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r / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
r-twangcontinuous public Provides functions for propensity score estimation and weighting for continuous exposures as described in Zhu, Y., Coffman, D. L., & Ghosh, D. (2015). A boosting algorithm for estimating generalized propensity scores with continuous treatments. Journal of Causal Inference, 3(1), 25-40. <doi:10.1515/jci-2014-0022>. 2025-03-25
r-tune public The ability to tune models is important. 'tune' contains functions and classes to be used in conjunction with other 'tidymodels' packages for finding reasonable values of hyper-parameters in models, pre-processing methods, and post-processing steps. 2025-03-25
r-tukeyc public Perform the conventional Tukey test from formula, lm, aov, aovlist and lmer objects. 2025-03-25
r-tuber public Get comments posted on YouTube videos, information on how many times a video has been liked, search for videos with particular content, and much more. You can also scrape captions from a few videos. To learn more about the YouTube API, see <https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/>. 2025-03-25
r-ttservice public It provides generic methods that are used by more than one package, avoiding conflicts. This package will be imported by 'tidySingleCellExperiment' and 'tidyseurat'. 2025-03-25
r-tsutils public Includes: (i) tests and visualisations that can help the modeller explore time series components and perform decomposition; (ii) modelling shortcuts, such as functions to construct lagmatrices and seasonal dummy variables of various forms; (iii) an implementation of the Theta method; (iv) tools to facilitate the design of the forecasting process, such as ABC-XYZ analyses; and (v) "quality of life" functions, such as treating time series for trailing and leading values. 2025-03-25
r-tsstudio public Provides a set of tools for descriptive and predictive analysis of time series data. That includes functions for interactive visualization of time series objects and as well utility functions for automation time series forecasting. 2025-03-25
r-tsoutliers public Detection of outliers in time series following the Chen and Liu (1993) <DOI:10.2307/2290724> procedure. Innovational outliers, additive outliers, level shifts, temporary changes and seasonal level shifts are considered. 2025-03-25
r-tsna public Temporal SNA tools for continuous- and discrete-time longitudinal networks having vertex, edge, and attribute dynamics stored in the 'networkDynamic' format. This work was supported by grant R01HD68395 from the National Institute of Health. 2025-03-25
r-tsintermittent public Time series methods for intermittent demand forecasting. Includes Croston's method and its variants (Moving Average, SBA), and the TSB method. Users can obtain optimal parameters on a variety of loss functions, or use fixed ones (Kourenztes (2014) <doi:10.1016/j.ijpe.2014.06.007>). Intermittent time series classification methods and iMAPA that uses multiple temporal aggregation levels are also provided (Petropoulos & Kourenztes (2015) <doi:10.1057/jors.2014.62>). 2025-03-25
r-tsibbledata public Provides diverse datasets in the 'tsibble' data structure. These datasets are useful for learning and demonstrating how tidy temporal data can tidied, visualised, and forecasted. 2025-03-25
r-tsibble public Provides a 'tbl_ts' class (the 'tsibble') for temporal data in an data- and model-oriented format. The 'tsibble' provides tools to easily manipulate and analyse temporal data, such as filling in time gaps and aggregating over calendar periods. 2025-03-25
r-tsfeatures public Methods for extracting various features from time series data. The features provided are those from Hyndman, Wang and Laptev (2013) <doi:10.1109/ICDMW.2015.104>, Kang, Hyndman and Smith-Miles (2017) <doi:10.1016/j.ijforecast.2016.09.004> and from Fulcher, Little and Jones (2013) <doi:10.1098/rsif.2013.0048>. Features include spectral entropy, autocorrelations, measures of the strength of seasonality and trend, and so on. Users can also define their own feature functions. 2025-03-25
r-tsa public Contains R functions and datasets detailed in the book "Time Series Analysis with Applications in R (second edition)" by Jonathan Cryer and Kung-Sik Chan. 2025-03-25
r-trtf public Recursive partytioning of transformation models with corresponding random forest for conditional transformation models as described in 'Transformation Forests' (Hothorn and Zeileis, 2021, <doi:10.1080/10618600.2021.1872581>) and 'Top-Down Transformation Choice' (Hothorn, 2018, <DOI:10.1177/1471082X17748081>). 2025-03-25
