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r / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
r-listcomp public An implementation of list comprehensions as purely syntactic sugar with a minor runtime overhead. It constructs nested for-loops and executes the byte-compiled loops to collect the results. 2025-03-25
r-link2gi public Functions to simplify the linking of open source GIS and remote sensing related command line interfaces. 2025-03-25
r-likert public An approach to analyzing Likert response items, with an emphasis on visualizations. The stacked bar plot is the preferred method for presenting Likert results. Tabular results are also implemented along with density plots to assist researchers in determining whether Likert responses can be used quantitatively instead of qualitatively. See the likert(), summary.likert(), and plot.likert() functions to get started. 2025-03-25
r-lindia public Provides a set of streamlined functions that allow easy generation of linear regression diagnostic plots necessarily for checking linear model assumptions. This package is meant for easy scheming of linear regression diagnostics, while preserving merits of "The Grammar of Graphics" as implemented in 'ggplot2'. See the 'ggplot2' website for more information regarding the specific capability of graphics. 2025-03-25
r-lightr public Parse various reflectance/transmittance/absorbance spectra file formats to extract spectral data and metadata, as described in Gruson, White & Maia (2019) <doi:10.21105/joss.01857>. Among other formats, it can import files from 'Avantes' <https://www.avantes.com/>, 'CRAIC' <https://www.microspectra.com/>, and 'OceanInsight' (formerly 'OceanOptics') <https://www.oceaninsight.com/> brands. 2025-03-25
r-lic public The LIC criterion is to determine the most informative subsets so that the subset can retain most of the information contained in the complete data. The philosophy of the package is described in Guo G. (2022) <doi:10.1080/02664763.2022.2053949>. 2025-03-25
r-lgcp public Spatial and spatio-temporal modelling of point patterns using the log-Gaussian Cox process. Bayesian inference for spatial, spatiotemporal, multivariate and aggregated point processes using Markov chain Monte Carlo. See Benjamin M. Taylor, Tilman M. Davies, Barry S. Rowlingson, Peter J. Diggle (2015) <doi:10.18637/jss.v063.i07>. 2025-03-25
r-lfda public Functions for performing and visualizing Local Fisher Discriminant Analysis(LFDA), Kernel Fisher Discriminant Analysis(KLFDA), and Semi-supervised Local Fisher Discriminant Analysis(SELF). 2025-03-25
r-lexisnexistools public My PhD supervisor once told me that everyone doing newspaper analysis starts by writing code to read in files from the 'LexisNexis' newspaper archive (retrieved e.g., from <https://www.lexisnexis.com/> or any of the partner sites). However, while this is a nice exercise I do recommend, not everyone has the time. This package takes files downloaded from the newspaper archive of 'LexisNexis', reads them into R and offers functions for further processing. 2025-03-25
r-lexicon public A collection of lexical hash tables, dictionaries, and word lists. 2025-03-25
r-lessr public Each function accomplishes the work of multiple standard R functions. For example, two function calls, Read() and CountAll(), read the data and generate summary statistics for all variables in the data frame, plus histograms and bar charts as appropriate. Other functions provide for comprehensive summary statistics via pivot tables, a comprehensive regression analysis, ANOVA and t-test, visualizations including the Violin/Box/Scatter plot for a numerical variable, bar chart, histogram, box plot, density curves, calibrated power curve, reading multiple data formats with the same function call, variable labels, color themes, and Trellis graphics. Also includes a confirmatory factor analysis of multiple indicator measurement models, pedagogical routines for data simulation such as for the Central Limit Theorem, generation and rendering o regression instructions for interpretative output, and interactive visualizations. 2025-03-25
r-lemon public Functions for working with legends and axis lines of 'ggplot2', facets that repeat axis lines on all panels, and some 'knitr' extensions. 2025-03-25
