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Tools for parsing 'NOAA' Integrated Surface Data ('ISD') files, described at <https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/isd>. Data includes for example, wind speed and direction, temperature, cloud data, sea level pressure, and more. Includes data from approximately 35,000 stations worldwide, though best coverage is in North America/Europe/Australia. Data is stored as variable length ASCII character strings, with most fields optional. Included are tools for parsing entire files, or individual lines of data.
2024-01-16 |
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The function calculates the isotopic pattern (fine structures) for a given chemical formula.
2024-01-16 |
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ISO language, territory, currency, script and character codes. Provides ISO 639 language codes, ISO 3166 territory codes, ISO 4217 currency codes, ISO 15924 script codes, and the ISO 8859 character codes as well as the UN M.49 area codes.
2024-01-16 |
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Functions to support the computations carried out in `An Introduction to Statistical Modeling of Extreme Values' by Stuart Coles. The functions may be divided into the following groups; maxima/minima, order statistics, peaks over thresholds and point processes.
2024-01-16 |
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The development of ISM was made by Warfield in 1974. ISM is the process of collaborating distinct or related essentials into a simplified and an organized format. Hence, ISM is a methodology that seeks the interrelationships among the various elements considered and endows with a hierarchical and multilevel structure. To run this package user needs to provide a matrix (VAXO) converted into 0's and 1's. Warfield,J.N. (1974) <doi:10.1109/TSMC.1974.5408524> Warfield,J.N. (1974, E-ISSN:2168-2909).
2024-01-16 |
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We provide the collection of data-sets used in the book 'An Introduction to Statistical Learning with Applications in R'.
2024-01-16 |
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Provides datasets for the book "Introduction to Statistical Data Analysis for the Life Sciences, Second edition" by Ekstrøm and Sørensen (2014).
2024-01-16 |
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Implementation of functions to assign corresponding common job prestige scores (SIOPS, ISEI), the official job or group title and the ISCO-88 code to given ISCO-08 codes. ISCO-08 is the latest version of the International Standard Classification of Occupations which is used to organise information on labour and jobs.
2024-01-16 |
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Helper functions and example data sets to facilitate the estimation of IRTree models from data with different shape and using different software.
2024-01-16 |
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Includes a collection of shiny applications to demonstrate or to explore fundamental item response theory (IRT) concepts such as estimation, scoring, and multidimensional IRT models.
2024-01-16 |
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Reads the output of the 'PerkinElmer InForm' software <http://www.perkinelmer.com/product/inform-cell-analysis-one-seat-cls135781>. In addition to cell-density count, it can derive statistics of intercellular spatial distance for each cell-type.
2024-01-16 |
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Builds statistical control charts with exact limits for univariate and multivariate cases.
2024-01-16 |
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The R kernel for the 'Jupyter' environment executes R code which the front-end ('Jupyter Notebook' or other front-ends) submits to the kernel via the network.
2024-01-16 |
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Fits a double logistic function to NDVI time series and calculates instantaneous rate of green (IRG) according to methods described in Bischoff et al. (2012) <doi:10.1086/667590>.
2024-01-16 |
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Coefficients of Interrater Reliability and Agreement for quantitative, ordinal and nominal data: ICC, Finn-Coefficient, Robinson's A, Kendall's W, Cohen's Kappa, ...
2024-01-16 |
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An easy way to work with census, survey, and geographic data provided by IPUMS in R. Generate and download data through the IPUMS API and load IPUMS files into R with their associated metadata to make analysis easier. IPUMS data describing 1.4 billion individuals drawn from over 750 censuses and surveys is available free of charge from the IPUMS website <https://www.ipums.org>.
2024-01-16 |
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Calculates intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) for assessing reproducibility of interval-censored data with two repeated measurements (Kovacic and Varnai (2014) <doi:10.1097/EDE.0000000000000139>). ICC is estimated by maximum likelihood from model with one fixed and one random effect (both intercepts). Help in model checking (normality of subjects' means and residuals) is provided.
2024-01-16 |
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Contains some important regression methods for interval-valued variables. For each method, it is available the fitted values, residuals and some goodness-of-fit measures.
2024-01-16 |
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An interface to the rich display capabilities of 'Jupyter' front-ends (e.g. 'Jupyter Notebook') <https://jupyter.org>. Designed to be used from a running 'IRkernel' session <https://irkernel.github.io>.
2024-01-16 |
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Allows direct access to the macroeconomic, financial and regional database maintained by Brazilian Institute for Applied Economic Research ('Ipea'). This R package uses the 'Ipeadata' API. For more information, see <http://www.ipeadata.gov.br/>.
