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A toolkit for quality control, analysis, and exploration of single cell RNA sequencing data. 'Seurat' aims to enable users to identify and interpret sources of heterogeneity from single cell transcriptomic measurements, and to integrate diverse types of single cell data. See Satija R, Farrell J, Gennert D, et al (2015) <doi:10.1038/nbt.3192>, Macosko E, Basu A, Satija R, et al (2015) <doi:10.1016/j.cell.2015.05.002>, Stuart T, Butler A, et al (2019) <doi:10.1016/j.cell.2019.05.031>, and Hao, Hao, et al (2020) <doi:10.1101/2020.10.12.335331> for more details.
2024-01-16 |
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Converts between R and Simple Feature 'sf' objects, without depending on the Simple Feature library. Conversion functions are available at both the R level, and through 'Rcpp'.
2024-01-16 |
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A collection of functions for sensitivity analysis of model outputs (factor screening, global sensitivity analysis and robustness analysis), as well as for interpretability of machine learning models. Most of the functions have to be applied on scalar output, but several functions support multi-dimensional outputs.
2024-01-16 |
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Infrastructure for ordering objects with an implementation of several seriation/sequencing/ordination techniques to reorder matrices, dissimilarity matrices, and dendrograms. Also provides (optimally) reordered heatmaps, color images and clustering visualizations like dissimilarity plots, and visual assessment of cluster tendency plots (VAT and iVAT). Hahsler et al (2008) <doi:10.18637/jss.v025.i03>.
2024-01-16 |
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Exploratory data analysis and data visualization for biological sequence (DNA and protein) data. Seqinr includes utilities for sequence data management under the ACNUC system described in Gouy, M. et al. (1984) Nucleic Acids Res. 12:121-127 <doi:10.1093/nar/12.1Part1.121>.
2024-01-16 |
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Data structures and basic operations for ordinary sets, generalizations such as fuzzy sets, multisets, and fuzzy multisets, customizable sets, and intervals.
2024-01-16 |
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Functions for fitting general linear structural equation models (with observed and latent variables) using the RAM approach, and for fitting structural equations in observed-variable models by two-stage least squares.
2024-01-16 |
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Multi-generational pedigree inference from incomplete data on hundreds of SNPs, including parentage assignment and sibship clustering. See Huisman (2017) (<DOI:10.1111/1755-0998.12665>) for more information.
2024-01-16 |
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Integrate sequencing data (Variant call format, e.g. VCF or BCF) or meta-analysis results in R. This package can help you (1) read VCF/BCF/BGEN files by chromosomal ranges (e.g. 1:100-200); (2) read RareMETAL summary statistics files; (3) read tables from a tabix-indexed files; (4) annotate VCF/BCF files; (5) create customized workflow based on Makefile.
2024-01-16 |
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Seeded Sequential LDA can classify sentences of texts into pre-define topics with a small number of seed words (Watanabe & Baturo, 2023) <doi:10.1177/08944393231178605>. Implements Seeded LDA (Lu et al., 2010) <doi:10.1109/ICDMW.2011.125> and Sequential LDA (Du et al., 2012) <doi:10.1007/s10115-011-0425-1> with the distributed LDA algorithm (Newman, et al., 2009) for parallel computing.
2024-01-16 |
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This is a method for DNA Copy Number Profiling using Next-Generation Sequencing. It has new model and test statistics based on non-homogeneous Poisson Processes with change point models. It uses an adaptation of Circular Binary Segmentation. Also included are methods for point-wise Bayesian Confidence Interval and model selection method for the change-point model. A case and a control sample reads (normal and tumor) are required.
2024-01-16 |
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Tools and functions for parsing, rendering and operating on semantic version strings. Semantic versioning is a simple set of rules and requirements that dictate how version numbers are assigned and incremented as outlined at <http://semver.org>.
