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r / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
r-randcorr public Implements the algorithm by Pourahmadi and Wang (2015) <doi:10.1016/j.spl.2015.06.015> for generating a random p x p correlation matrix. Briefly, the idea is to represent the correlation matrix using Cholesky factorization and p(p-1)/2 hyperspherical coordinates (i.e., angles), sample the angles from a particular distribution and then convert to the standard correlation matrix form. The angles are sampled from a distribution with pdf proportional to sin^k(theta) (0 < theta < pi, k >= 1) using the efficient sampling algorithm described in Enes Makalic and Daniel F. Schmidt (2018) <arXiv:1809.05212>. 2024-01-16
r-ramify public Additional matrix functionality for R including: (1) wrappers for the base matrix function that allow matrices to be created from character strings and lists (the former is especially useful for creating block matrices), (2) better printing of large matrices via the generic "pretty" print function, and (3) a number of convenience functions for users more familiar with other scientific languages like 'Julia', 'Matlab'/'Octave', or 'Python'+'NumPy'. 2024-01-16
r-ramcharts public Provides an R interface for using 'AmCharts' Library. Based on 'htmlwidgets', it provides a global architecture to generate 'JavaScript' source code for charts. Most of classes in the library have their equivalent in R with S4 classes; for those classes, not all properties have been referenced but can easily be added in the constructors. Complex properties (e.g. 'JavaScript' object) can be passed as named list. See examples at <https://datastorm-open.github.io/introduction_ramcharts/> and <https://www.amcharts.com/> for more information about the library. The package includes the free version of 'AmCharts' Library. Its only limitation is a small link to the web site displayed on your charts. If you enjoy this library, do not hesitate to refer to this page <https://www.amcharts.com/online-store/> to purchase a licence, and thus support its creators and get a period of Priority Support. See also <https://www.amcharts.com/about/> for more information about 'AmCharts' company. 2024-01-16
r-ramchoice public It is widely documented in psychology, economics and other disciplines that socio-economic agent may not pay full attention to all available alternatives, rendering standard revealed preference theory invalid. This package implements the estimation and inference procedures of Cattaneo, Ma, Masatlioglu and Suleymanov (2020) <arXiv:1712.03448> and Cattaneo, Cheung, Ma, and Masatlioglu (2022) <arXiv:2110.10650>, which utilizes standard choice data to partially identify and estimate a decision maker's preference and attention. For inference, several simulation-based critical values are provided. 2024-01-16
r-ramble public Parser generator for R using combinatory parsers. It is inspired by combinatory parsers developed in Haskell. 2024-01-16
r-rainfarmr public An implementation of the RainFARM (Rainfall Filtered Autoregressive Model) stochastic precipitation downscaling method (Rebora et al. (2006) <doi:10.1175/JHM517.1>). Adapted for climate downscaling according to D'Onofrio et al. (2018) <doi:10.1175/JHM-D-13-096.1> and for complex topography as in Terzago et al. (2018) <doi:10.5194/nhess-18-2825-2018>. The RainFARM method is based on the extrapolation to small scales of the Fourier spectrum of a large-scale precipitation field, using a fixed logarithmic slope and random phases at small scales, followed by a nonlinear transformation of the resulting linearly correlated stochastic field. RainFARM allows to generate ensembles of spatially downscaled precipitation fields which conserve precipitation at large scales and whose statistical properties are consistent with the small-scale statistics of observed precipitation, based only on knowledge of the large-scale precipitation field. 2024-01-16
r-rainfallerosivityfactor public Determination of rainfall-runoff erosivity factor. 2024-01-16
r-r5r public Rapid realistic routing on multimodal transport networks (walk, bike, public transport and car) using 'R5', the Rapid Realistic Routing on Real-world and Reimagined networks engine <https://github.com/conveyal/r5>. The package allows users to generate detailed routing analysis or calculate travel time matrices using seamless parallel computing on top of the R5 Java machine. While R5 is developed by Conveyal, the package r5r is independently developed by a team at the Institute for Applied Economic Research (Ipea) with contributions from collaborators. Apart from the documentation in this package, users will find additional information on R5 documentation at <https://docs.conveyal.com/>. Although we try to keep new releases of r5r in synchrony with R5, the development of R5 follows Conveyal's independent update process. Hence, users should confirm the R5 version implied by the Conveyal user manual (see <https://docs.conveyal.com/changelog>) corresponds with the R5 version that r5r depends on. 2024-01-16
