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main / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
mkl-dnn public Intel(R) Math Kernel Library for Deep Neural Networks (Intel(R) MKL-DNN) 2023-06-16
gxx_impl_linux-64 public GNU C++ Compiler 2023-06-16
gfortran_impl_linux-64 public GNU Fortran Compiler 2023-06-16
double-conversion public Efficient binary-decimal and decimal-binary conversion routines for IEEE doubles. 2023-06-16
_tflow_1100_select public No Summary 2023-06-16
xlwt public Writing data and formatting information to Excel files 2023-06-16
xar public eXtensible ARchiver 2023-06-16
wsgiproxy2 public A WSGI Proxy with various http client backends 2023-06-16
webob public WSGI request and response object 2023-06-16
wcwidth public Measures number of Terminal column cells of wide-character codes. 2023-06-16
six public Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities 2023-06-16
sas_kernel public A Jupyter kernel for SAS 2023-06-16
pyramid_mako public Mako template bindings for the Pyramid web framework 2023-06-16
pyinotify public Monitoring filesystems events with inotify on Linux. 2023-06-16
proj4 public Cartographic projection software. 2023-06-16
priority public A pure-Python implementation of the HTTP/2 priority tree 2023-06-16
pastedeploy public Load, configure, and compose WSGI applications and servers 2023-06-16
nosexcover public Extends nose.plugins.cover to add Cobertura-style XML reports 2023-06-16
ncurses public Library for text-based user interfaces 2023-06-16
make public GNU Make is a tool which controls the generation of executables and other non-source files of a program from the program's source files. 2023-06-16
libuuid public Portable uuid C library 2.32.1 as pk-version 1.41.5. 2023-06-16
libgcc-ng public The GCC low-level runtime library 2023-06-16
libdb public The Berkeley DB embedded database system. 2023-06-16
lancet public Launch jobs, organize the output, and dissect the results. 2023-06-16
jemalloc public general purpose malloc(3) implementation 2023-06-16
invoke public Pythonic task execution 2023-06-16
graphite2 public A "smart font" system that handles the complexities of lesser-known languages of the world. 2023-06-16
grako public Grako takes a grammar in a variation of EBNF as input, and outputs a memoizing PEG/Packrat parser in Python. 2023-06-16
go_linux-ppc64le public The Go Programming Language 2023-06-16
gitdb2 public A pure-Python git object database 2023-06-16
chromedriver-binary public No Summary 2023-06-16
zip public simple program for unzipping files 2023-06-16
whisper public File-based time-series database format for Graphite 2023-06-16
twofish public Bindings for the Twofish implementation by Niels Ferguson 2023-06-16
teradata public Script powerful interactions with Teradata Database 2023-06-16
tempora public Objects and routines pertaining to date and time (tempora) 2023-06-16
swig public C/C++ parser code generator 2023-06-16
requests-ftp public An FTP transport adapter for use with the Python Requests library 2023-06-16
readline public library for editing command lines as they are typed in 2023-06-16
pycparser public Complete C99 parser in pure Python 2023-06-16
pthread-stubs public Stubs missing from libc for standard pthread functions 2023-06-16
pscript public library for transpiling Python code to JavaScript. 2023-06-16
perf public Python module to generate and modify perf 2023-06-16
pep8-naming public Plug-in for flake 8 to check the PEP-8 naming conventions 2023-06-16
pcre public Regular expression pattern matching using the same syntax and semantics as Perl 5. 2023-06-16
pandocfilters public A python module for writing pandoc filters 2023-06-16
natsort public Sort lists naturally 2023-06-16
morfessor public Library for unsupervised and semi-supervised morphological segmentation 2023-06-16
lmdb public A high-performance embedded transactional key-value store database. 2023-06-16
linecache2 public Backport of the linecache module 2023-06-16

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