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Package Name Access Summary Updated
r-olsrr public Tools designed to make it easier for users, particularly beginner/intermediate R users to build ordinary least squares regression models. Includes comprehensive regression output, heteroskedasticity tests, collinearity diagnostics, residual diagnostics, measures of influence, model fit assessment and variable selection procedures. 2024-01-16
r-onion public Quaternions and Octonions are four- and eight- dimensional extensions of the complex numbers. They are normed division algebras over the real numbers and find applications in spatial rotations (quaternions), and string theory and relativity (octonions). The quaternions are noncommutative and the octonions nonassociative. See the package vignette for more details. 2024-01-16
r-onehot public Quickly create numeric matrices for machine learning algorithms that require them. It converts factor columns into onehot vectors. 2024-01-16
r-olctools public 'Open Location Codes' <http://openlocationcode.com/> are a Google-created standard for identifying geographic locations. 'olctools' provides utilities for validating, encoding and decoding entries that follow this standard. 2024-01-16
r-nsm3 public Designed to replace the tables which were in the back of the first two editions of Hollander and Wolfe - Nonparametric Statistical Methods. Exact procedures are performed when computationally possible. Monte Carlo and Asymptotic procedures are performed otherwise. For those procedures included in the base packages, our code simply provides a wrapper to standardize the output with the other procedures in the package. 2024-01-16
r-offlinechange public Detect the number and locations of change points. The locations can be either exact or in terms of ranges, depending on the available computational resource. The method is based on Jie Ding, Yu Xiang, Lu Shen, Vahid Tarokh (2017) <doi:10.1109/TSP.2017.2711558>. 2024-01-16
r-npflow public Dirichlet process mixture of multivariate normal, skew normal or skew t-distributions modeling oriented towards flow-cytometry data preprocessing applications. Method is detailed in: Hejblum, Alkhassimn, Gottardo, Caron & Thiebaut (2019) <doi: 10.1214/18-AOAS1209>. 2024-01-16
r-oem public Solves penalized least squares problems for big tall data using the orthogonalizing EM algorithm of Xiong et al. (2016) <doi:10.1080/00401706.2015.1054436>. The main fitting function is oem() and the functions cv.oem() and xval.oem() are for cross validation, the latter being an accelerated cross validation function for linear models. The big.oem() function allows for out of memory fitting. A description of the underlying methods and code interface is described in Huling and Chien (2022) <doi:10.18637/jss.v104.i06>. 2024-01-16
r-oce public Supports the analysis of Oceanographic data, including 'ADCP' measurements, measurements made with 'argo' floats, 'CTD' measurements, sectional data, sea-level time series, coastline and topographic data, etc. Provides specialized functions for calculating seawater properties such as potential temperature in either the 'UNESCO' or 'TEOS-10' equation of state. Produces graphical displays that conform to the conventions of the Oceanographic literature. This package is discussed extensively by Kelley (2018) "Oceanographic Analysis with R" <doi:10.1007/978-1-4939-8844-0>. 2024-01-16
r-odeintr public Wraps the Boost odeint library for integration of differential equations. 2024-01-16
r-oaqc public Implements the efficient algorithm by Ortmann and Brandes (2017) <doi:10.1007/s41109-017-0027-2> to compute the orbit-aware frequency distribution of induced and non-induced quads, i.e. subgraphs of size four. Given an edge matrix, data frame, or a graph object (e.g., 'igraph'), the orbit-aware counts are computed respective each of the edges and nodes. 2024-01-16
r-numero public High-dimensional datasets that do not exhibit a clear intrinsic clustered structure pose a challenge to conventional clustering algorithms. For this reason, we developed an unsupervised framework that helps scientists to better subgroup their datasets based on visual cues, please see Gao S, Mutter S, Casey A, Makinen V-P (2019) Numero: a statistical framework to define multivariable subgroups in complex population-based datasets, Int J Epidemiology, 48:369-37, <doi:10.1093/ije/dyy113>. The framework includes the necessary functions to construct a self-organizing map of the data, to evaluate the statistical significance of the observed data patterns, and to visualize the results. 2024-01-16
r-numosl public Optimizing regular numeric problems in optically stimulated luminescence dating, such as: equivalent dose calculation, dose rate determination, growth curve fitting, decay curve decomposition, statistical age model optimization, and statistical plot visualization. 2024-01-16