r-radiosonde public A collection of programs for plotting SKEW-T,log p diagrams and wind profiles for data collected by radiosondes (the typical weather balloon-borne instrument). The format of this plot with companion lines to assess atmospheric stability are both standard in meteorology and difficult to create from basic graphics functions. Hence this package. One novel feature is being able add several profiles to the same plot for comparison. Use "help(ExampleSonde)" for an explanation of the variables needed and how they should be named in a data frame. See <https://github.com/dnychka/Radiosonde> for the package home page. 2024-01-16
r-rainbow public Visualizing functional data and identifying functional outliers. 2024-01-16
r-radwords public Aims at loading Google Adwords data into R. Adwords is an online advertising service that enables advertisers to display advertising copy to web users (see <https://developers.google.com/adwords/> for more information). Therefore the package implements three main features. First, the package provides an authentication process for R with the Google Adwords API (see <https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/> for more information) via OAUTH2. Second, the package offers an interface to apply the Adwords query language in R and query the Adwords API with ad-hoc reports. Third, the received data are transformed into suitable data formats for further data processing and data analysis. 2024-01-16
r-rafalib public A series of shortcuts for routine tasks originally developed by Rafael A. Irizarry to facilitate data exploration. 2024-01-16
r-r2mlm public Generates both total- and level-specific R-squared measures from Rights and Sterba’s (2019) <doi:10.1037/met0000184> framework of R-squared measures for multilevel models with random intercepts and/or slopes, which is based on a complete decomposition of variance. Additionally generates graphical representations of these R-squared measures to allow visualizing and interpreting all measures in the framework together as an integrated set. This framework subsumes 10 previously-developed R-squared measures for multilevel models as special cases of 5 measures from the framework, and it also includes several newly-developed measures. Measures in the framework can be used to compute R-squared differences when comparing multilevel models (following procedures in Rights & Sterba (2020) <doi:10.1080/00273171.2019.1660605>). 2024-01-16
r-raddata public Nuclear Decay Data for Dosimetric Calculations from the International Commission on Radiological Protection from ICRP Publication 107. Ann. ICRP 38 (3). Eckerman, Keith and Endo, Akira 2008 <doi:10.1016/j.icrp.2008.10.004> <https://www.icrp.org/publication.asp?id=ICRP%20Publication%20107>. This is a database of the physical data needed in calculations of radionuclide-specific protection and operational quantities. The data is prescribed by the ICRP, the international authority on radiation dose standards, for estimating dose from the intake of or exposure to radionuclides in the workplace and the environment. The database contains information on the half-lives, decay chains, and yields and energies of radiations emitted in nuclear transformations of 1252 radionuclides of 97 elements. 2024-01-16
r-radarchart public Create interactive radar charts using the 'Chart.js' 'JavaScript' library and the 'htmlwidgets' package. 'Chart.js' <http://www.chartjs.org/> is a lightweight library that supports several types of simple chart using the 'HTML5' canvas element. This package provides an R interface specifically to the radar chart, sometimes called a spider chart, for visualising multivariate data. 2024-01-16
r-radarboxplot public Creates the radar-boxplot, a plot that was created by the author during his Ph.D. in forest resources. The radar-boxplot is a visualization feature suited for multivariate classification/clustering. It provides an intuitive deep understanding of the data. 2024-01-16
r-radar public Fundamental formulas for Radar, for attenuation, range, velocity, effectiveness, power, scatter, doppler, geometry, radar equations, etc. Based on Nick Guy's Python package PyRadarMet 2024-01-16
r-r2rtf public Create production-ready Rich Text Format (RTF) table and figure with flexible format. 2024-01-16
