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A recipe prepares your data for modeling. We provide an extensible framework for pipeable sequences of feature engineering steps provides preprocessing tools to be applied to data. Statistical parameters for the steps can be estimated from an initial data set and then applied to other data sets. The resulting processed output can then be used as inputs for statistical or machine learning models.
2024-01-16 |
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Kiefer-Wolfowitz maximum likelihood estimation for mixture models and some other density estimation and regression methods based on convex optimization. See Koenker and Gu (2017) REBayes: An R Package for Empirical Bayes Mixture Methods, Journal of Statistical Software, 82, 1--26, <DOI:10.18637/jss.v082.i08>.
2024-01-16 |
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The 'Echo nest' <http://the.echonest.com> is the industry's leading music intelligence company, providing developer with deepest understanding of music content and music fans. This package can be used to access artist's data including songs, blogs, news, reviews etc. Song's data including audio summary, style, danceability, tempo etc can also be accessed.
2024-01-16 |
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Relevant Component Analysis (RCA) tries to find a linear transformation of the feature space such that the effect of irrelevant variability is reduced in the transformed space.
2024-01-16 |
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Build regular expressions piece by piece using human readable code. This package contains core functionality, and is primarily intended to be used by package developers.
2024-01-16 |
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Functions for importing and handling text files and formatted text files with additional meta-data, such including '.csv', '.tab', '.json', '.xml', '.html', '.pdf', '.doc', '.docx', '.rtf', '.xls', '.xlsx', and others.
2024-01-16 |
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Arrange data by a set of methods. Use rearrangers to reorder data points and mutators to change their values. From basic utilities, to centering the greatest value, to swirling in 3-dimensional space, 'rearrr' enables creativity when plotting and experimenting with data.
2024-01-16 |
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A set of functions to simplify reading data from files. The main function, reader(), should read most common R datafile types without needing any parameters except the filename. Other functions provide simple ways of handling file paths and extensions, and automatically detecting file format and structure.
2024-01-16 |
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Collection of models and analysis methods used in regional and urban economics and (quantitative) economic geography, e.g. measures of inequality, regional disparities and convergence, regional specialization as well as accessibility and spatial interaction models.
2024-01-16 |
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The rearrangement operator (Hardy, Littlewood, and Polya 1952) for univariate, bivariate, and trivariate point estimates of monotonic functions. The package additionally provides a function that creates simultaneous confidence intervals for univariate functions and applies the rearrangement operator to these confidence intervals.
2024-01-16 |
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Downloads, imports, and tidies time series data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics <https://www.abs.gov.au/>.
2024-01-16 |
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Functions for reading mass spectrometry data in mzXML format.
2024-01-16 |
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Reads in text from 'unstructured' modern Microsoft Office files (XML based files) such as Word and PowerPoint. This does not read in structured data (from Excel or Access) as there are many other great packages to that do so already.
2024-01-16 |
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Functions for reading data sets in different formats for testing machine learning tools are provided. This allows to run a loop over several data sets in their original form, for example if they are downloaded from UCI Machine Learning Repository. The data are not part of the package and have to be downloaded separately.
2024-01-16 |
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You can use the function Read.mnist() to read data and arrange them properly from MNIST dataset (the open handwriting digit database <http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/>). With this package, you can conveniently get all of necessary informations and then immediately start to check whether your machine learning algorithm works well. It can automatically recognize the type of dataset and returns the informations in corresponding structure.
2024-01-16 |
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Import data written in the JCAMP-DX format. This is an instrument-independent format used in the field of spectroscopy. Examples include IR, NMR, and Raman spectroscopy. See the vignette for background and supported formats. The official JCAMP-DX site is <http://www.jcamp-dx.org/>.
2024-01-16 |
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Read Acoustic HAC format.
2024-01-16 |
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Provides various features to streamline and enhance the styling of interactive reactable tables with easy-to-use and highly-customizable functions and themes. Apply conditional formatting to cells with data bars, color scales, color tiles, and icon sets. Utilize custom table themes inspired by popular websites such and bootstrap themes. Apply sparkline line & bar charts (note this feature requires the 'dataui' package which can be downloaded from <https://github.com/timelyportfolio/dataui>). Increase the portability and reproducibility of reactable tables by embedding images from the web directly into cells. Save the final table output as a static image or interactive file.
2024-01-16 |
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Combine multiple data files from a common directory. The data files will be read into R and bound together, creating a single large data.frame. A general function is provided along with a specific function for data that was collected using the open-source experiment builder 'OpenSesame' <https://osdoc.cogsci.nl/>.
