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main / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
zipfile-deflate64 public Extract Deflate64 ZIP archives with Python's zipfile API. 2024-10-17
yapf public A formatter for Python code 2024-10-17
xyzservices public Source of XYZ tiles providers 2024-10-17
xlsxwriter public A Python module for creating Excel XLSX files 2024-10-17
xmltodict public Makes working with XML feel like you are working with JSON 2024-10-17
wsproto public Pure Python, pure state-machine WebSocket implementation. 2024-10-17
ws4py public WebSocket client and server library for Python 2, 3, and PyPy 2024-10-17
wrapt public Module for decorators, wrappers and monkey patching 2024-10-17
workerpool public Module for distributing jobs to a pool of worker threads 2024-10-17
whylabs-client public Public Python client for WhyLabs API 2024-10-17
win_inet_pton public Native inet_pton and inet_ntop implementation for Python on Windows (with ctypes). 2024-10-17
wheel public A built-package format for Python. 2024-10-17
websockets public A library for developing WebSocket servers and clients in Python. 2024-10-17
whatthepatch public What The Patch!? is a library for both parsing and applying patch files 2024-10-17
websocket-client public WebSocket client for Python 2024-10-17
virtualenv public Virtual Python Environment builder 2024-10-17
wasabi public A lightweight console printing and formatting toolkit 2024-10-17
webencodings public Character encoding aliases for legacy web content 2024-10-17
waf public A build automation tool. 2024-10-17
w3lib public Library of web-related functions 2024-10-17
virtualenv-clone public script to clone virtualenvs. 2024-10-17
urllib3 public HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling, file post, and more. 2024-10-17
versioneer public Easy VCS-based management of project version strings 2024-10-17
verboselogs public Verbose logging level for Python's logging module. 2024-10-17
unidecode public ASCII transliterations of Unicode text 2024-10-17
url-normalize public URL normalization for Python 2024-10-17
unicodedata2 public unicodedata backport/updates to python 3 and python 2. 2024-10-17
ukkonen public Implementation of bounded Levenshtein distance (Ukkonen). 2024-10-17
ujson public Ultra fast JSON decoder and encoder written in C with Python bindings 2024-10-17
tzlocal public tzinfo object for the local timezone 2024-10-17
uc-micro-py public Micro subset of unicode data files for linkify-it-py projects. 2024-10-17
sudachidict-core public Sudachi Dictionary for SudachiPy - Core Edition 2024-10-17
typogrify public Filters to enhance web typography, including support for Django & Jinja templates 2024-10-17
typing_inspect public Runtime inspection utilities for Python typing module 2024-10-17
typing_extensions public Backported and Experimental Type Hints for Python 2024-10-17
typing public Type Hints for Python - backport for Python<3.5 2024-10-17
typing-extensions public Backported and Experimental Type Hints for Python 2024-10-17
types-urllib3 public Typing stubs for urllib3 2024-10-17
types-setuptools public Typing stubs for setuptools 2024-10-17
types-toml public Typing stubs for toml 2024-10-17
types-requests public Typing stubs for requests 2024-10-17
types-pyyaml public Typing stubs for PyYAML 2024-10-17
types-pytz public Typing stubs for pytz 2024-10-17
types-psutil public Typing stubs for psutil 2024-10-17
types-futures public Typing stubs for futures 2024-10-17
typer public A library for building CLI applications 2024-10-17
typeguard public Runtime type checker for Python 2024-10-17
twisted-iocpsupport public An extension for use in the twisted I/O Completion Ports reactor. 2024-10-17
tornado public A Python web framework and asynchronous networking library, originally developed at FriendFeed. 2024-10-17
traittypes public Trait types for NumPy, SciPy and friends 2024-10-17

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