r-nonlineartseries public Functions for nonlinear time series analysis. This package permits the computation of the most-used nonlinear statistics/algorithms including generalized correlation dimension, information dimension, largest Lyapunov exponent, sample entropy and Recurrence Quantification Analysis (RQA), among others. Basic routines for surrogate data testing are also included. Part of this work was based on the book "Nonlinear time series analysis" by Holger Kantz and Thomas Schreiber (ISBN: 9780521529020). 2024-01-16
r-nseval public Functions to capture, inspect, manipulate, and create lazy values (promises), "..." lists, and active calls. 2024-01-16
r-nscluster public Simulation and estimation for Neyman-Scott spatial cluster point process models and their extensions, based on the methodology in Tanaka, Ogata, and Stoyan (2008) <doi:10.1002/bimj.200610339>. To estimate parameters by the simplex method, parallel computation using 'OpenMP' application programming interface is available. For more details see Tanaka, Saga and Nakano <doi:10.18637/jss.v098.i06>. 2024-01-16
r-nprocregression public Implements several nonparametric regression approaches for the inclusion of covariate information on the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) framework. 2024-01-16
r-npcp public Provides nonparametric CUSUM tests for detecting changes in possibly serially dependent univariate or low-dimensional multivariate observations. Retrospective tests sensitive to changes in the expectation, the variance, the covariance, the autocovariance, the distribution function, Spearman's rho, Kendall's tau, Gini's mean difference, and the copula are provided, as well as a test for detecting changes in the distribution of independent block maxima (with environmental studies in mind). The package also contains a test sensitive to changes in the autocopula and a combined test of stationarity sensitive to changes in the distribution function and the autocopula. The latest additions are an open-end sequential test based on the retrospective CUSUM statistic that can be used for monitoring changes in the mean of possibly serially dependent univariate observations, as well as closed-end and open-end sequential tests based on empirical distribution functions that can be used for monitoring changes in the contemporary distribution of possibly serially dependent univariate or low-dimensional multivariate observations. 2024-01-16
r-npcoptest public A non parametric test for change points detection in the dependence between the components of multivariate data, with or without (multiple) changes in the marginal distributions. The full details, justification and examples are published in Rohmer (2016) <doi:10.1016/j.spl.2016.06.026>. 2024-01-16
r-npbayesimputecat public These routines create multiple imputations of missing at random categorical data, and create multiply imputed synthesis of categorical data, with or without structural zeros. Imputations and syntheses are based on Dirichlet process mixtures of multinomial distributions, which is a non-parametric Bayesian modeling approach that allows for flexible joint modeling, described in Manrique-Vallier and Reiter (2014) <doi:10.1080/10618600.2013.844700>. 2024-01-16
r-nns public Nonlinear nonparametric statistics using partial moments. Partial moments are the elements of variance and asymptotically approximate the area of f(x). These robust statistics provide the basis for nonlinear analysis while retaining linear equivalences. NNS offers: Numerical integration, Numerical differentiation, Clustering, Correlation, Dependence, Causal analysis, ANOVA, Regression, Classification, Seasonality, Autoregressive modeling, Normalization and Stochastic dominance. All routines based on: Viole, F. and Nawrocki, D. (2013), Nonlinear Nonparametric Statistics: Using Partial Moments (ISBN: 1490523995). 2024-01-16
r-np public Nonparametric (and semiparametric) kernel methods that seamlessly handle a mix of continuous, unordered, and ordered factor data types. We would like to gratefully acknowledge support from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC, <https://www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/>), the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC, <https://www.sshrc-crsh.gc.ca/>), and the Shared Hierarchical Academic Research Computing Network (SHARCNET, <https://sharcnet.ca/>). We would also like to acknowledge the contributions of the GNU GSL authors. In particular, we adapt the GNU GSL B-spline routine gsl_bspline.c adding automated support for quantile knots (in addition to uniform knots), providing missing functionality for derivatives, and for extending the splines beyond their endpoints. 2024-01-16
r-nngeo public K-nearest neighbor search for projected and non-projected 'sf' spatial layers. Nearest neighbor search uses (1) C code from 'GeographicLib' for lon-lat point layers, (2) function knn() from package 'nabor' for projected point layers, or (3) function st_distance() from package 'sf' for line or polygon layers. The package also includes several other utility functions for spatial analysis. 2024-01-16