2024-01-16 |
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Identifies and reads Windows BMP, JPEG, PNG, and TIFF format bitmap images. Identification defaults to the use of the magic number embedded in the file rather than the file extension. Reading of JPEG and PNG image depends on libjpg and libpng libraries. See file INSTALL for details if necessary.
2024-01-16 |
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Reads data files acquired by Bruker Daltonics' matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time-of-flight mass spectrometer of the *flex series.
2024-01-16 |
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Interactive data tables for R, based on the 'React Table' JavaScript library. Provides an HTML widget that can be used in 'R Markdown' or 'Quarto' documents, 'Shiny' applications, or viewed from an R console.
2024-01-16 |
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Loads Axon Binary Files (both 'ABF' and 'ABF2') created by Axon Instruments/Molecular Devices software such as 'pClamp'.
2024-01-16 |
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Opens complete record(s) with .gb extension from the NCBI/GenBank Nucleotide database and returns a list containing shaped record(s). These kind of files contains detailed records of DNA samples (locus, organism, type of sequence, source of the sequence...). An example of record can be found at <https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/HE799070>.
2024-01-16 |
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Building interactive web applications with R is incredibly easy with 'shiny'. Behind the scenes, 'shiny' builds a reactive graph that can quickly become intertwined and difficult to debug. 'reactlog' (Schloerke 2019) <doi:10.5281/zenodo.2591517> provides a visual insight into that black box of 'shiny' reactivity by constructing a directed dependency graph of the application's reactive state at any time point in a reactive recording.
2024-01-16 |
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Make it easy to use 'React' in R with 'htmlwidget' scaffolds, helper dependency functions, an embedded 'Babel' 'transpiler', and examples.
2024-01-16 |
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Provides a client for (1) querying the DHS API for survey indicators and metadata (<https://api.dhsprogram.com/#/index.html>), (2) identifying surveys and datasets for analysis, (3) downloading survey datasets from the DHS website, (4) loading datasets and associate metadata into R, and (5) extracting variables and combining datasets for pooled analysis.
2024-01-16 |
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A client library for 'The Guardian' (https://www.guardian.com/) and their API, this package allows users to search for Guardian articles and retrieve both the content and metadata.
2024-01-16 |
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A tree bootstrap method for estimating uncertainty in respondent-driven samples (RDS). Quantiles are estimated by multilevel resampling in such a way that preserves the dependencies of and accounts for the high variability of the RDS process.
2024-01-16 |
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Regression-discontinuity (RD) designs are quasi-experimental research designs popular in social, behavioral and natural sciences. The RD design is usually employed to study the (local) causal effect of a treatment, intervention or policy. This package provides tools for data-driven graphical and analytical statistical inference in RD designs: rdrobust() to construct local-polynomial point estimators and robust confidence intervals for average treatment effects at the cutoff in Sharp, Fuzzy and Kink RD settings, rdbwselect() to perform bandwidth selection for the different procedures implemented, and rdplot() to conduct exploratory data analysis (RD plots).
2024-01-16 |
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Functions for manipulation of R documentation objects, including functions reprompt() and ereprompt() for updating 'Rd' documentation for functions, methods and classes; 'Rd' macros for citations and import of references from 'bibtex' files for use in 'Rd' files and 'roxygen2' comments; 'Rd' macros for evaluating and inserting snippets of 'R' code and the results of its evaluation or creating graphics on the fly; and many functions for manipulation of references and Rd files.
2024-01-16 |
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An R API Client for Valve's Dota2. RDota2 can be easily used to connect to the Steam API and retrieve data for Valve's popular video game Dota2. You can find out more about Dota2 at <http://store.steampowered.com/app/570/>.
2024-01-16 |
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Wraps around the default help functionality in R. Instead of plain documentation files, documentation will show up as it does on <https://www.rdocumentation.org>, a platform that shows R documentation from 'CRAN', 'GitHub' and 'Bioconductor', together with informative stats to assess the package quality.
2024-01-16 |
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A wrapper for the 'Deutsche Nationalbibliothek (German National Library) API', available at <https://www.dnb.de/EN/Home/home_node.html>. The German National Library is the German central archival library, collecting, archiving, bibliographically classifying all German and German-language publications, foreign publications about Germany, translations of German works, and the works of German-speaking emigrants published abroad between 1933 and 1945.
2024-01-16 |
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Comprehensive toolkit for generating various numerical representation schemes of DNA sequence. The descriptors and similarity scores included are extensively used in bioinformatics and chemogenomics.
