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Memfault / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
overmind public Overmind is a process manager for Procfile-based applications and tmux. 2025-03-25
eclint public A faster alternative to the JavaScript eclint written in Go. 2025-03-25
ecs-cli public No Summary 2025-03-25
please public High-performance extensible build system for reproducible multi-language builds. 2025-03-25
terragrunt public Terragrunt is a thin wrapper for Terraform that provides extra tools for working with multiple Terraform modules. 2025-03-25
go-shfmt public A shell parser, formatter, and interpreter with bash support; includes shfmt 2025-03-25
volta public The Hassle-Free JavaScript Tool Manager 2025-03-25
clickhouse public ClickHouse® is a free analytics DBMS for big data 2025-03-25
mkcert public mkcert is a simple tool for making locally-trusted development certificates 2025-03-25
elfutils public a set of utilities and libraries for handling ELF (Executable and Linkable Format) files. 2025-03-25
terraform public Terraform is a tool for building, changing, and combining infrastructure safely and efficiently. 2025-03-25
xpack-gcc-arm-none-eabi public The xPack GNU Arm Embedded GCC 2025-03-25
docker-compose public Define and run multi-container applications with Docker 2025-03-25
gitleaks public Scan git repos (or files) for secrets using regex and entropy key 2025-03-25
cmake public CMake is an extensible, open-source system that manages the build process 2025-03-25
xtensa-lx106-elf-gdb public GDB, the GNU Project debugger, allows you to see what is going on inside another program while it executes -- or what another program was doing at the moment it crashed. 2025-03-25
aws-vault public AWS Vault is a tool to securely store and access AWS credentials in a development environment 2025-03-25
xtensa-esp8266-elf-gdb public GDB, the GNU Project debugger, allows you to see what is going on inside another program while it executes -- or what another program was doing at the moment it crashed. 2025-03-25
retrace public retrace 2025-03-25
redis public Advanced key-value cache and store 2025-03-25
arcanist public Command line interface for Phabricator 2025-03-25
circleci-cli public Use CircleCI from the command line 2025-03-25
chamber public CLI for managing secrets 2025-03-25
multi-arch-gdb public GDB, the GNU Project debugger, allows you to see what is going on inside another program while it executes -- or what another program was doing at the moment it crashed. 2025-03-25
xtensa-esp32-elf-gdb public GDB, the GNU Project debugger, allows you to see what is going on inside another program while it executes -- or what another program was doing at the moment it crashed. 2025-03-25

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