r-r6ds public Provides reference classes implementing some useful data structures. The package implements these data structures by using the reference class R6. Therefore, the classes of the data structures are also reference classes which means that their instances are passed by reference. The implemented data structures include stack, queue, double-ended queue, doubly linked list, set, dictionary and binary search tree. See for example <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_structure> for more information about the data structures. 2024-01-16
r-r62s3 public After defining an R6 class, R62S3 is used to automatically generate optional S3/S4 generics and methods for dispatch. Also allows piping for R6 objects. 2024-01-16
r-r6 None Creates classes with reference semantics, similar to R's built-in reference classes. Compared to reference classes, R6 classes are simpler and lighter-weight, and they are not built on S4 classes so they do not require the methods package. These classes allow public and private members, and they support inheritance, even when the classes are defined in different packages. 2024-01-16
r-r4couchdb public Provides a collection of functions for basic database and document management operations such as add, get, list access or delete. Every cdbFunction() gets and returns a list() containing the connection setup. Such a list can be generated by cdbIni(). 2024-01-16
r-r2glmm public The model R squared and semi-partial R squared for the linear and generalized linear mixed model (LMM and GLMM) are computed with confidence limits. The R squared measure from Edwards et.al (2008) <DOI:10.1002/sim.3429> is extended to the GLMM using penalized quasi-likelihood (PQL) estimation (see Jaeger et al. 2016 <DOI:10.1080/02664763.2016.1193725>). Three methods of computation are provided and described as follows. First, The Kenward-Roger approach. Due to some inconsistency between the 'pbkrtest' package and the 'glmmPQL' function, the Kenward-Roger approach in the 'r2glmm' package is limited to the LMM. Second, The method introduced by Nakagawa and Schielzeth (2013) <DOI:10.1111/j.2041-210x.2012.00261.x> and later extended by Johnson (2014) <DOI:10.1111/2041-210X.12225>. The 'r2glmm' package only computes marginal R squared for the LMM and does not generalize the statistic to the GLMM; however, confidence limits and semi-partial R squared for fixed effects are useful additions. Lastly, an approach using standardized generalized variance (SGV) can be used for covariance model selection. Package installation instructions can be found in the readme file. 2024-01-16
r-r3port public Create and combine HTML and PDF reports from within R. Possibility to design tables and listings for reporting and also include R plots. 2024-01-16
r-r2winbugs public Invoke a 'BUGS' model in 'OpenBUGS' or 'WinBUGS', a class "bugs" for 'BUGS' results and functions to work with that class. Function write.model() allows a 'BUGS' model file to be written. The class and auxiliary functions could be used with other MCMC programs, including 'JAGS'. 2024-01-16
r-r.rsp public The RSP markup language makes any text-based document come alive. RSP provides a powerful markup for controlling the content and output of LaTeX, HTML, Markdown, AsciiDoc, Sweave and knitr documents (and more), e.g. 'Today's date is <%=Sys.Date()%>'. Contrary to many other literate programming languages, with RSP it is straightforward to loop over mixtures of code and text sections, e.g. in month-by-month summaries. RSP has also several preprocessing directives for incorporating static and dynamic contents of external files (local or online) among other things. Functions rstring() and rcat() make it easy to process RSP strings, rsource() sources an RSP file as it was an R script, while rfile() compiles it (even online) into its final output format, e.g. rfile('report.tex.rsp') generates 'report.pdf' and rfile('report.md.rsp') generates 'report.html'. RSP is ideal for self-contained scientific reports and R package vignettes. It's easy to use - if you know how to write an R script, you'll be up and running within minutes. 2024-01-16
r-r2openbugs public Using this package, it is possible to call a BUGS model, summarize inferences and convergence in a table and graph, and save the simulations in arrays for easy access in R. 2024-01-16
r-r2html public Includes HTML function and methods to write in an HTML file. Thus, making HTML reports is easy. Includes a function that allows redirection on the fly, which appears to be very useful for teaching purpose, as the student can keep a copy of the produced output to keep all that he did during the course. Package comes with a vignette describing how to write HTML reports for statistical analysis. Finally, a driver for 'Sweave' allows to parse HTML flat files containing R code and to automatically write the corresponding outputs (tables and graphs). 2024-01-16
