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Package for Bayesian model averaging and variable selection for linear models, generalized linear models and survival models (cox regression).
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Provides probability computation, data generation, and model estimation for fully-visible Boltzmann machines. It follows the methods described in Nguyen and Wood (2016a) <doi:10.1162/NECO_a_00813> and Nguyen and Wood (2016b) <doi:10.1109/TNNLS.2015.2425898>.
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Bayesian Network Structure Learning from Data with Missing Values. The package implements the Silander-Myllymaki complete search, the Max-Min Parents-and-Children, the Hill-Climbing, the Max-Min Hill-climbing heuristic searches, and the Structural Expectation-Maximization algorithm. Available scoring functions are BDeu, AIC, BIC. The package also implements methods for generating and using bootstrap samples, imputed data, inference.
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These are miscellaneous functions for working with panel data, quantiles, and printing results. For panel data, the package includes functions for making a panel data balanced (that is, dropping missing individuals that have missing observations in any time period), converting id numbers to row numbers, and to treat repeated cross sections as panel data under the assumption of rank invariance. For quantiles, there are functions to make distribution functions from a set of data points (this is particularly useful when a distribution function is created in several steps), to combine distribution functions based on some external weights, and to invert distribution functions. Finally, there are several other miscellaneous functions for obtaining weighted means, weighted distribution functions, and weighted quantiles; to generate summary statistics and their differences for two groups; and to add or drop covariates from formulas.
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From a given data frame, this package learns its Bayesian network structure based on a selected score.
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Bayesian network structure learning, parameter learning and inference. This package implements constraint-based (PC, GS, IAMB, Inter-IAMB, Fast-IAMB, MMPC, Hiton-PC, HPC), pairwise (ARACNE and Chow-Liu), score-based (Hill-Climbing and Tabu Search) and hybrid (MMHC, RSMAX2, H2PC) structure learning algorithms for discrete, Gaussian and conditional Gaussian networks, along with many score functions and conditional independence tests. The Naive Bayes and the Tree-Augmented Naive Bayes (TAN) classifiers are also implemented. Some utility functions (model comparison and manipulation, random data generation, arc orientation testing, simple and advanced plots) are included, as well as support for parameter estimation (maximum likelihood and Bayesian) and inference, conditional probability queries, cross-validation, bootstrap and model averaging. Development snapshots with the latest bugfixes are available from <https://www.bnlearn.com/>.
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State-of-the art algorithms for learning discrete Bayesian network classifiers from data, including a number of those described in Bielza & Larranaga (2014) <doi:10.1145/2576868>, with functions for prediction, model evaluation and inspection.
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Provides statistical tools for Bayesian estimation of mixture distributions, mainly a mixture of Gamma, Normal, and t-distributions. The package is implemented based on the Bayesian literature for the finite mixture of distributions, including Mohammadi and et al. (2013) <doi:10.1007/s00180-012-0323-3> and Mohammadi and Salehi-Rad (2012) <doi:10.1080/03610918.2011.588358>.
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Toolkit for Bayesian estimation of the dependence structure in multivariate extreme value parametric models, following Sabourin and Naveau (2014) <doi:10.1016/j.csda.2013.04.021> and Sabourin, Naveau and Fougeres (2013) <doi:10.1007/s10687-012-0163-0>.
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Creating spatially or environmentally separated folds for cross-validation to provide a robust error estimation in spatially structured environments; Investigating and visualising the effective range of spatial autocorrelation in continuous raster covariates and point samples to find an initial realistic distance band to separate training and testing datasets spatially described in Valavi, R. et al. (2019) <doi:10.1111/2041-210X.13107>.
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This is primarily meant as an implementation of generalized blockmodeling for valued networks. In addition, measures of similarity or dissimilarity based on structural equivalence and regular equivalence (REGE algorithms) can be computed and partitioned matrices can be plotted: Žiberna (2007)<doi:10.1016/j.socnet.2006.04.002>, Žiberna (2008)<doi:10.1080/00222500701790207>, Žiberna (2014)<doi:10.1016/j.socnet.2014.04.002>.
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Provides a Bayesian latent space model for complex networks, either weighted or unweighted. Given an observed input graph, the estimates for the latent coordinates of the nodes are obtained through a Bayesian MCMC algorithm. The overall likelihood of the graph depends on a fundamental probability equation, which is defined so that ties are more likely to exist between nodes whose latent space coordinates are close. The package is mainly based on the model by Hoff, Raftery and Handcock (2002) <doi:10.1198/016214502388618906> and contains some extra features (e.g., removal of the Procrustean step, weights implemented as coefficients of the latent distances, 3D plots). The original code related to the above model was retrieved from <https://www.stat.washington.edu/people/pdhoff/Code/hoff_raftery_handcock_2002_jasa/>. Users can inspect the MCMC simulation, create and customize insightful graphical representations or apply clustering techniques.