2024-01-16 |
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Hierarchical multistate models are considered to perform the analysis of independent/clustered semi-competing risks data. The package allows to choose the specification for model components from a range of options giving users substantial flexibility, including: accelerated failure time or proportional hazards regression models; parametric or non-parametric specifications for baseline survival functions and cluster-specific random effects distribution; a Markov or semi-Markov specification for terminal event following non-terminal event. While estimation is mainly performed within the Bayesian paradigm, the package also provides the maximum likelihood estimation approach for several parametric models. The package also includes functions for univariate survival analysis as complementary analysis tools.
2024-01-16 |
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Implements a method for fitting a bounded probability distribution to quantiles (for example stated by an expert), see Bornkamp and Ickstadt (2009) for details. For this purpose B-splines are used, and the density is obtained by penalized least squares based on a Brier entropy penalty. The package provides methods for fitting the distribution as well as methods for evaluating the underlying density and cdf. In addition methods for plotting the distribution, drawing random numbers and calculating quantiles of the obtained distribution are provided.
2024-01-16 |
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Fast versions of seismic analysis functions that 'roll' over a vector of values. See the 'RcppRoll' package for alternative versions of basic statistical functions such as rolling mean, median, etc.
2024-01-16 |
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Computes segregation indices, including the Index of Dissimilarity, as well as the information-theoretic indices developed by Theil (1971) <isbn:978-0471858454>, namely the Mutual Information Index (M) and Theil's Information Index (H). The M, further described by Mora and Ruiz-Castillo (2011) <doi:10.1111/j.1467-9531.2011.01237.x> and Frankel and Volij (2011) <doi:10.1016/j.jet.2010.10.008>, is a measure of segregation that is highly decomposable. The package provides tools to decompose the index by units and groups (local segregation), and by within and between terms. The package also provides a method to decompose differences in segregation as described by Elbers (2021) <doi:10.1177/0049124121986204>. The package includes standard error estimation by bootstrapping, which also corrects for small sample bias. The package also contains functions for visualizing segregation patterns.
2024-01-16 |
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Implements spatial and spatiotemporal GLMMs (Generalized Linear Mixed Effect Models) using 'TMB', 'INLA', and the SPDE (Stochastic Partial Differential Equation) approximation to Gaussian random fields. One common application is for spatially explicit species distribution models (SDMs). See Anderson et al. (2022) <doi:10.1101/2022.03.24.485545>.
2024-01-16 |
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Implements a segmentation algorithm for multiple change-point detection in high-dimensional GARCH processes. It simultaneously segments GARCH processes by identifying 'common' change-points, each of which can be shared by a subset or all of the component time series as a change-point in their within-series and/or cross-sectional correlation structure.
2024-01-16 |
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Given a likelihood provided by the user, this package applies it to a given matrix dataset in order to find change points in the data that maximize the sum of the likelihoods of all the segments. This package provides a handful of algorithms with different time complexities and assumption compromises so the user is able to choose the best one for the problem at hand. The implementation of the segmentation algorithms in this package are based on the paper by Bruno M. de Castro, Florencia Leonardi (2018) <arXiv:1501.01756>. The Berlin weather sample dataset was provided by Deutscher Wetterdienst <https://dwd.de/>. You can find all the references in the Acknowledgments section of this package's repository via the URL below.
2024-01-16 |
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A dynamic programming solution to segmentation based on maximization of arbitrary similarity measures within segments. The general idea, theory and this implementation are described in Machne, Murray & Stadler (2017) <doi:10.1038/s41598-017-12401-8>. In addition to the core algorithm, the package provides time-series processing and clustering functions as described in the publication. These are generally applicable where a `k-means` clustering yields meaningful results, and have been specifically developed for clustering of the Discrete Fourier Transform of periodic gene expression data (`circadian' or `yeast metabolic oscillations'). This clustering approach is outlined in the supplemental material of Machne & Murray (2012) <doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0037906>), and here is used as a basis of segment similarity measures. Notably, the time-series processing and clustering functions can also be used as stand-alone tools, independent of segmentation, e.g., for transcriptome data already mapped to genes.