r-r2dt public Some heavily used base R functions are reconstructed to also be compliant to data.table objects. Also, some general helper functions that could be of interest for working with data.table objects are included. 2024-01-16
r-r2d3 public Suite of tools for using 'D3', a library for producing dynamic, interactive data visualizations. Supports translating objects into 'D3' friendly data structures, rendering 'D3' scripts, publishing 'D3' visualizations, incorporating 'D3' in R Markdown, creating interactive 'D3' applications with Shiny, and distributing 'D3' based 'htmlwidgets' in R packages. 2024-01-16
r-r2d2 public Generic functions to analyze the distribution of two continuous variables: 'conf2d' to calculate a smooth empirical confidence region, and 'freq2d' to calculate a frequency distribution. 2024-01-16
r-r2beat public Multivariate optimal allocation for different domains in one and two stages stratified sample design. 'R2BEAT' extends the Neyman (1934) – Tschuprow (1923) allocation method to the case of several variables, adopting a generalization of the Bethel’s proposal (1989). 'R2BEAT' develops this methodology but, moreover, it allows to determine the sample allocation in the multivariate and multi-domains case of estimates for two-stage stratified samples. It also allows to perform both Primary Stage Units and Secondary Stage Units selection. This package requires the availability of 'ReGenesees', that can be installed from <https://github.com/DiegoZardetto/ReGenesees>. 2024-01-16
r-r2admb public A series of functions to call 'AD Model Builder' (i.e., compile and run models) from within R, read the results back into R as 'admb' objects, and provide standard accessors (i.e. coef(), vcov(), etc.) 2024-01-16
r-r1magic public Utilities for sparse signal recovery suitable for compressed sensing. L1, L2 and TV penalties, DFT basis matrix, simple sparse signal generator, mutual cumulative coherence between two matrices and examples, Lp complex norm, scaling back regression coefficients. 2024-01-16
r-r.utils public Utility functions useful when programming and developing R packages. 2024-01-16
r-r0 public Estimation of reproduction numbers for disease outbreak, based on incidence data. The R0 package implements several documented methods. It is therefore possible to compare estimations according to the methods used. Depending on the methods requested by user, basic reproduction number (commonly denoted as R0) or real-time reproduction number (referred to as R(t)) is computed, along with a 95% Confidence Interval. Plotting outputs will give different graphs depending on the methods requested : basic reproductive number estimations will only show the epidemic curve (collected data) and an adjusted model, whereas real-time methods will also show the R(t) variations throughout the outbreak time period. Sensitivity analysis tools are also provided, and allow for investigating effects of varying Generation Time distribution or time window on estimates. 2024-01-16
r-r.oo public Methods and classes for object-oriented programming in R with or without references. Large effort has been made on making definition of methods as simple as possible with a minimum of maintenance for package developers. The package has been developed since 2001 and is now considered very stable. This is a cross-platform package implemented in pure R that defines standard S3 classes without any tricks. 2024-01-16
r-r.methodss3 public Methods that simplify the setup of S3 generic functions and S3 methods. Major effort has been made in making definition of methods as simple as possible with a minimum of maintenance for package developers. For example, generic functions are created automatically, if missing, and naming conflict are automatically solved, if possible. The method setMethodS3() is a good start for those who in the future may want to migrate to S4. This is a cross-platform package implemented in pure R that generates standard S3 methods. 2024-01-16
r-r.matlab public Methods readMat() and writeMat() for reading and writing MAT files. For user with MATLAB v6 or newer installed (either locally or on a remote host), the package also provides methods for controlling MATLAB (trademark) via R and sending and retrieving data between R and MATLAB. 2024-01-16
