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ostrokach / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
muscle None MUSCLE is one of the best-performing multiple alignment programs according to published benchmark tests, with accuracy and speed that are consistently better than CLUSTALW. 2023-06-16
parallel None GNU parallel is a shell tool for executing jobs in parallel using one or more computers. 2023-06-16
blast None No Summary 2023-06-16
stride None Fast and accurate computation of surface areas of proteins and nucleic acids. 2023-06-16
pops None Fast and accurate computation of surface areas of proteins and nucleic acids. 2023-06-16
provean None PROVEAN (Protein Variation Effect Analyzer) is a software tool which predicts whether an amino acid substitution or indel has an impact on the biological function of a protein. 2023-06-16
pdbfixer None PDBFixer fixes problems in PDB files to prepare them for molecular simulation. 2023-06-16
dssp None The DSSP program was designed by Wolfgang Kabsch and Chris Sander to standardize secondary structure assignment. 2023-06-16
knot None Detection of knots in protein folds. 2023-06-16
sphinxcontrib-programoutput None Sphinx extension to include program output 2023-06-16
cd-hit None CD-HIT is a program for clustering DNA/protein sequence database at high identity with tolerance. 2023-06-16
t_coffee None A collection of tools for Computing, Evaluating and Manipulating Multiple Alignments of DNA, RNA, Protein Sequences and Structures. 2023-06-16
libxau None No Summary 2023-06-16
libxcb None No Summary 2023-06-16
kbproto None No Summary 2023-06-16
libxtrans None No Summary 2023-06-16
libx11 None No Summary 2023-06-16
pthread-stubs None No Summary 2023-06-16
xproto None No Summary 2023-06-16
pymysql None No Summary 2023-06-16
python-coveralls public Python interface to coveralls.io API\n 2023-06-16
samtools None Tools (written in C using htslib) for manipulating next-generation sequencing data. 2023-06-16
mysql-connector-python None Python MySQL connector 2023-06-16
inputproto None No Summary 2023-06-16
libepoxy None Epoxy is a library for handling OpenGL function pointer management for you. 2023-06-16
xextproto None No Summary 2023-06-16
tcl None No Summary 2023-06-16
mpfr None The GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library 2023-06-16
gcc None The GNU Compiler Collection 2023-06-16
openmm None A toolkit for molecular simulation using high performance GPU code. 2023-06-16
fftw3f None The fastest Fourier transform in the west. 2023-06-16
sigcpp None No Summary 2023-06-16
mm-common None No Summary 2023-06-16
sparsehash None An extremely memory-efficient hash_map implementation 2023-06-16
expat None The Expat XML Parser 2023-06-16
rested None No Summary 2023-06-16
graphviz None Graph Visualization Software 2023-06-16

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