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omnia / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
bhmm None Bayesian hidden Markov models for analysis of single-molecule trajectory data 2023-06-16
termcolor public ANSII Color formatting for output in terminal. 2023-06-16
pyublas None Seamless Numpy-UBlas interoperability 2023-06-16
appdirs None A small Python module for determining appropriate platform-specific dirs, e.g. a "user data dir". 2023-06-16
pytools None A collection of tools for Python 2023-06-16
cvxopt None Convex optimization package 2023-06-16
behave None behave is behaviour-driven development, Python style 2023-06-16
parse_type None Simplifies to build parse types based on the parse module 2023-06-16
covar public covar: shrinkage covariance estimation 2023-06-16
sh None Python subprocess interface 2023-06-16
openblas public An optimized BLAS library 2023-06-16
parse None parse() is the opposite of format() 2023-06-16
scs None scs: splittling cone solver 2023-06-16
ecos None A lightweight conic solver for second-order cone programming. 2023-06-16
clusterutils None Tools for use in compute cluster environments. 2023-06-16
svgwrite None A Python library to create SVG drawings. 2023-06-16
quadprog public Quadratic Programming Solver 2023-06-16
openmoltools None No Summary 2023-06-16
algopy None ALGOPY: Taylor Arithmetic Computation and Algorithmic Differentiation 2023-06-16
pymol None No Summary 2023-06-16
pyvisfile None Large-scale Visualization Data Storage 2023-06-16
jom public jom is a clone of nmake to support the execution of multiple independent commands in parallel. 2023-06-16
cvxpy None A domain-specific language for modeling convex optimization problems in Python. 2023-06-16
assaytools None A library for the modeling and analysis of plate-based assays (development snapshot) 2023-06-16
cclib None cclib: parsers and algorithms for computational chemistry 2023-06-16
mingwpy public GCC for Windows 64 & 32 bits 2023-06-16
pyxb None PyXB ("pixbee") is a pure Python package that generates Python source code for classes that correspond to data structures defined by XMLSchema. 2023-06-16
ensembler-dev None Pipeline for automating omics-scale protein modeling and simulation setup. 2023-06-16
ensembler None Pipeline for automating omics-scale protein modeling and simulation setup. 2023-06-16
python-coveralls None Python interface to coveralls.io API 2023-06-16
freeglut None No Summary 2023-06-16
glew None No Summary 2023-06-16
pytram None The TRAM package 2023-06-16
openpathsampling-dev None OpenPathSampling: A python package to do path sampling simulations 2023-06-16
parmed None A package for parsing, interconverting, manipulating, and simulating biomolecular simulations with many packages 2023-06-16
schema None Simple data validation library 2023-06-16
subprocess32 None Backport of the subprocess module from Python 3.2/3.3 for use on 2.x. 2023-06-16
silo None Silo is a library for reading and writing a wide variety of scientific data to binary, disk files. 2023-06-16
clapack None No Summary 2023-06-16
openmm None A high performance toolkit for molecular simulation. 2023-06-16
openmmtools None An OpenMM toolkit: test systems, integrators, and alchemical support 2023-06-16
fastcluster None Fast hierarchical clustering routines for R and Python. 2023-06-16
pyhmc None pyhmc: Hamiltonain Monte Carlo Sampling in Python 2023-06-16
packmol None Packing Optimization for Molecular Dynamics Simulations 2023-06-16
pyemma None PyEMMA (EMMA = Emma's Markov Model Algorithms) is an open source Python/C package for analysis of extensive molecular dynamics simulations 2023-06-16
numdifftools None Solves automatic numerical differentiation problems in one or more variables. 2023-06-16
docopt None Pythonic argument parser, that will make you smile 2023-06-16
msmbuilder None MSMBuilder: Statistical models for biomolecular dynamics 2023-06-16
pymbar None Python implementation of the multistate Bennett acceptance ratio (MBAR) method. 2023-06-16
mdtraj None A modern, open library for the analysis of molecular dynamics trajectories 2023-06-16

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