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Bayesian Linear Regression.
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Fit a variety of Bayesian latent variable models, including confirmatory factor analysis, structural equation models, and latent growth curve models. References: Merkle & Rosseel (2018) <doi:10.18637/jss.v085.i04>; Merkle et al. (2021) <doi:10.18637/jss.v100.i06>.
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Latent and Stochastic Block Model estimation by a Variational EM algorithm. Various probability distribution are provided (Bernoulli, Poisson...), with or without covariates.
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A random forest variant 'block forest' ('BlockForest') tailored to the prediction of binary, survival and continuous outcomes using block-structured covariate data, for example, clinical covariates plus measurements of a certain omics data type or multi-omics data, that is, data for which measurements of different types of omics data and/or clinical data for each patient exist. Examples of different omics data types include gene expression measurements, mutation data and copy number variation measurements. Block forest are presented in Hornung & Wright (2019). The package includes four other random forest variants for multi-omics data: 'RandomBlock', 'BlockVarSel', 'VarProb', and 'SplitWeights'. These were also considered in Hornung & Wright (2019), but performed worse than block forest in their comparison study based on 20 real multi-omics data sets. Therefore, we recommend to use block forest ('BlockForest') in applications. The other random forest variants can, however, be consulted for academic purposes, for example, in the context of further methodological developments. Reference: Hornung, R. & Wright, M. N. (2019) Block Forests: random forests for blocks of clinical and omics covariate data. BMC Bioinformatics 20:358. <doi:10.1186/s12859-019-2942-y>.
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Performs prediction of a response function from simulated response values, allowing black-box optimization of functions estimated with some error. Includes a simple user interface for such applications, as well as more specialized functions designed to be called by the Migraine software (Rousset and Leblois, 2012 <doi:10.1093/molbev/MSR262>; Leblois et al., 2014 <doi:10.1093/molbev/msu212>; and see URL). The latter functions are used for prediction of likelihood surfaces and implied likelihood ratio confidence intervals, and for exploration of predictor space of the surface. Prediction of the response is based on ordinary Kriging (with residual error) of the input. Estimation of smoothing parameters is performed by generalized cross-validation.
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This is a port of the WTC MATLAB package written by Aslak Grinsted and the wavelet program written by Christopher Torrence and Gibert P. Compo. This package can be used to perform univariate and bivariate (cross-wavelet, wavelet coherence, wavelet clustering) analyses.
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Functions to visualise webs and calculate a series of indices commonly used to describe pattern in (ecological) webs. It focuses on webs consisting of only two levels (bipartite), e.g. pollination webs or predator-prey-webs. Visualisation is important to get an idea of what we are actually looking at, while the indices summarise different aspects of the web's topology.
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Contains all the necessary tools to process audio recordings of various formats (e.g., WAV, WAC, MP3, ZC), filter noisy files, display audio signals, detect and extract automatically acoustic features for further analysis such as classification.
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A collection of models for bivariate alternating recurrent event data analysis. Includes non-parametric and semi-parametric methods.
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Functions for bitwise operations on integer vectors.
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Package 'bit64' provides serializable S3 atomic 64bit (signed) integers. These are useful for handling database keys and exact counting in +-2^63. WARNING: do not use them as replacement for 32bit integers, integer64 are not supported for subscripting by R-core and they have different semantics when combined with double, e.g. integer64 + double => integer64. Class integer64 can be used in vectors, matrices, arrays and data.frames. Methods are available for coercion from and to logicals, integers, doubles, characters and factors as well as many elementwise and summary functions. Many fast algorithmic operations such as 'match' and 'order' support inter- active data exploration and manipulation and optionally leverage caching.
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Standard template library containers are used to implement an efficient binary segmentation algorithm, which is log-linear on average and quadratic in the worst case.
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Provided are classes for boolean and skewed boolean vectors, fast boolean methods, fast unique and non-unique integer sorting, fast set operations on sorted and unsorted sets of integers, and foundations for ff (range index, compression, chunked processing).
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bioPN is a package suited to perform simulation of deterministic and stochastic systems of biochemical reaction networks. Models are defined using a subset of Petri Nets, in a way that is close at how chemical reactions are defined. For deterministic solutions, bioPN creates the associated system of differential equations "on the fly", and solves it with a Runge Kutta Dormand Prince 45 explicit algorithm. For stochastic solutions, bioPN offers variants of Gillespie algorithm, or SSA. For hybrid deterministic/stochastic, it employs the Haseltine and Rawlings algorithm, that partitions the system in fast and slow reactions. bioPN algorithms are developed in C to achieve adequate performance.