r-tropfishr public A compilation of fish stock assessment methods for the analysis of length-frequency data in the context of data-poor fisheries. Includes methods and examples included in the FAO Manual by P. Sparre and S.C. Venema (1998), "Introduction to tropical fish stock assessment" (<http://www.fao.org/documents/card/en/c/9bb12a06-2f05-5dcb-a6ca-2d6dd3080f65/>), as well as other more recent methods. 2025-03-25
r-trelliscopejs public Trelliscope is a scalable, flexible, interactive approach to visualizing data (Hafen, 2013 <doi:10.1109/LDAV.2013.6675164>). This package provides methods that make it easy to create a Trelliscope display specification for TrelliscopeJS. High-level functions are provided for creating displays from within 'tidyverse' or 'ggplot2' workflows. Low-level functions are also provided for creating new interfaces. 2025-03-25
r-treemap public A treemap is a space-filling visualization of hierarchical structures. This package offers great flexibility to draw treemaps. 2025-03-25
r-treesim public Simulation methods for phylogenetic trees where (i) all tips are sampled at one time point or (ii) tips are sampled sequentially through time. (i) For sampling at one time point, simulations are performed under a constant rate birth-death process, conditioned on having a fixed number of final tips (sim.bd.taxa()), or a fixed age (sim.bd.age()), or a fixed age and number of tips (sim.bd.taxa.age()). When conditioning on the number of final tips, the method allows for shifts in rates and mass extinction events during the birth-death process (sim.rateshift.taxa()). The function sim.bd.age() (and sim.rateshift.taxa() without extinction) allow the speciation rate to change in a density-dependent way. The LTT plots of the simulations can be displayed using LTT.plot(), LTT.plot.gen() and LTT.average.root(). TreeSim further samples trees with n final tips from a set of trees generated by the common sampling algorithm stopping when a fixed number m>>n of tips is first reached (sim.gsa.taxa()). This latter method is appropriate for m-tip trees generated under a big class of models (details in the sim.gsa.taxa() man page). For incomplete phylogeny, the missing speciation events can be added through simulations (corsim()). (ii) sim.rateshifts.taxa() is generalized to sim.bdsky.stt() for serially sampled trees, where the trees are conditioned on either the number of sampled tips or the age. Furthermore, for a multitype-branching process with sequential sampling, trees on a fixed number of tips can be simulated using sim.bdtypes.stt.taxa(). This function further allows to simulate under epidemiological models with an exposed class. The function sim.genespeciestree() simulates coalescent gene trees within birth-death species trees, and sim.genetree() simulates coalescent gene trees. 2025-03-25
r-treemapify public Provides 'ggplot2' geoms for drawing treemaps. 2025-03-25
r-tplyr public A traceability focused tool created to simplify the data manipulation necessary to create clinical summaries. 2025-03-25
r-trajectories public Classes and methods for trajectory data, with support for nesting individual Track objects in track sets (Tracks) and track sets for different entities in collections of Tracks. Methods include selection, generalization, aggregation, intersection, simulation, and plotting. 2025-03-25
r-toster public Two one-sided tests (TOST) procedure to test equivalence for t-tests, correlations, differences between proportions, and meta-analyses, including power analysis for t-tests and correlations. Allows you to specify equivalence bounds in raw scale units or in terms of effect sizes. See: Lakens (2017) <doi:10.1177/1948550617697177>. 2025-03-25
r-tolerance public Statistical tolerance limits provide the limits between which we can expect to find a specified proportion of a sampled population with a given level of confidence. This package provides functions for estimating tolerance limits (intervals) for various univariate distributions (binomial, Cauchy, discrete Pareto, exponential, two-parameter exponential, extreme value, hypergeometric, Laplace, logistic, negative binomial, negative hypergeometric, normal, Pareto, Poisson-Lindley, Poisson, uniform, and Zipf-Mandelbrot), Bayesian normal tolerance limits, multivariate normal tolerance regions, nonparametric tolerance intervals, tolerance bands for regression settings (linear regression, nonlinear regression, nonparametric regression, and multivariate regression), and analysis of variance tolerance intervals. Visualizations are also available for most of these settings. 2025-03-25
r-torchvision public Provides access to datasets, models and preprocessing facilities for deep learning with images. Integrates seamlessly with the 'torch' package and it's 'API' borrows heavily from 'PyTorch' vision package. 2025-03-25

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