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nsls2forge / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
sasmodels public Package for calculation of small angle scattering models using OpenCL 2025-03-25
bumps public Data fitting with bayesian uncertainty analysis 2025-03-25
mendeleev public A perdioc table of elements API and a database of atomic properties. 2025-03-25
pyfiglet public Pure-python FIGlet implementation 2025-03-25
periodictable public Extensible periodic table for python 2025-03-25
pycentroids public No Summary 2025-03-25
dxchange public Data I/O for tomography 2025-03-25
spefile public Reader for SPE files part of pyspec a set of python routines for data analysis of x-ray scattering experiments 2025-03-25
edffile public Reader for EDF files part of the PyMCA x-ray fluorescence toolkit 2025-03-25
dxfile public Reader/Writer for Data Exchange files. 2025-03-25
epics-base-static-libs public EPICS Base Library 2025-03-25
intake public Data load and catalog system 2025-03-25
xpdan public Python package that aids data analysis at the NSLS-II XPD Beamline. 2025-03-25
databroker-pack public Tools for a portable databroker 2025-03-25
xpdsim public A simulation environment for experiments at the XPD beamline at NSLS-II 2025-03-25
xpdconf public Configuration manager for XPD beamlines 2025-03-25
httpx public A next-generation HTTP client for Python. 2025-03-25
cupy public CuPy is an implementation of a NumPy-compatible multi-dimensional array on CUDA. 2025-03-25
xpdacq public Python package that aids data acquisition at the NSLS-II XPD and PDF Beamline. 2025-03-25
databroker-browser public A read-only dottable dictionary 2025-03-25
mgltools public MGLTools is an program for visualization and analysis of molecular structures 2025-03-25
autodock public AutoDock is a suite of automated docking tools. It is designed to predict how small molecules, such as substrates or drug candidates, bind to a receptor of known 3D structure. 2025-03-25
openbabel public A chemical toolbox designed to speak the many languages of chemical data 2025-03-25
cpplint public A publicly maintained version of Google's static analysis tool for C/C++ code. 2025-03-25
lmfit-c public No Summary 2025-03-25
napari public a fast n-dimensional image viewer in Python 2025-03-25
vispy public VisPy is a high-performance interactive 2D/3D data visualization library. 2025-03-25
freetype-py public Python binding for the freetype library 2025-03-25
nexpy public NeXpy: A Python GUI to analyze NeXus data 2025-03-25
nexusformat public nexusformat: Python API to access NeXus data 2025-03-25
itk public ITK is an open-source toolkit for multidimensional image analysis 2025-03-25
arvpyf public Archiver Python Frontend 2025-03-25
cachetools public Extensible memoizing collections and decorators 2025-03-25
pygobject public Python bindings for GObject Introspection 2025-03-25
bluesky-darkframes public Tools for acquiring and subtracting darkframes 2025-03-25
frozendict public An immutable dictionary 2025-03-25
xicam.xpcs public XPCS plugin for Xi-cam 2025-03-25
xicam.saxs public SAXS plugin for Xi-cam 2025-03-25
area-detector-handlers public DataBroker handlers for Area Detector 2025-03-25
xicam.catalogviewer public The CAMERA platform for synchrotron data management, visualization, and reduction. 2025-03-25
xicam.gui public The CAMERA platform for synchrotron data management, visualization, and reduction. 2025-03-25
xicam.plugins public The CAMERA platform for synchrotron data management, visualization, and reduction. 2025-03-25
atsas-pipelines public ATSAS pipelines for the NSLS-II LIX beamline 2025-03-25
dask-jobqueue public Easy deployment of Dask Distributed on job queuing systems like PBS, Slurm, LSF and SGE. 2025-03-25
xicam.core public The CAMERA platform for synchrotron data management, visualization, and reduction. 2025-03-25
xicam public An extensible platform for synchrotron data reduction, visualization, and management 2025-03-25
signalslot public Simple Signal/Slot implementation 2025-03-25
eventlet public Highly concurrent networking library 2025-03-25
qtmodern public Qt Widgets Modern User Interface 2025-03-25
yapsy public Yet another plugin system 2025-03-25

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