2024-01-16 |
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Density discontinuity testing (a.k.a. manipulation testing) is commonly employed in regression discontinuity designs and other program evaluation settings to detect perfect self-selection (manipulation) around a cutoff where treatment/policy assignment changes. This package implements manipulation testing procedures using the local polynomial density estimators: rddensity() to construct test statistics and p-values given a prespecified cutoff, rdbwdensity() to perform data-driven bandwidth selection, and rdplotdensity() to construct density plots.
2024-01-16 |
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Distance-sampling analyses estimate density and abundance of organisms in ecology when detection probability declines with increasing distance from the observers. Distance-sampling is popular in most branches of ecology and especially when organisms are observed from aerial platforms (e.g., airplane or drone), surface vessels (e.g., boat or truck), or along walking transects. Rdistance analyzes data collected on both point and line transects, estimates overall (study area) and site-level (transect or point) density, and allows users to specify regression-like formula (similar to lm or glm) for covariates. A large suite of classical, parametric detection functions are included along with some uncommon parametric functions (e.g., Gamma, negative exponential) and non-parametric smoothed distance functions. Custom (user-defined) detection functions can be implemented (see vignette). Measurement unit integrity is enforced with internal unit conversion when necessary. The help files and vignettes have been vetted by multiple authors and tested in workshop settings.
2024-01-16 |
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A collection of functions to simulate dice rolls and the like. In particular, experiments and exercises can be performed looking at combinations and permutations of values in dice rolls and coin flips, together with the corresponding frequencies of occurrences. When applying each function, the user has to input the number of times (rolls, flips) to toss the dice. Needless to say, the more the tosses, the more the frequencies approximate the actual probabilities. Moreover, the package provides functions to generate non-transitive sets of dice (like Efron's) and to check whether a given set of dice is non-transitive with given probability.
2024-01-16 |
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Set of functions for Regression Discontinuity Design ('RDD'), for data visualisation, estimation and testing.
2024-01-16 |
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Allows caching of raw data directly in R code. This allows R scripts and R Notebooks to be shared and re-run on a machine without access to the original data. Cached data is encoded into an ASCII string that can be pasted into R code. When the code is run, the data is automatically loaded from the cached version if the original data file is unavailable. Works best for small datasets (a few hundred observations).
2024-01-16 |
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Administrative regions and other spatial objects of the Czech Republic.
2024-01-16 |
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Provides the tools to undertake estimation in Regression Discontinuity Designs. Both sharp and fuzzy designs are supported. Estimation is accomplished using local linear regression. A provided function will utilize Imbens-Kalyanaraman optimal bandwidth calculation. A function is also included to test the assumption of no-sorting effects.
2024-01-16 |
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R access to hundreds of millions data series from DBnomics API (<https://db.nomics.world/>).
2024-01-16 |
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Provides an R interface to the Data Retriever <https://retriever.readthedocs.io/en/latest/> via the Data Retriever's command line interface. The Data Retriever automates the tasks of finding, downloading, and cleaning public datasets, and then stores them in a local database.
2024-01-16 |
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Provides basic functionalities for writing a module for http://datacanvas.io. The http://datacanvas.io is a big data analytics platform that helps data scientists to build, manage and share data pipelines.
2024-01-16 |
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Provides functions implementing the shrunken centroids regularized discriminant analysis for classification purpose in high dimensional data. The method is described in Guo at al. (2013) <doi:10.1093/biostatistics/kxj035>.
2024-01-16 |
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Client for various 'CrossRef' 'APIs', including 'metadata' search with their old and newer search 'APIs', get 'citations' in various formats (including 'bibtex', 'citeproc-json', 'rdf-xml', etc.), convert 'DOIs' to 'PMIDs', and 'vice versa', get citations for 'DOIs', and get links to full text of articles when available.
2024-01-16 |
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Functions to convert Rd to 'roxygen' documentation. It can parse an Rd file to a list, create the 'roxygen' documentation and update the original R script (e.g. the one containing the definition of the function) accordingly. This package also provides utilities that can help developers build packages using 'roxygen' more easily. The 'formatR' package can be used to reformat the R code in the examples sections so that the code will be more readable.
2024-01-16 |
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A header-only C++ library is provided with support for dates, time zones, ISO weeks, Julian dates, and Islamic dates. 'date' offers extensive date and time functionality for the C++11, C++14 and C++17 standards and was written by Howard Hinnant and released under the MIT license. A slightly modified version has been accepted (along with 'tz.h') as part of C++20. This package regroups all header files from the upstream repository by Howard Hinnant so that other R packages can use them in their C++ code. At present, few of the types have explicit 'Rcpp' wrappers though these may be added as needed.
2024-01-16 |
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The native R functionalities only allow PDF exports of reference manuals. This shall be extended by converting the package documentation files into markdown files and combining them into a markdown version of the package reference manual.
2024-01-16 |