r-not public Provides efficient implementation of the Narrowest-Over-Threshold methodology for detecting an unknown number of change-points occurring at unknown locations in one-dimensional data following 'deterministic signal + noise' model. Currently implemented scenarios are: piecewise-constant signal, piecewise-constant signal with a heavy-tailed noise, piecewise-linear signal, piecewise-quadratic signal, piecewise-constant signal and with piecewise-constant variance of the noise. For details, see Baranowski, Chen and Fryzlewicz (2019) <doi:10.1111/rssb.12322>. 2024-01-16
r-nortestarma public Tests the goodness-of-fit to the Normal distribution for the errors of an ARMA model. 2024-01-16
r-norm public An integrated set of functions for the analysis of multivariate normal datasets with missing values, including implementation of the EM algorithm, data augmentation, and multiple imputation. 2024-01-16
r-nopaco public A non-parametric test for multi-observer concordance and differences between concordances in (un)balanced data. 2024-01-16
r-nonneg.cg public Minimize a differentiable function subject to all the variables being non-negative (i.e. >= 0), using a Conjugate-Gradient algorithm based on a modified Polak-Ribiere-Polyak formula as described in (Li, Can, 2013, <https://www.hindawi.com/journals/jam/2013/986317/abs/>). 2024-01-16
r-nlmixr2est public Fit and compare nonlinear mixed-effects models in differential equations with flexible dosing information commonly seen in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics (Almquist, Leander, and Jirstrand 2015 <doi:10.1007/s10928-015-9409-1>). Differential equation solving is by compiled C code provided in the 'rxode2' package (Wang, Hallow, and James 2015 <doi:10.1002/psp4.12052>). 2024-01-16
r-noncompliance public A finite-population significance test of the 'sharp' causal null hypothesis that treatment exposure X has no effect on final outcome Y, within the principal stratum of Compliers. A generalized likelihood ratio test statistic is used, and the resulting p-value is exact. Currently, it is assumed that there are only Compliers and Never Takers in the population. 2024-01-16
r-nomclust public Similarity measures for hierarchical clustering of objects characterized by nominal (categorical) variables. Evaluation criteria for nominal data clustering. 2024-01-16
r-nnls public An R interface to the Lawson-Hanson implementation of an algorithm for non-negative least squares (NNLS). Also allows the combination of non-negative and non-positive constraints. 2024-01-16
r-nmf None Provides a framework to perform Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF). The package implements a set of already published algorithms and seeding methods, and provides a framework to test, develop and plug new/custom algorithms. Most of the built-in algorithms have been optimized in C++, and the main interface function provides an easy way of performing parallel computations on multicore machines. 2024-01-16
r-nnet None Software for feed-forward neural networks with a single hidden layer, and for multinomial log-linear models. 2024-01-16
r-nltm public Fits a non-linear transformation model ('nltm') for analyzing survival data, see Tsodikov (2003) <doi:10.1111/1467-9868.00414>. The class of 'nltm' includes the following currently supported models: Cox proportional hazard, proportional hazard cure, proportional odds, proportional hazard - proportional hazard cure, proportional hazard - proportional odds cure, Gamma frailty, and proportional hazard - proportional odds. 2024-01-16
r-nloptr None Solve optimization problems using an R interface to NLopt. NLopt is a free/open-source library for nonlinear optimization, providing a common interface for a number of different free optimization routines available online as well as original implementations of various other algorithms. See <https://nlopt.readthedocs.io/en/latest/NLopt_Algorithms/> for more information on the available algorithms. Building from included sources requires 'CMake'. On Linux and 'macOS', if a suitable system build of NLopt (2.7.0 or later) is found, it is used; otherwise, it is built from included sources via 'CMake'. On Windows, NLopt is obtained through 'rwinlib' for 'R <= 4.1.x' or grabbed from the 'Rtools42 toolchain' for 'R >= 4.2.0'. 2024-01-16
r-networkdynamic public Simple interface routines to facilitate the handling of network objects with complex intertemporal data. This is a part of the "statnet" suite of packages for network analysis. 2024-01-16
r-nlme None Fit and compare Gaussian linear and nonlinear mixed-effects models. 2024-01-16