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Utility functions for large-scale data. For now, package 'bigutilsr' mainly includes functions for outlier detection and unbiased PCA projection.
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Easy-to-use, efficient, flexible and scalable statistical tools. Package bigstatsr provides and uses Filebacked Big Matrices via memory-mapping. It provides for instance matrix operations, Principal Component Analysis, sparse linear supervised models, utility functions and more <doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/bty185>.
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Utilities to process, organize and explore protein structure, sequence and dynamics data. Features include the ability to read and write structure, sequence and dynamic trajectory data, perform sequence and structure database searches, data summaries, atom selection, alignment, superposition, rigid core identification, clustering, torsion analysis, distance matrix analysis, structure and sequence conservation analysis, normal mode analysis, principal component analysis of heterogeneous structure data, and correlation network analysis from normal mode and molecular dynamics data. In addition, various utility functions are provided to enable the statistical and graphical power of the R environment to work with biological sequence and structural data. Please refer to the URLs below for more information.
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Provides an easy way to fill an environment with active bindings that call a C++ function.
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Constructs confidence intervals on the probability of success in a binomial experiment via several parameterizations.
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Performs logistic regression for binary longitudinal data, allowing for serial dependence among observations from a given individual and a random intercept term. Estimation is via maximization of the exact likelihood of a suitably defined model. Missing values and unbalanced data are allowed, with some restrictions. M. Helena Gon�alves et al.(2007) <DOI: 10.18637/jss.v046.i09>.
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Estimates VAR and VARX models with Structured Penalties using the methods developed by Nicholson et al (2017)<doi:10.1016/j.ijforecast.2017.01.003> and Nicholson et al (2020) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.1412.5250>.
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Estimation of large Vector AutoRegressive (VAR), Vector AutoRegressive with Exogenous Variables X (VARX) and Vector AutoRegressive Moving Average (VARMA) Models with Structured Lasso Penalties, see Nicholson, Wilms, Bien and Matteson (2020) <https://jmlr.org/papers/v21/19-777.html> and Wilms, Basu, Bien and Matteson (2021) <doi:10.1080/01621459.2021.1942013>.
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For studying recurrent disease and death with competing risks, comparisons based on the well-known cumulative incidence function can be confounded by different prevalence rates of the competing events. Alternatively, comparisons of the conditional distribution of the survival time given the failure event type are more relevant for investigating the prognosis of different patterns of recurrence disease. This package implements a nonparametric estimator for the conditional cumulative incidence function and a nonparametric conditional bivariate cumulative incidence function for the bivariate gap times proposed in Huang et al. (2016) <doi:10.1111/biom.12494>.
2024-01-16 |
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Easy-to-use, efficient, flexible and scalable tools for analyzing massive SNP arrays. Privé et al. (2018) <doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/bty185>.
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Extend the bigmemory package with 'table', 'tapply', and 'split' support for 'big.matrix' objects. The functions may also be used with native R matrices for improving speed and memory-efficiency.
2024-01-16 |
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Easily talk to Google's 'BigQuery' database from R.
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Provide a sparse matrix format with data stored on disk, to be used in both R and C++. This is intended for more efficient use of sparse data in C++ and also when parallelizing, since data on disk does not need copying. Only a limited number of features will be implemented. For now, conversion can be performed from a 'dgCMatrix' or a 'dsCMatrix' from R package 'Matrix'. A new compact format is also now available.
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Fits smoothing spline regression models using scalable algorithms designed for large samples. Seven marginal spline types are supported: linear, cubic, different cubic, cubic periodic, cubic thin-plate, ordinal, and nominal. Random effects and parametric effects are also supported. Response can be Gaussian or non-Gaussian: Binomial, Poisson, Gamma, Inverse Gaussian, or Negative Binomial.
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Extend lasso and elastic-net model fitting for ultra high-dimensional, multi-gigabyte data sets that cannot be loaded into memory. Designed to be more memory- and computation-efficient than existing lasso-fitting packages like 'glmnet' and 'ncvreg', thus allowing the user to analyze big data analysis even on an ordinary laptop.
