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msys2 / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
m2-libgdbm public GNU database library 2023-06-16
m2-libgc public A garbage collector for C and C++ 2023-06-16
m2w64-expat public An XML parser library (mingw-w64) 2023-06-16
m2-pcre public A library that implements Perl 5-style regular expressions 2023-06-16
m2-libcurl public Multi-protocol file transfer library (runtime) 2023-06-16
m2w64-libtasn1 public A library for Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) and Distinguish Encoding Rules (DER) manipulation (mingw-w64) 2023-06-16
m2-perl-http-date public Date conversion routines 2023-06-16
m2-perl-http-cookies public HTTP cookie jars 2023-06-16
m2-make public GNU make utility to maintain groups of programs 2023-06-16
m2-m4 public The GNU macro processor 2023-06-16
m2w64-gnutls public A library which provides a secure layer over a reliable transport layer (mingw-w64) 2023-06-16
m2-git public The fast distributed version control system 2023-06-16
m2w64-rtmpdump-git public A tool to download rtmp streams (mingw-w64) 2023-06-16
m2w64-libidn public Implementation of the Stringprep, Punycode and IDNA specifications (mingw-w64) 2023-06-16
m2w64-gcc-ada public GNU Compiler Collection (Ada) for MinGW-w64 2023-06-16
m2-util-linux public Collection of basic system utilities 2023-06-16
m2-pkg-config public A system for managing library compile/link flags 2023-06-16
m2-perl-mailtools public Various e-mail related modules 2023-06-16
m2-perl-authen-sasl public Perl/CPAN Module Authen::SASL : SASL authentication framework 2023-06-16
m2-patchutils public Utilities to work with patches 2023-06-16
m2-libxslt public XML stylesheet transformation library 2023-06-16
m2-libgettextpo public GNU Internationalization runtime library 2023-06-16
m2w64-windows-default-manifest public Default Windows application manifest (mingw-w64) 2023-06-16
m2w64-nettle public A low-level cryptographic library (mingw-w64) 2023-06-16
m2w64-mpc public Multiple precision complex arithmetic library (mingw-w64) 2023-06-16
m2w64-libiconv public Character encoding conversion library (mingw-w64) 2023-06-16
m2w64-isl public Library for manipulating sets and relations of integer points bounded by linear constraints (mingw-w64) 2023-06-16
m2w64-headers-git public MinGW-w64 headers for Windows 2023-06-16
m2w64-bwidget public A companion to Tcllib, for Tk related packages (mingw-w64) 2023-06-16
m2-vim public null 2023-06-16
m2-perl-www-robotrules public Database of robots.txt-derived permissions 2023-06-16
m2-perl-net-ssleay public Perl extension for using OpenSSL 2023-06-16
m2-perl-error public Perl/CPAN Error module - Error/exception handling in an OO-ish way 2023-06-16
m2-libssh2 public Multi-protocol file transfer library (runtime) 2023-06-16
m2-liblzma public Library for XZ and LZMA compressed files 2023-06-16
m2-libintl public GNU Internationalization runtime library 2023-06-16
m2w64-wineditline public port of the NetBSD Editline library (mingw-w64) 2023-06-16
m2w64-ntldd-git public Tracks dependencides in Windows PE binaries (mingw-w64) 2023-06-16
m2w64-libmetalink public Metalink library (mingw-w64) 2023-06-16
m2w64-libjpeg-turbo public JPEG image codec with accelerated baseline compression and decompression (mingw-w64) 2023-06-16
m2-unzip public Unpacks .zip archives such as those made by PKZIP 2023-06-16
m2-libmetalink public Metalink XML parser library. 2023-06-16
m2w64-gmp public A free library for arbitrary precision arithmetic (mingw-w64) 2023-06-16
m2-libffi public Portable, high level programming interface to various calling conventions 2023-06-16
m2w64-zlib public Compression library implementing the deflate compression method found in gzip and PKZIP (mingw-w64) 2023-06-16
m2w64-libsystre public Wrapper library around TRE that provides POSIX API (mingw-w64) 2023-06-16
m2w64-libssh2 public A library implementing the SSH2 protocol as defined by Internet Drafts (mingw-w64) 2023-06-16
m2w64-gsl public The GNU Scientific Library (GSL) is a modern numerical library for C and C++ programmers (mingw-w64) 2023-06-16
m2w64-gcc-objc public GNU Compiler Collection (ObjC,Obj-C++) for MinGW-w64 2023-06-16
m2-texinfo-tex public Utilities to work with and produce manuals, ASCII text, and on-line documentation from a single source file 2023-06-16

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