2024-01-16 |
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Provides implementation of various correlation coefficients of common use in Information Retrieval. In particular, it includes Kendall (1970, isbn:0852641990) tau coefficient as well as tau_a and tau_b for the treatment of ties. It also includes Yilmaz et al. (2008) <doi:10.1145/1390334.1390435> tauAP correlation coefficient, and versions tauAP_a and tauAP_b developed by Urbano and Marrero (2017) <doi:10.1145/3121050.3121106> to cope with ties.
2024-01-16 |
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Functions to estimate the probability to receive the observed treatment, based on individual characteristics. The inverse of these probabilities can be used as weights when estimating causal effects from observational data via marginal structural models. Both point treatment situations and longitudinal studies can be analysed. The same functions can be used to correct for informative censoring.
2024-01-16 |
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Plots the conditional coefficients ("marginal effects") of variables included in multiplicative interaction terms.
2024-01-16 |
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Calculates the RMS intrinsic and parameter-effects curvatures of a nonlinear regression model. The curvatures are global measures of assessing whether a model/data set combination is close-to-linear or not. See Bates and Watts (1980) <doi:10.1002/9780470316757> and Ratkowsky and Reddy (2017) <doi:10.1093/aesa/saw098> for details.
2024-01-16 |
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Generates random numbers corresponding to the events on a Poisson point process with changing event rates. This includes the possibility to incorporate additional information such as the number of events occurring or the location of an already known event. It can also generate the probability density functions of specific events in the cases where additional information is available. Based on Hohmann (2019) <arXiv:1901.10754>.
2024-01-16 |
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The core of the package is cvr2.ipflasso(), an extension of glmnet to be used when the (large) set of available predictors is partitioned into several modalities which potentially differ with respect to their information content in terms of prediction. For example, in biomedical applications patient outcome such as survival time or response to therapy may have to be predicted based on, say, mRNA data, miRNA data, methylation data, CNV data, clinical data, etc. The clinical predictors are on average often much more important for outcome prediction than the mRNA data. The ipflasso method takes this problem into account by using different penalty parameters for predictors from different modalities. The ratio between the different penalty parameters can be chosen from a set of optional candidates by cross-validation or alternatively generated from the input data.
2024-01-16 |
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Provides item exclusion procedure, which is a formal method to test 'Indifference Of iNdicator' (ION). When a latent personality trait-outcome association is assumed, then the association strength should not depend on which subset of indicators (i.e. items) has been chosen to reflect the trait. Personality traits are often measured (reflected) by a sum-score of a certain set of indicators. Item exclusion procedure randomly excludes items from a sum-score and tests, whether the sum-score - outcome correlation changes. ION has been achieved, when any item can be excluded from the sum-score without the sum-score - outcome correlation substantially changing . For more details, see Vainik, Mottus et. al, (2015) "Are Trait-Outcome Associations Caused by Scales or Particular Items? Example Analysis of Personality Facets and BMI",European Journal of Personality DOI: <10.1002/per.2009> .
2024-01-16 |
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Contains functions for formatting clinical trials data and implementing inverse probability of censoring weights to handle treatment switches when estimating causal treatment effect in randomized clinical trials.
2024-01-16 |
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Density, spectral density, and regression estimation using infinite order flat-top kernels.
2024-01-16 |
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Method for the calculation of copy numbers and calling of copy number alterations. The algorithm uses coverage data from amplicon sequencing of a sample cohort as input. The method includes significance assessment, correction for multiple testing and does not depend on normal DNA controls. Budczies (2016 Mar 15) <doi:10.18632/oncotarget.7451>.
2024-01-16 |
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Light weight implementation of the standard distribution functions for the inverse gamma distribution, wrapping those for the gamma distribution in the stats package.
2024-01-16 |
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Functions to facilitate inverse estimation (e.g., calibration) in linear, generalized linear, nonlinear, and (linear) mixed-effects models. A generic function is also provided for plotting fitted regression models with or without confidence/prediction bands that may be of use to the general user. For a general overview of these methods, see Greenwell and Schubert Kabban (2014) <doi:10.32614/RJ-2014-009>.
2024-01-16 |
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Calculates event rates and compares means and variances of groups of interval data corrected for missed arrival observations.