r-nimble public A system for writing hierarchical statistical models largely compatible with 'BUGS' and 'JAGS', writing nimbleFunctions to operate models and do basic R-style math, and compiling both models and nimbleFunctions via custom-generated C++. 'NIMBLE' includes default methods for MCMC, Monte Carlo Expectation Maximization, and some other tools. The nimbleFunction system makes it easy to do things like implement new MCMC samplers from R, customize the assignment of samplers to different parts of a model from R, and compile the new samplers automatically via C++ alongside the samplers 'NIMBLE' provides. 'NIMBLE' extends the 'BUGS'/'JAGS' language by making it extensible: New distributions and functions can be added, including as calls to external compiled code. Although most people think of MCMC as the main goal of the 'BUGS'/'JAGS' language for writing models, one can use 'NIMBLE' for writing arbitrary other kinds of model-generic algorithms as well. A full User Manual is available at <https://r-nimble.org>. 2024-01-16
r-network public Tools to create and modify network objects. The network class can represent a range of relational data types, and supports arbitrary vertex/edge/graph attributes. 2024-01-16
r-nleqslv public Solve a system of nonlinear equations using a Broyden or a Newton method with a choice of global strategies such as line search and trust region. There are options for using a numerical or user supplied Jacobian, for specifying a banded numerical Jacobian and for allowing a singular or ill-conditioned Jacobian. 2024-01-16
r-ndjson public Streaming 'JSON' ('ndjson') has one 'JSON' record per-line and many modern 'ndjson' files contain large numbers of records. These constructs may not be columnar in nature, but it is often useful to read in these files and "flatten" the structure out to enable working with the data in an R 'data.frame'-like context. Functions are provided that make it possible to read in plain 'ndjson' files or compressed ('gz') 'ndjson' files and either validate the format of the records or create "flat" 'data.table' structures from them. 2024-01-16
r-nice public Get or set UNIX priority (niceness) of running R process. 2024-01-16
r-ngspatial public Provides tools for analyzing spatial data, especially non- Gaussian areal data. The current version supports the sparse restricted spatial regression model of Hughes and Haran (2013) <DOI:10.1111/j.1467-9868.2012.01041.x>, the centered autologistic model of Caragea and Kaiser (2009) <DOI:10.1198/jabes.2009.07032>, and the Bayesian spatial filtering model of Hughes (2017) <arXiv:1706.04651>. 2024-01-16
r-ngram public An n-gram is a sequence of n "words" taken, in order, from a body of text. This is a collection of utilities for creating, displaying, summarizing, and "babbling" n-grams. The 'tokenization' and "babbling" are handled by very efficient C code, which can even be built as its own standalone library. The babbler is a simple Markov chain. The package also offers a vignette with complete example 'workflows' and information about the utilities offered in the package. 2024-01-16
r-neurosim public Generates functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) time series or 4D data. Some high-level functions are created for fast data generation with only a few arguments and a diversity of functions to define activation and noise. For more advanced users it is possible to use the low-level functions and manipulate the arguments. See Welvaert et al. (2011) <doi:10.18637/jss.v044.i10>. 2024-01-16
r-narray public Stacking arrays according to dimension names, subset-aware splitting and mapping of functions, intersecting along arbitrary dimensions, converting to and from data.frames, and many other helper functions. 2024-01-16
r-nets public Sparse VAR estimation based on LASSO. 2024-01-16
r-netrankr public Implements methods for centrality related analyses of networks. While the package includes the possibility to build more than 20 indices, its main focus lies on index-free assessment of centrality via partial rankings obtained by neighborhood-inclusion or positional dominance. These partial rankings can be analyzed with different methods, including probabilistic methods like computing expected node ranks and relative rank probabilities (how likely is it that a node is more central than another?). The methodology is described in depth in the vignettes and in Schoch (2018) <doi:10.1016/j.socnet.2017.12.003>. 2024-01-16
r-netchain public In networks, treatments may spill over from the treated individual to his or her social contacts and outcomes may be contagious over time. Under this setting, causal inference on the collective outcome observed over all network is often of interest. We use chain graph models approximating the projection of the full longitudinal data onto the observed data to identify the causal effect of the intervention on the whole outcome. Justification of such approximation is demonstrated in Ogburn et al. (2018) <arXiv:1812.04990>. 2024-01-16

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