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Package Name Access Summary Updated
arrow public Better dates & times for Python 2024-11-21
asynch public An asyncio ClickHouse Python Driver with native (TCP) interface support. 2024-11-21
anyqt public PyQt5/PyQt6 compatibility layer. 2024-11-21
apispec public A pluggable API specification generator 2024-11-21
anyio public High level compatibility layer for multiple asynchronous event loop implementations on Python 2024-11-21
rust_osx-arm64 public A safe systems programming language (conda activation scripts) 2024-11-19
rust_linux-s390x public A safe systems programming language (conda activation scripts) 2024-11-19
rust_linux-64 public A safe systems programming language (conda activation scripts) 2024-11-19
rust_osx-64 public A safe systems programming language (conda activation scripts) 2024-11-19
rust_linux-aarch64 public A safe systems programming language (conda activation scripts) 2024-11-19
execnet public distributed Python deployment and communication 2024-11-18
ecdsa public ECDSA cryptographic signature library (pure python) 2024-11-18
rfc3339-validator public A pure python RFC3339 validator 2024-11-18
pytest-jupyter public Pytest plugin that provides a set of fixtures and markers for testing Jupyter notebooks and Jupyter kernel sessions using the Pytest framework. This package allows developers to run tests on Jupyter notebooks as if they were regular Python modules. 2024-11-18
openapi-schema-validator public OpenAPI schema validation for Python 2024-11-18
nbclient public A client library for executing notebooks. Formally nbconvert's ExecutePreprocessor. 2024-11-18
nb_conda_kernels public Launch Jupyter kernels for any installed conda environment 2024-11-18
jupyter_server_terminals public A Jupyter Server Extension Providing Terminals. 2024-11-18
dropbox public Official Dropbox API Client 2024-11-18
docker-py public Python client for Docker. 2024-11-18
pyfakefs public A fake file system that mocks the Python file system modules. 2024-11-18
jsonschema public An implementation of JSON Schema validation for Python 2024-11-18
bottleneck public Fast NumPy array functions written in Cython. 2024-11-18
backports.tarfile public Backport of CPython tarfile module 2024-11-18
types-jsonschema public Typing stubs for jsonschema 2024-11-18
snakebite-py3 public Pure Python HDFS client 2024-11-18
mypy-protobuf public Generate mypy stub files from protobuf specs 2024-11-18
mockito public Mockito is a spying framework. 2024-11-18
lit public Development headers and libraries for LLVM 2024-11-18
elasticsearch-dsl public Higher-level Python client for Elasticsearch 2024-11-18
dm-tree public Tree is a library for working with nested data structures. 2024-11-18
types-protobuf public Typing stubs for protobuf 2024-11-18
referencing public JSON Referencing + Python 2024-11-18
proto-plus public Beautiful, Pythonic protocol buffers. 2024-11-18
jsonschema-specifications public The JSON Schema meta-schemas and vocabularies, exposed as a Registry 2024-11-18
googleapis-common-protos public Common protobufs used in Google APIs 2024-11-18
sqlalchemy-utils public Various utility functions for SQLAlchemy 2024-11-15
psycopg2 public PostgreSQL database adapter for Python 2024-11-15
django public A high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. 2024-11-14
psqlodbc public psqlODBC is the official PostgreSQL ODBC Driver 2024-11-14
pythran public a claimless python to c++ converter 2024-11-13
anaconda-client public anaconda.org command line client library 2024-11-13
graphviz public Open Source graph visualization software. 2024-11-12
spacy-model-zh_core_web_lg public Chinese pipeline optimized for CPU. 2024-11-12
spacy-model-uk_core_news_lg public Ukrainian pipeline optimized for CPU. 2024-11-12
spacy-model-zh_core_web_sm public Chinese pipeline optimized for CPU. 2024-11-12
spacy-model-zh_core_web_md public Chinese pipeline optimized for CPU. 2024-11-12
spacy-model-sv_core_news_lg public Swedish pipeline optimized for CPU. 2024-11-12
spacy-model-xx_sent_ud_sm public Multi-language pipeline optimized for CPU. 2024-11-12
spacy-model-xx_ent_wiki_sm public Multi-language pipeline optimized for CPU. 2024-11-12

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