-06-16 |
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Perform sign test on one-sample data, which is one of the oldest non-parametric statistical methods. Assume that X comes from a continuous distribution with median = v ( unknown ). Test the null hypothesis H0: median of X v = mu ( mu is the location parameter and is given in the test ) v.s. the alternative hypothesis H1: v > mu ( or v < mu or v != mu ) and calculate the p-value. When the sample size is large, perform the asymptotic sign test. In both ways, calculate the R-estimate of location of X and the distribution free confidence interval for mu.
2023-06-16 |
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Several different sigmoid functions are implemented, including a wrapper function, SoftMax preprocessing and inverse functions.
2023-06-16 |
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Implements semiparametric estimation and testing procedures for a continuous, possibly multivariate, mark-specific hazard ratio (treatment/placebo) of an event of interest in a randomized treatment efficacy trial with a time-to-event endpoint, as described in Juraska M and Gilbert PB (2013), Mark-specific hazard ratio model with multivariate continuous marks: an application to vaccine efficacy. Biometrics 69(2):328 337, and in Juraska M and Gilbert PB (2015), Mark-specific hazard ratio model with missing multivariate marks. Lifetime Data Analysis 22(4): 606-25. The former considers continuous multivariate marks fully observed in all subjects who experience the event of interest, whereas the latter extends the previous work to allow multivariate marks that are subject to missingness-at-random. For models with missing marks, two estimators are implemented based on (i) inverse probability weighting (IPW) of complete cases, and (ii) augmentation of the IPW estimating functions by leveraging correlations between the mark and auxiliary data to 'impute' the expected profile score vectors for subjects with missing marks. The augmented IPW estimator is doubly robust and recommended for use with incomplete mark data. The methods make two key assumptions: (i) the time-to-event is assumed to be conditionally independent of the mark given treatment, and (ii) the weight function in the semiparametric density ratio/biased sampling model is assumed to be exponential. Diagnostic testing procedures for evaluating validity of both assumptions are implemented. Summary and plotting functions are provided for estimation and inferential results.
2023-06-16 |
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Easily display user feedback next to Shiny inputs. The feedback message is displayed when the feedback condition evaluates to TRUE.
2023-06-16 |
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An extension of 'animate.css' that allows user to easily add animations to any UI element in 'shiny' app using the elements id.
2023-06-16 |
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Easily create pretty popup messages (modals) in 'Shiny'. A modal can contain text, images, OK/Cancel buttons, an input to get a response from the user, and many more customizable options.
2023-06-16 |
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Data sets utilized by the 'SGP' package as exemplars for users to conduct their own student growth percentiles (SGP) analyses.
2023-06-16 |
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It combines maximum likelihood estimation of the parameters of matrix and 3rd-order tensor normal distributions with unstructured factor variance-covariance matrices, two procedures, and unbiased modified likelihood ratio testing of simple and double separability for variance-covariance structures, two procedures.
2023-06-16 |
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We implement functions to estimate and perform sensitivity analysis to unobserved confounding of direct and indirect effects introduced in Lindmark, de Luna and Eriksson (2018) <doi:10.1002/sim.7620>. The estimation and sensitivity analysis are parametric, based on probit and/or linear regression models. Sensitivity analysis is implemented for unobserved confounding of the exposure-mediator, mediator-outcome and exposure-outcome relationships.
2023-06-16 |
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Multi-stage selection is practiced in numerous fields of life and social sciences and particularly in breeding. A special characteristic of multi-stage selection is that candidates are evaluated in successive stages with increasing intensity and effort, and only a fraction of the superior candidates is selected and promoted to the next stage. For the optimum design of such selection programs, the selection gain plays a crucial role. It can be calculated by integration of a truncated multivariate normal (MVN) distribution. While mathematical formulas for calculating the selection gain and the variance among selected candidates were developed long time ago, solutions for numerical calculation were not available. This package can also be used for optimizing multi-stage selection programs for a given total budget and different costs of evaluating the candidates in each stage.
2023-06-16 |
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Provides supplemental 2010 census tract boundaries for the 14 states without Seer Registries that are west of the Mississippi river for use with the 'SeerMapper' package. The data contained in this package is derived from U. S. 2010 Census data and is in public domain.
2023-06-16 |
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Bringing together tools for modeling drying and soaking (rehydration) kinetics of seeds. This package contains several widely used predictive models (e.g.: da Silva et al., 2018). As these are nonlinear, the functions are interactive-based and easy-to-use. Least squares estimates are obtained with just a few visual adjustments of the initial parameter values. Reference: da Silva AR et al. (2018) <doi:10.2134/agronj2017.07.0373>.
2023-06-16 |