2024-01-16 |
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Contains functions that help to determine event boundaries in event segmentation experiments by bootstrapping a critical segmentation magnitude under the null hypothesis that all key presses were randomly distributed across the experiment. Segmentation magnitude is defined as the sum of Gaussians centered at the times of the segmentation key presses performed by the participants. Within a participant, the maximum of the overlaid Gaussians is used to prevent an excessive influence of a single participant on the overall outcome (e.g. if a participant is pressing the key multiple times in succession). Further functions are included, such as plotting the results.
2024-01-16 |
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Capable of deriving seasonal statistics, such as "normals", and analysis of seasonal data, such as departures. This package also has graphics capabilities for representing seasonal data, including boxplots for seasonal parameters, and bars for summed normals. There are many specific functions related to climatology, including precipitation normals, temperature normals, cumulative precipitation departures and precipitation interarrivals. However, this package is designed to represent any time-varying parameter with a discernible seasonal signal, such as found in hydrology and ecology.
2024-01-16 |
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Functions to estimate the density and size of a spatially distributed animal population sampled with an array of passive detectors, such as traps, or by searching polygons or transects. Models incorporating distance-dependent detection are fitted by maximizing the likelihood. Tools are included for data manipulation and model selection.
2024-01-16 |
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Sequential factor extraction via co-sparse unit-rank estimation (SeCURE).
2024-01-16 |
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The QuadTree data structure is useful for fast, neighborhood-restricted lookups. We use it to implement fast k-Nearest Neighbor and Rectangular range lookups in 2 dimenions. The primary target is high performance interactive graphics.
2024-01-16 |
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Formulates a sparse distance weighted discrimination (SDWD) for high-dimensional classification and implements a very fast algorithm for computing its solution path with the L1, the elastic-net, and the adaptive elastic-net penalties. More details about the methodology SDWD is seen on Wang and Zou (2016) (<doi:10.1080/10618600.2015.1049700>).
2024-01-16 |
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Methods for statistical disclosure control in tabular data such as primary and secondary cell suppression as described for example in Hundepol et al. (2012) <doi:10.1002/9781118348239> are covered in this package.
2024-01-16 |
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Companion package to the book Simulation and Inference for Stochastic Differential Equations With R Examples, ISBN 978-0-387-75838-1, Springer, NY.
2024-01-16 |
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Solves the general Semi-Definite Linear Programming formulation using an R implementation of SDPT3 (K.C. Toh, M.J. Todd, and R.H. Tutuncu (1999) <doi:10.1080/10556789908805762>). This includes problems such as the nearest correlation matrix problem (Higham (2002) <doi:10.1093/imanum/22.3.329>), D-optimal experimental design (Smith (1918) <doi:10.2307/2331929>), Distance Weighted Discrimination (Marron and Todd (2012) <doi:10.1198/016214507000001120>), as well as graph theory problems including the maximum cut problem. Technical details surrounding SDPT3 can be found in R.H Tutuncu, K.C. Toh, and M.J. Todd (2003) <doi:10.1007/s10107-002-0347-5>.
2024-01-16 |
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Provides functionality to generate, (interactively) modify (by adding, removing and renaming nodes) and convert nested hierarchies between different formats. These tree like structures can be used to define for example complex hierarchical tables used for statistical disclosure control.
2024-01-16 |
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Data from statistical agencies and other institutions are mostly confidential. This package (see also Templ, Kowarik and Meindl (2017) <doi:10.18637/jss.v067.i04>) can be used for the generation of anonymized (micro)data, i.e. for the creation of public- and scientific-use files. The theoretical basis for the methods implemented can be found in Templ (2017) <doi:10.1007/978-3-319-50272-4>. Various risk estimation and anonymisation methods are included. Note that the package includes a graphical user interface (Meindl and Templ, 2019 <doi:10.3390/a12090191>) that allows to use various methods of this package.