r-learningstats public Provides tools to teach students elemental statistics. The main topics covered are descriptive statistics, probability models (discrete and continuous variables) and statistical inference (confidence intervals and hypothesis tests). One of the main advantages of this package is that allows the user to read quite a variety of types of data files with one unique command. Moreover it includes shortcuts to simple but up-to-now not in R descriptive features such a complete frequency table or an histogram with the optimal number of intervals. Related to model distributions (both discrete and continuous), the package allows the student to easy plot the mass/density function, distribution function and quantile function just detailing as input arguments the known population parameters. The inference related tools are basically confidence interval and hypothesis testing. Having defined independent commands for these two tools makes it easier for the student to understand what the software is performing, and it also helps the student to have a better knowledge on which specific tool they need to use in each situation. Moreover, the hypothesis testing commands provide not only the numeric result on the screen but also a very intuitive graph (which includes the statistic distribution, the observed value of the statistic, the rejection area and the p-value) that is very useful for the student to visualise the process. The regression section includes up to now, a simple linear model, with one single command the student can obtain the numeric summary as well as the corresponding diagram with the adjusted regression model and a legend with basic information (formula of the adjusted model and R-squared). 2025-03-25
r-leafsync public Create small multiples of several leaflet web maps with (optional) synchronised panning and zooming control. When syncing is enabled all maps respond to mouse actions on one map. This allows side-by-side comparisons of different attributes of the same geometries. Syncing can be adjusted so that any combination of maps can be synchronised. 2025-03-25
r-leafpop public Creates 'HTML' strings to embed tables, images or graphs in pop-ups of interactive maps created with packages like 'leaflet' or 'mapview'. Handles local images located on the file system or via remote URL. Handles graphs created with 'lattice' or 'ggplot2' as well as interactive plots created with 'htmlwidgets'. 2025-03-25
r-leafpm public A collection of tools for interactive manipulation of (spatial) data layers on leaflet web maps. Tools include editing of existing layers, creation of new layers through drawing of shapes (points, lines, polygons), deletion of shapes as well as cutting holes into existing shapes. Provides control over options to e.g. prevent self-intersection of polygons and lines or to enable/disable snapping to align shapes. 2025-03-25
r-leaflet.minicharts public Add and modify small charts on an interactive map created with package 'leaflet'. These charts can be used to represent at same time multiple variables on a single map. 2025-03-25
r-leaflet.extras2 public Several 'leaflet' plugins are integrated, which are available as extension to the 'leaflet' package. 2025-03-25
r-leaflet.extras public The 'leaflet' JavaScript library provides many plugins some of which are available in the core 'leaflet' package, but there are many more. It is not possible to support them all in the core 'leaflet' package. This package serves as an add-on to the 'leaflet' package by providing extra functionality via 'leaflet' plugins. 2025-03-25
r-leaflegend public Provides extensions to the 'leaflet' package to customize legends with images, text styling, orientation, sizing, and symbology and functions to create symbols to plot on maps. 2025-03-25
r-leafem public Provides extensions for packages 'leaflet' & 'mapdeck', many of which are used by package 'mapview'. Focus is on functionality readily available in Geographic Information Systems such as 'Quantum GIS'. Includes functions to display coordinates of mouse pointer position, query image values via mouse pointer and zoom-to-layer buttons. Additionally, provides a feature type agnostic function to add points, lines, polygons to a map. 2025-03-25
r-leafgl public Provides bindings to the 'Leaflet.glify' JavaScript library which extends the 'leaflet' JavaScript library to render large data in the browser using 'WebGl'. 2025-03-25
r-lawstat public Statistical tests widely utilized in biostatistics, public policy, and law. Along with the well-known tests for equality of means and variances, randomness, and measures of relative variability, the package contains new robust tests of symmetry, omnibus and directional tests of normality, and their graphical counterparts such as robust QQ plot, robust trend tests for variances, etc. All implemented tests and methods are illustrated by simulations and real-life examples from legal statistics, economics, and biostatistics. 2025-03-25
r-ldavis public Tools to create an interactive web-based visualization of a topic model that has been fit to a corpus of text data using Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA). Given the estimated parameters of the topic model, it computes various summary statistics as input to an interactive visualization built with D3.js that is accessed via a browser. The goal is to help users interpret the topics in their LDA topic model. 2025-03-25
r-ldatuning public For this first version only metrics to estimate the best fitting number of topics are implemented. 2025-03-25

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