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potassco / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
clingo public A grounder and solver for logic programs. 2024-12-11
clingo-lpx public A solver for logic programs with difference constraints. 2024-09-13
clingcon public A solver for logic programs with linear constraints over integers. 2024-06-21
clingo-dl public A solver for logic programs with difference constraints. 2024-06-21
re2c public A lexer generator for C and C++ 2024-06-20
clorm public ORM interface for the Clingo ASP Solver 2024-05-09
clinguin public A system to build User Interfaces in ASP 2024-04-10
clingraph public A visualizer for graphs defined as a set of facts with special integration for clingo 2024-02-16
telingo public Library with auxilary functions to use along with clingo's python module. 2024-02-16
python-clingox public Library with auxilary functions to use along with clingo's python module. 2024-02-16
clingo-lp public clingo with theory propagator for linear programming 2023-11-15
plingo public A system for probabilistic reasoning in clingo 2023-06-18
hqspre public Solving Dependency Quantified Boolean Formulas 2023-06-16
asprilo-visualizer public A tool to visualize asprilo problem instances 2023-06-16
asprilo-generator public An instance generator for asprilo 2023-06-16
aspcud public A solver for package problems in CUDF format using ASP 2023-06-16
win_flex_bison public A port of the Flex & Bison tools to the Windows platform 2023-06-16
tbb public A high level abstract threading library 2023-06-16
asprin public Qualitative and quantitative optimization in answer set programming. 2023-06-16

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