2024-01-16 |
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Vector operations between grapes: An infix-only package! The 'invctr' functions perform common and less common operations on vectors, data frames matrices and list objects: - Extracting a value (range), or, finding the indices of a value (range). - Trimming, or padding a vector with a value of your choice. - Simple polynomial regression. - Set and membership operations. - General check & replace function for NAs, Inf and other values.
2024-01-16 |
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The correction is achieved under the assumption that non-migrating cells of the essay approximately form a quadratic flow profile due to frictional effects, compare law of Hagen-Poiseuille for flow in a tube. The script fits a conical plane to give xyz-coordinates of the cells. It outputs the number of migrated cells and the new corrected coordinates.
2024-01-16 |
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Enum-type representation of vectors and representation of intervals, including a method of coercing variables in data frames.
2024-01-16 |
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Evaluating if values of vectors are within different open/closed intervals (`x %[]% c(a, b)`), or if two closed intervals overlap (`c(a1, b1) %[]o[]% c(a2, b2)`). Operators for negation and directional relations also implemented.
2024-01-16 |
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Performs hypothesis testing using the interval estimates (e.g., confidence intervals). The non-overlapping interval estimates indicates the statistical significance. References to these procedures can be found at Noguchi and Marmolejo-Ramos (2016) <doi:10.1080/00031305.2016.1200487>, Bonett and Seier (2003) <doi:10.1198/0003130032323>, and Lemm (2006) <doi:10.1300/J082v51n02_05>.
2024-01-16 |
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Functions implemented in this package allow to coerce (i.e. convert) network data between classes provided by other R packages. Currently supported classes are those defined in packages: network and igraph.
2024-01-16 |
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Provides an R version of the 'InterVA5' software (<http://www.byass.uk/interva/>) for coding cause of death from verbal autopsies. It also provides simple graphical representation of individual and population level statistics.
2024-01-16 |
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Provides an R version of the 'InterVA4' software (<http://www.interva.net>) for coding cause of death from verbal autopsies. It also provides simple graphical representation of individual and population level statistics.
2024-01-16 |
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Compute permutation- based performance measures and create partial dependence plots for (cross-validated) 'randomForest' and 'ada' models.
2024-01-16 |
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Geostatistical interpolation has traditionally been done by manually fitting a variogram and then interpolating. Here, we introduce classes and methods that can do this interpolation automatically. Pebesma et al (2010) gives an overview of the methods behind and possible usage <doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2010.03.019>.
2024-01-16 |
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A suite of functions for conducting and interpreting analysis of statistical interaction in regression models that was formerly part of the 'jtools' package. Functionality includes visualization of two- and three-way interactions among continuous and/or categorical variables as well as calculation of "simple slopes" and Johnson-Neyman intervals (see e.g., Bauer & Curran, 2005 <doi:10.1207/s15327906mbr4003_5>). These capabilities are implemented for generalized linear models in addition to the standard linear regression context.
2024-01-16 |
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Interlinearized glossed texts (IGT) are used in descriptive linguistics for representing a morphological analysis of a text through a morpheme-by-morpheme gloss. 'InterlineaR' provide a set of functions that targets several popular formats of IGT ('SIL Toolbox', 'EMELD XML') and that turns an IGT into a set of data frames following a relational model (the tables represent the different linguistic units: texts, sentences, word, morphems). The same pieces of software ('SIL FLEX', 'SIL Toolbox') typically produce dictionaries of the morphemes used in the glosses. 'InterlineaR' provide a function for turning the LIFT XML dictionary format into a set of data frames following a relational model in order to represent the dictionary entries, the sense(s) attached to the entries, the example(s) attached to senses, etc.
2024-01-16 |
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Allows the simulation of the recruitment and both the event and treatment phase of a clinical trial. Based on these simulations, the timing of interim analyses can be assessed.
2024-01-16 |
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Graphical User Interface allowing to determine the concentration in the sample in CFU per mL or in number of copies per mL provided to qPCR results after with or without PMA treatment. This package is simply to use because no knowledge in R commands is necessary. A graphic represents the standard curve, and a table containing the result for each sample is created.
2024-01-16 |
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Chi-square tests are computed with corrections.
2024-01-16 |
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Implements the procedures suggested in Esarey and Sumner (2017) <http://justinesarey.com/interaction-overconfidence.pdf> for controlling the false discovery rate when constructing marginal effects plots for models with interaction terms.
2024-01-16 |
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Generates Rd files from R source code with comments. The main features of the default syntax are that (1) docs are defined in comments near the relevant code, (2) function argument names are not repeated in comments, and (3) examples are defined in R code, not comments. It is also easy to define a new syntax.
2024-01-16 |