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NSIDC / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
seaicelogging public No Summary 2023-06-16
swagger_spec_validator public Validation of Swagger specifications 2023-06-16
mox3 public No Summary 2023-06-16
unittest2 public No Summary 2023-06-16
nasateamcalibration public packaging up some notebook code 2023-06-16
strict-rfc3339 public Strict, simple, lightweight RFC3339 functions 2023-06-16
swagger-spec-validator public Validation of Swagger specifications 2023-06-16
gibsgen public command line interface for generating GIBS imagery 2023-06-16
cdlparser public CDL Parser library 2023-06-16
plotly public Python plotting library for collaborative, interactive, publication-quality graphs. 2023-06-16
flask-sqlalchemy public Adds SQLAlchemy support to your Flask application 2023-06-16
ingest-interface public A simple webapp for IceBridge flight metadata ingest. 2023-06-16
flask-assets public Asset management for Flask, to compress and merge CSS and Javascript files. 2023-06-16
webassets public Media asset management for Python, with glue code for various web frameworks 2023-06-16
flask-sockets public Elegant WebSockets for your Flask apps. 2023-06-16
jsonmerge public Merge a series of JSON documents. 2023-06-16
json-delta public No Summary 2023-06-16
rss_netcdf_togs None Python library to convert RSS v7 NetCDF to Generic Swath. 2023-06-16
tb_pipeline None Library containing abstract base class for generating temperature brightness products. 2023-06-16
pdfrw public PDF file reader/writer library 2023-06-16
seaicedata public internal package to access sea ice index data 2023-06-16
sea_ice_tools None Python package for generating ASINA products (monthly xls, figure 3 plot) from Sea Ice Index monthly sea-ice products 2023-06-16
pyfakefs public pyfakefs implements a fake file system that mocks the Python file system modules. 2023-06-16
charistools public Python tools from the NSIDC CHARIS project 2023-06-16
sea_ice_timeseries None python package for manipulating NSIDC daily and monthly sea ice timeseries data 2023-06-16
transformers None Library for performing reprojection/resampling of geographic data. 2023-06-16
flake8-quotes public Flake8 lint for quotes. 2023-06-16
tabulate public Pretty-print tabular data 2023-06-16
odlgen None Library for generating ODL format files. 2023-06-16
rockbag None A set of utilities for NSIDC developers. 2023-06-16
seaicetimeseries public No Summary 2023-06-16
pyfdistill None python replacement for fdistill 2023-06-16
cookiecutter None A command-line utility that creates projects from project templates, e.g. creating a Python package project from a Python package project template. 2023-06-16
binaryornot None Ultra-lightweight pure Python package to check if a file is binary or text. 2023-06-16
python-termstyle None console colouring for python 2023-06-16
sedna public No Summary 2023-06-16
invoke public Pythonic task execution 2023-06-16
ingestib public Ingest pipeline for Operation IceBridge flight-reports/lines. 2023-06-16
flask-cors public A Flask extension adding a decorator for CORS support 2023-06-16
argparse public Python command-line parsing library 2023-06-16
frozendict public An immutable dictionary 2023-06-16
rednose None coloured output for nosetests 2023-06-16
nose-exclude None Exclude specific directories from nosetests runs. 2023-06-16
bumpversion None Version-bump your software with a single command! 2023-06-16
click None A simple wrapper around optparse for powerful command line utilities. 2023-06-16
python-hdf4 public Python-HDF4: Python interface to the NCSA HDF4 library. 2023-06-16
sampleconda public test NSIDC conda CI workflow 2023-06-16
nsidc0081 None creates the Near-Real-Time DMSP SSM/I-SSMIS Daily Polar Gridded Sea Ice Concentrations 2023-06-16
sexpdata None S-expression parser for Python 2023-06-16
nsidc0051 None nsidc0051 data processing 2023-06-16

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