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nsls2forge / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
signalslot public Simple Signal/Slot implementation 2023-06-16
qdarkstyle public A dark stylesheet for Python and Qt applications 2023-06-16
yapsy public Yet another plugin system 2023-06-16
weakrefmethod public A WeakMethod class for storing bound methods using weak references. 2023-06-16
csxtools public Useful python tools for NSLS-II CSX (23-ID) 2023-06-16
conda-pack public Package conda environments for redistribution 2023-06-16
tenacity public Retry a flaky function whenever an exception occurs until it works 2023-06-16
papermill public Papermill parameterizes, executes, and analyzes Jupyter Notebooks 2023-06-16
pystackreg public Python implementation of the ImageJ/FIJI Plugin TurboReg/StackReg 2023-06-16
modestimage public Friendlier matplotlib interaction with large images 2023-06-16
file public Fine Free File Command 2023-06-16
manhole public Debugging manhole for python applications 2023-06-16
hunter public Hunter is a flexible code tracing toolkit 2023-06-16
icu public International Components for Unicode 2023-06-16
uwsgi public The uWSGI project aims at developing a full stack for building hosting services. Application servers (for various programming languages and protocols), proxies, process managers and monitors are all implemented. 2023-06-16
06-bm-bmm-collection public Collection metapackage for the NSLS-II BMM beamline 2023-06-16
scikit-build public Improved build system generator for CPython C extensions. 2023-06-16
pyisemail public Simple, robust email validation 2023-06-16
xraylarch public Larch: X-ray Analysis for Synchrotron Applications using Python 2023-06-16
parsimonious public (Soon to be) the fastest pure-Python PEG parser I could muster 2023-06-16
argh public An unobtrusive argparse wrapper with natural syntax 2023-06-16
jansson public Jansson is a C library for encoding, decoding and manipulating JSON data. 2023-06-16
tomopy public Tomographic reconstruction in Python. 2023-06-16
hxntools public NSLS-II Hard X-ray Nanoprobe data acquisition tools 2023-06-16
wxmplot public wxPython plotting widgets using matplotlib 2023-06-16
04-bm-xfm-collection public Collection metapackage for the NSLS-II XFM beamline 2023-06-16
xrt public Ray tracing and wave propagation in x-ray regime 2023-06-16
03-id-hxn-collection public Collection metapackage for the NSLS-II HXN beamline 2023-06-16
05-id-srx-collection public Collection metapackage for the NSLS-II SRX beamline 2023-06-16
ppmac public Some Power PMAC Linux/Python tools 2023-06-16
hxnfly public Tools for NSLS-II HXN fly scans 2023-06-16
wxutils public Utilities and convenience classes and functions for wxPython 2023-06-16
reportlab public Open-source engine for creating complex, data-driven PDF documents and custom vector graphics 2023-06-16
pypdf2 public A utility to read and write PDFs with Python 2023-06-16
inflection public A port of Ruby on Rails inflector to Python 2023-06-16
intake-xarray public xarray plugins for Intake 2023-06-16
rixs public Analysis tools for resonant inelastic xray scattering. 2023-06-16
textwrap3 public textwrap3 is a compatibility back-port of Python 3.6’s textwrap module that supports Python 2.6 forward. This makes a few new APIs such as shorten and the max_lines parameter available in a compatible way to all Python versions typically in current use. 2023-06-16
sixtools public Software for performing resonant inelastic xray scattering analysis at NSLS-II 2023-06-16
02-id-six-collection public Collection metapackage for SIX beamline 2023-06-16
ansiwrap public textwrap, but savvy to ANSI colors and styles 2023-06-16
eiger-io public I/O tools for the Eiger detector 2023-06-16
chxtools public Repository for data collection and analysis scripts that are useful at the CHX beamline at NSLS-II (11-id). 2023-06-16
hdf5-lz4 public HDF5 Plugin filters, using HDF5 > 1.8.11 2023-06-16
py4xs public py4xs - a python package for processing x-ray scattering data 2023-06-16
11-id-chx-collection public NSLS-II CHX collection metapackage with extra-packages 2023-06-16
xraydb public X-ray Reference Data for the Elements 2023-06-16
openh264 public OpenH264 is a codec library which supports H.264 encoding and decoding 2023-06-16
suitcase-json-metadata public Export bluesky documents' metadata to JSON 2023-06-16
x264 public A free software library for encoding video streams into the H.264/MPEG-4 AVC format. 2023-06-16

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