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Allows the user to carry out GLM on very large data sets. Data can be created using the data_frame() function and appended to the object with object$append(data); data_frame and data_matrix objects are available that allow the user to store large data on disk. The data is stored as doubles in binary format and any character columns are transformed to factors and then stored as numeric (binary) data while a look-up table is stored in a separate .meta_data file in the same folder. The data is stored in blocks and GLM regression algorithm is modified and carries out a MapReduce- like algorithm to fit the model. The functions bglm(), and summary() and bglm_predict() are available for creating and post-processing of models. The library requires Armadillo installed on your system. It probably won't function on windows since multi-core processing is done using mclapply() which forks R on Unix/Linux type operating systems.
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Read large text files by splitting them in smaller files. Package 'bigreadr' also provides some convenient wrappers around fread() and fwrite() from package 'data.table'.
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Create, store, access, and manipulate massive matrices. Matrices are allocated to shared memory and may use memory-mapped files. Packages 'biganalytics', 'bigtabulate', 'synchronicity', and 'bigalgebra' provide advanced functionality.
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Unsupervised clustering protocol for large scale structured data, based on a low dimensional representation of the data. Dimensionality reduction is performed using a parallelized implementation of the t-Stochastic Neighboring Embedding algorithm (Garriga J. and Bartumeus F. (2018), <arXiv:1812.09869>).
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Contains tools for survey statistics (especially in educational assessment) for datasets with replication designs (jackknife, bootstrap, replicate weights; see Kolenikov, 2010; Pfefferman & Rao, 2009a, 2009b, <doi:10.1016/S0169-7161(09)70003-3>, <doi:10.1016/S0169-7161(09)70037-9>); Shao, 1996, <doi:10.1080/02331889708802523>). Descriptive statistics, linear and logistic regression, path models for manifest variables with measurement error correction and two-level hierarchical regressions for weighted samples are included. Statistical inference can be conducted for multiply imputed datasets and nested multiply imputed datasets and is in particularly suited for the analysis of plausible values (for details see George, Oberwimmer & Itzlinger-Bruneforth, 2016; Bruneforth, Oberwimmer & Robitzsch, 2016; Robitzsch, Pham & Yanagida, 2016). The package development was supported by BIFIE (Federal Institute for Educational Research, Innovation and Development of the Austrian School System; Salzburg, Austria).
2024-01-16 |
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Regression for data too large to fit in memory. This package functions exactly like the 'biglm' package, but works with later versions of R.
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Regression for data too large to fit in memory.
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The main function biclust() provides several algorithms to find biclusters in two-dimensional data: Cheng and Church (2000, ISBN:1-57735-115-0), spectral (2003) <doi:10.1101/gr.648603>, plaid model (2005) <doi:10.1016/j.csda.2004.02.003>, xmotifs (2003) <doi:10.1142/9789812776303_0008> and bimax (2006) <doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btl060>. In addition, the package provides methods for data preprocessing (normalization and discretisation), visualisation, and validation of bicluster solutions.
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Performs statistical estimation and inference-related computations by accessing and executing modified versions of 'Fortran' subroutines originally published in the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) journal Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS) by Bunch, Gay and Welsch (1993) <doi:10.1145/151271.151279>. The acronym 'BGW' (from the authors' last names) will be used when making reference to technical content (e.g., algorithm, methodology) that originally appeared in ACM TOMS. A key feature of BGW is that it exploits the special structure of statistical estimation problems within a trust-region-based optimization approach to produce an estimation algorithm that is much more effective than the usual practice of using optimization methods and codes originally developed for general optimization. The 'bgw' package bundles 'R' wrapper (and related) functions with modified 'Fortran' source code so that it can be compiled and linked in the 'R' environment for fast execution. This version implements a function ('bgw_mle.R') that performs maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) for a user-provided model object that computes probabilities (a.k.a. probability densities). The motivation for producing this initial version is to provide fast, efficient, and reliable MLE for discrete choice models that can be called from the 'Apollo' choice modelling 'R' package: see <http://www.apollochoicemodelling.com>. However, estimation can also be performed in a stand-alone fashion without using 'Apollo' (as shown in simple examples). After this initial version is available on CRAN, an updated version of 'Apollo' (0.2.9) will be made available that automatically loads 'bgw'. Additional development can then occur, including more detailed examples in 'bgw' that refer to 'Apollo.' Note also that BGW capabilities are not limited to MLE, and future extension to other estimators (e.g., nonlinear least squares, generalized method of moments, etc.) is possible. The 'Fortran' code included in 'bgw' was modified by one of the original BGW authors (Bunch) under his rights as confirmed by direct consultation with the ACM Intellectual Property and Rights Manager. See <https://authors.acm.org/author-resources/author-rights>. The main requirement is clear citation of the original publication (see above).
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