2024-01-16 |
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A normalization method for single-cell UMI count data using a variance stabilizing transformation. The transformation is based on a negative binomial regression model with regularized parameters. As part of the same regression framework, this package also provides functions for batch correction, and data correction. See Hafemeister and Satija (2019) <doi:10.1186/s13059-019-1874-1>, and Choudhary and Satija (2022) <doi:10.1186/s13059-021-02584-9> for more details.
2024-01-16 |
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Core utilities for single-cell RNA-seq data analysis. Contained within are utility functions for working with differential expression (DE) matrices and count matrices, a collection of functions for manipulating and plotting data via 'ggplot2', and functions to work with cell graphs and cell embeddings. Graph-based methods include embedding kNN cell graphs into a UMAP <doi:10.21105/joss.00861>, collapsing vertices of each cluster in the graph, and propagating graph labels.
2024-01-16 |
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C-based conversion of large scatterplot data to rasters plus other operations such as data blurring or data alpha blending. Speeds up plotting of data with millions of points.
2024-01-16 |
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Code for describing and manipulating scuba diving profiles (depth-time curves) and decompression models, for calculating the predictions of decompression models, for calculating maximum no-decompression time and decompression tables, and for performing mixed gas calculations.
2024-01-16 |
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Solves convex cone programs via operator splitting. Can solve: linear programs ('LPs'), second-order cone programs ('SOCPs'), semidefinite programs ('SDPs'), exponential cone programs ('ECPs'), and power cone programs ('PCPs'), or problems with any combination of those cones. 'SCS' uses 'AMD' (a set of routines for permuting sparse matrices prior to factorization) and 'LDL' (a sparse 'LDL' factorization and solve package) from 'SuiteSparse' (<https://people.engr.tamu.edu/davis/suitesparse.html>).
2024-01-16 |
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Functions for working with the scrypt key derivation functions originally described by Colin Percival <https://www.tarsnap.com/scrypt/scrypt.pdf> and in Percival and Josefsson (2016) <doi:10.17487/RFC7914>. Scrypt is a password-based key derivation function created by Colin Percival. The algorithm was specifically designed to make it costly to perform large-scale custom hardware attacks by requiring large amounts of memory.
2024-01-16 |
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Dictionary-like reference for computing scoring rules in a wide range of situations. Covers both parametric forecast distributions (such as mixtures of Gaussians) and distributions generated via simulation.
2024-01-16 |
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A coalescent simulator that allows the rapid simulation of biological sequences under neutral models of evolution. Different to other coalescent based simulations, it has an optional approximation parameter that allows for high accuracy while maintaining a linear run time cost for long sequences. It is optimized for simulating massive data sets as produced by Next- Generation Sequencing technologies for up to several thousand sequences.
2024-01-16 |
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Provides peak functions, which enable us to detect peaks in time series. The methods implemented in this package are based on Girish Keshav Palshikar (2009) <https://www.researchgate.net/publication/228853276_Simple_Algorithms_for_Peak_Detection_in_Time-Series>.
2024-01-16 |
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Provides functions for fitting discrete distribution models to count data. Included are the Poisson, the negative binomial, the Poisson-inverse gaussian and, most importantly, a new implementation of the Poisson-beta distribution (density, distribution and quantile functions, and random number generator) together with a needed new implementation of Kummer's function (also: confluent hypergeometric function of the first kind). Three different implementations of the Gillespie algorithm allow data simulation based on the basic, switching or bursting mRNA generating processes. Moreover, likelihood functions for four variants of each of the three aforementioned distributions are also available. The variants include one population and two population mixtures, both with and without zero-inflation. The package depends on the 'MPFR' libraries (<https://www.mpfr.org/>) which need to be installed separately (see description at <https://github.com/fuchslab/scModels>). This package is supplement to the paper "A mechanistic model for the negative binomial distribution of single-cell mRNA counts" by Lisa Amrhein, Kumar Harsha and Christiane Fuchs (2019) <doi:10.1101/657619> available on bioRxiv.
