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prometeia / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
kombu public Messaging library for Python 2023-06-16
spyne public No Summary 2023-06-16
amqp public Low-level AMQP client for Python (fork of amqplib) 2023-06-16
billiard public Python multiprocessing fork with improvements and bugfixes 2023-06-16
celery public Distributed Task Queue 2023-06-16
pp public Parallel and distributed programming for Python 2023-06-16
toscawidgets None Web widget creation toolkit based on TurboGears widgets 2023-06-16
genshi None A toolkit for generation of output for the web 2023-06-16
webob None WSGI request and response object 2023-06-16
turbogears None Front-to-back, open-source, rapid web development framework 2023-06-16
treelike None Helpers for creating and traversing recursively nested data structures in Python. 2023-06-16
tgmochikit None MochiKit packaged as TurboGears widgets. 2023-06-16
turbojson None Python template plugin that supports JSON 2023-06-16
paste None Tools for using a Web Server Gateway Interface stack 2023-06-16
tw.forms None Web Widgets for building and validating forms. (former ToscaWidgetsForms) 2023-06-16
sqlalchemy None Database Abstraction Library 2023-06-16
numexpr None Fast numerical expression evaluator for NumPy 2023-06-16
jsmin None JavaScript minifier.PLEASE UPDATE TO VERSION >= 2.0.6. older versions have a serious bug related to comments. 2023-06-16
turbokid None Python template plugin that supports Kid templates 2023-06-16
parakeet None Runtime compiler for numerical Python. 2023-06-16
dicttoxml None Converts a Python dictionary or other native data type into a valid XML string. 2023-06-16
cloud None PiCloud client-side library 2023-06-16
webtest None Helper to test WSGI applications 2023-06-16
peakrules None No Summary 2023-06-16
extremes None Production-quality 'Min' and 'Max' objects (adapted from PEP 326) 2023-06-16
pastescript None A pluggable command-line frontend, including commands to setup package file layouts 2023-06-16
waitress None Waitress WSGI server 2023-06-16
python-dateutil None Extensions to the standard Python datetime module 2023-06-16
markdown None Python implementation of Markdown. 2023-06-16
cssmin None A Python port of the YUI CSS compression algorithm. 2023-06-16
formencode None HTML form validation, generation, and conversion package 2023-06-16
turbomail None TurboMail is a mail delivery subsystem and MIME message generation framework for Python. 2023-06-16
wsgiref None WSGI (PEP 333) Reference Library 2023-06-16
bytecodeassembler None Generate Python code objects by "assembling" bytecode (Now includes a functional/AST-oriented API, too!) 2023-06-16
symboltype None Simple "symbol" type, useful for enumerations or sentinels 2023-06-16
pastedeploy None Load, configure, and compose WSGI applications and servers 2023-06-16
decoratortools None Class, function, and metaclass decorators -- even in Python 2.3 (now with source debugging for generated code)! 2023-06-16
web.py None web.py: makes web apps 2023-06-16
pysqlite public DB-API 2.0 interface for SQLite 3.x 2023-06-16
turbocheetah None TurboGears plugin to support use of Cheetah templates 2023-06-16
ipdb None IPython-enabled pdb 2023-06-16
addons None Dynamically extend other objects with AddOns (formerly ObjectRoles) 2023-06-16
kid None A simple and pythonic XML template language 2023-06-16

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