r-r.huge public DEPRECATED. Do not start building new projects based on this package. Cross-platform alternatives are the following packages: bigmemory (CRAN), ff (CRAN), BufferedMatrix (Bioconductor). The main usage of it was inside the aroma.affymetrix package. (The package currently provides a class representing a matrix where the actual data is stored in a binary format on the local file system. This way the size limit of the data is set by the file system and not the memory.) 2024-01-16
r-r.devices public Functions for creating plots and image files in a unified way regardless of output format (EPS, PDF, PNG, SVG, TIFF, WMF, etc.). Default device options as well as scales and aspect ratios are controlled in a uniform way across all device types. Switching output format requires minimal changes in code. This package is ideal for large-scale batch processing, because it will never leave open graphics devices or incomplete image files behind, even on errors or user interrupts. 2024-01-16
r-r.cache public Memoization can be used to speed up repetitive and computational expensive function calls. The first time a function that implements memoization is called the results are stored in a cache memory. The next time the function is called with the same set of parameters, the results are momentarily retrieved from the cache avoiding repeating the calculations. With this package, any R object can be cached in a key-value storage where the key can be an arbitrary set of R objects. The cache memory is persistent (on the file system). 2024-01-16
r-r.blip public Allows the user to learn Bayesian networks from datasets containing thousands of variables. It focuses on score-based learning, mainly the 'BIC' and the 'BDeu' score functions. It provides state-of-the-art algorithms for the following tasks: (1) parent set identification - Mauro Scanagatta (2015) <http://papers.nips.cc/paper/5803-learning-bayesian-networks-with-thousands-of-variables>; (2) general structure optimization - Mauro Scanagatta (2018) <doi:10.1007/s10994-018-5701-9>, Mauro Scanagatta (2018) <http://proceedings.mlr.press/v73/scanagatta17a.html>; (3) bounded treewidth structure optimization - Mauro Scanagatta (2016) <http://papers.nips.cc/paper/6232-learning-treewidth-bounded-bayesian-networks-with-thousands-of-variables>; (4) structure learning on incomplete data sets - Mauro Scanagatta (2018) <doi:10.1016/j.ijar.2018.02.004>. Distributed under the LGPL-3 by IDSIA. 2024-01-16
r-quickpsy public Quickly fits and plots psychometric functions (normal, logistic, Weibull or any or any function defined by the user) for multiple groups. 2024-01-16
r-qvcalc public Functions to compute quasi variances and associated measures of approximation error. 2024-01-16
r-quran public Full text, in data frames containing one row per verse, of the Qur'an in Arabic (with and without vowels) and in English (the Yusuf Ali and Saheeh International translations), formatted to be convenient for text analysis. 2024-01-16
r-quickplot public A high-level plotting system, compatible with `ggplot2` objects, maps from `sf`, `terra`, `raster`, `sp`. It is built primarily on the 'grid' package. The objective of the package is to provide a plotting system that is built for speed and modularity. This is useful for quick visualizations when testing code and for plotting multiple figures to the same device from independent sources that may be independent of one another (i.e., different function or modules the create the visualizations). The suggested package 'fastshp' can be installed from the repository (<https://PredictiveEcology.r-universe.dev>). 2024-01-16
r-questionr public Set of functions to make the processing and analysis of surveys easier : interactive shiny apps and addins for data recoding, contingency tables, dataset metadata handling, and several convenience functions. 2024-01-16
r-quietr public Simplifies output suppression logic in R packages, as it's common to develop some form of it in R. 'quietR' intends to simplify that problem and allow a set of simple toggle functions to be used to suppress console output. 2024-01-16
r-quiddich public Provides tools for an automated identification of diagnostic molecular characters, i.e. such columns in a given nucleotide or amino acid alignment that allow to distinguish taxa from each other. These characters can then be used to complement the formal descriptions of the taxa, which are often based on morphological and anatomical features. Especially for morphologically cryptic species, this will be helpful. QUIDDICH distinguishes between four different types of diagnostic characters. For more information, see "Kuehn, A.L., Haase, M. 2019. QUIDDICH: QUick IDentification of DIagnostic CHaracters." 2024-01-16

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