2024-01-16 |
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Functions, classes and methods for time series modelling with ARIMA and related models. The aim of the package is to provide consistent interface for the user. For example, a single function autocorrelations() computes various kinds of theoretical and sample autocorrelations. This is work in progress, see the documentation and vignettes for the current functionality. Function sarima() fits extended multiplicative seasonal ARIMA models with trends, exogenous variables and arbitrary roots on the unit circle, which can be fixed or estimated (for the algebraic basis for this see <arXiv:2208.05055>, a paper on the methodology is being prepared). The suggested package 'FitARMA' can be installed with 'remotes::install_github("cran/FitARMA")' if necessary but is no longer needed in normal use.
2024-01-16 |
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A pipeline for estimating the stellar age, mass, and radius given observational effective temperature, [Fe/H], and astroseismic parameters. The results are obtained adopting a maximum likelihood technique over a grid of pre-computed stellar models, as described in Valle et al. (2014) <doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201322210>.
2024-01-16 |
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Provides wrappers for 'scclust', a C library for computationally efficient size-constrained clustering with near-optimal performance. See <https://github.com/fsavje/scclust> for more information.
2024-01-16 |
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An efficient implementation of SCCI using 'Rcpp'. SCCI is short for the Stochastic Complexity-based Conditional Independence criterium (Marx and Vreeken, 2019). SCCI is an asymptotically unbiased and L2 consistent estimator of (conditional) mutual information for discrete data.
2024-01-16 |
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Computes the maximum likelihood estimator of the generalised additive and index regression with shape constraints. Each additive component function is assumed to obey one of the nine possible shape restrictions: linear, increasing, decreasing, convex, convex increasing, convex decreasing, concave, concave increasing, or concave decreasing. For details, see Chen and Samworth (2016) <doi:10.1111/rssb.12137>.
2024-01-16 |
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Routines for generalized additive modelling under shape constraints on the component functions of the linear predictor (Pya and Wood, 2015) <doi:10.1007/s11222-013-9448-7>. Models can contain multiple shape constrained (univariate and/or bivariate) and unconstrained terms. The routines of gam() in package 'mgcv' are used for setting up the model matrix, printing and plotting the results. Penalized likelihood maximization based on Newton-Raphson method is used to fit a model with multiple smoothing parameter selection by GCV or UBRE/AIC.
2024-01-16 |
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A collection of tools and functions to adjust a variety of stochastic blockmodels (SBM). Supports at the moment Simple, Bipartite, 'Multipartite' and Multiplex SBM (undirected or directed with Bernoulli, Poisson or Gaussian emission laws on the edges, and possibly covariate for Simple and Bipartite SBM). See Léger (2016) <arxiv:1602.07587>, 'Barbillon et al.' (2020) <doi:10.1111/rssa.12193> and 'Bar-Hen et al.' (2020) <arxiv:1807.10138>.
2024-01-16 |
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An ADMM implementation of SDP-1, a semidefinite programming relaxation of the maximum likelihood estimator for fitting a block model. SDP-1 has a tendency to produce equal-sized blocks and is ideal for producing a form of network histogram approximating a nonparametric graphon model. Alternatively, it can be used for community detection. (This is experimental code, proceed with caution.)
2024-01-16 |
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sbioPN is a package suited to perform simulation of deterministic and stochastic systems of biochemical reaction networks with spatial effects. Models are defined using a subset of Petri Nets, in a way that is close at how chemical reactions are defined. For deterministic solutions, sbioPN creates the associated system of differential equations "on the fly", and solves it with a Runge Kutta Dormand Prince 45 explicit algorithm. For stochastic solutions, sbioPN offers two variants of Gillespie algorithm, or SSA. For hybrid deterministic/stochastic, it employs the Haseltine and Rawlings algorithm, that partitions the system in fast and slow reactions. sbioPN algorithms are developed in C to achieve adequate performance.
2024-01-16 |