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main / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
nb_conda_kernels public Launch Jupyter kernels for any installed conda environment 2024-11-18
jupyter_server_terminals public A Jupyter Server Extension Providing Terminals. 2024-11-18
jupyter_client public Jupyter protocol implementation and client libraries. 2024-11-18
jupyter_core public Core common functionality of Jupyter projects. 2024-11-18
dropbox public Official Dropbox API Client 2024-11-18
docker-py public Python client for Docker. 2024-11-18
pyfakefs public A fake file system that mocks the Python file system modules. 2024-11-18
orjson public orjson is a fast, correct JSON library for Python. 2024-11-18
jsonschema public An implementation of JSON Schema validation for Python 2024-11-18
bottleneck public Fast NumPy array functions written in Cython. 2024-11-18
backports.tarfile public Backport of CPython tarfile module 2024-11-18
types-jsonschema public Typing stubs for jsonschema 2024-11-18
snakebite-py3 public Pure Python HDFS client 2024-11-18
mypy-protobuf public Generate mypy stub files from protobuf specs 2024-11-18
mockito public Mockito is a spying framework. 2024-11-18
lit public Development headers and libraries for LLVM 2024-11-18
elasticsearch-dsl public Higher-level Python client for Elasticsearch 2024-11-18
dm-tree public Tree is a library for working with nested data structures. 2024-11-18
types-protobuf public Typing stubs for protobuf 2024-11-18
referencing public JSON Referencing + Python 2024-11-18
protobuf public Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format. 2024-11-18
proto-plus public Beautiful, Pythonic protocol buffers. 2024-11-18
jsonschema-specifications public The JSON Schema meta-schemas and vocabularies, exposed as a Registry 2024-11-18
googleapis-common-protos public Common protobufs used in Google APIs 2024-11-18
sqlalchemy-utils public Various utility functions for SQLAlchemy 2024-11-15
psycopg2 public PostgreSQL database adapter for Python 2024-11-15
qt-main public Qt is a cross-platform application and UI framework. 2024-11-15
django public A high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. 2024-11-14
psqlodbc public psqlODBC is the official PostgreSQL ODBC Driver 2024-11-14
pythran public a claimless python to c++ converter 2024-11-13
anaconda-client public anaconda.org command line client library 2024-11-13
graphviz public Open Source graph visualization software. 2024-11-12
spacy-model-zh_core_web_lg public Chinese pipeline optimized for CPU. 2024-11-12
spacy-model-uk_core_news_lg public Ukrainian pipeline optimized for CPU. 2024-11-12
spacy-model-zh_core_web_sm public Chinese pipeline optimized for CPU. 2024-11-12
spacy-model-zh_core_web_md public Chinese pipeline optimized for CPU. 2024-11-12
spacy-model-sv_core_news_lg public Swedish pipeline optimized for CPU. 2024-11-12
spacy-model-xx_sent_ud_sm public Multi-language pipeline optimized for CPU. 2024-11-12
spacy-model-xx_ent_wiki_sm public Multi-language pipeline optimized for CPU. 2024-11-12
spacy-model-uk_core_news_md public Ukrainian pipeline optimized for CPU. 2024-11-12
spacy-model-uk_core_news_sm public Ukrainian pipeline optimized for CPU. 2024-11-12
spacy-model-ru_core_news_lg public Russian pipeline optimized for CPU. 2024-11-12
spacy-model-sv_core_news_sm public Swedish pipeline optimized for CPU. 2024-11-12
spacy-model-sv_core_news_md public Swedish pipeline optimized for CPU. 2024-11-12
spacy-model-ro_core_news_lg public Romanian pipeline optimized for CPU. 2024-11-12
spacy-model-sl_core_news_sm public Slovenian pipeline optimized for CPU. 2024-11-12
spacy-model-sl_core_news_lg public Slovenian pipeline optimized for CPU. 2024-11-12
spacy-model-sl_core_news_md public Slovenian pipeline optimized for CPU. 2024-11-12
spacy-model-pt_core_news_lg public Portuguese pipeline optimized for CPU. 2024-11-12
spacy-model-ru_core_news_sm public Russian pipeline optimized for CPU. 2024-11-12

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