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main / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
conda-libmamba-solver public The fast mamba solver, now in conda! 2024-10-04
python-regr-testsuite public General purpose programming language 2024-10-03
anaconda_prompt public Terminal shortcut creator for Anaconda 2024-10-02
anaconda_powershell_prompt public PowerShell shortcut creator for Anaconda 2024-10-02
notebook public A web-based notebook environment for interactive computing 2024-10-02
git public distributed version control system 2024-10-02
anaconda-docs public No Summary 2024-10-01
ruamel.yaml.clib public C version of reader, parser and emitter for ruamel.yaml derived from libyaml 2024-10-01
python-installer public A library for installing Python wheels. 2024-10-01
python_abi public Metapackage to select python implementation 2024-10-01
conda-repo-cli public Anaconda Repository command line client library 2024-09-27
binutils_impl_linux-aarch64 public A set of programming tools for creating and managing binary programs, object files, libraries, profile data, and assembly source code. 2024-09-26
binutils_impl_linux-s390x public A set of programming tools for creating and managing binary programs, object files, libraries, profile data, and assembly source code. 2024-09-26
ld_impl_linux-s390x public A set of programming tools for creating and managing binary programs, object files, libraries, profile data, and assembly source code. 2024-09-26
binutils_impl_linux-64 public A set of programming tools for creating and managing binary programs, object files, libraries, profile data, and assembly source code. 2024-09-26
ld_impl_linux-aarch64 public A set of programming tools for creating and managing binary programs, object files, libraries, profile data, and assembly source code. 2024-09-26
binutils public A set of programming tools for creating and managing binary programs, object files, libraries, profile data, and assembly source code. 2024-09-26
ld_impl_linux-64 public A set of programming tools for creating and managing binary programs, object files, libraries, profile data, and assembly source code. 2024-09-26
selenium public Python bindings for the Selenium WebDriver for automating web browser interaction. 2024-09-24
fzf public A command-line fuzzy finder 2024-09-20
go-licenses public A tool to collect licenses from the dependency tree of a Go package in order to comply with redistribution terms. 2024-09-20
qtconsole public Jupyter Qt console 2024-09-20
superqt public Missing widgets and components for PyQt/PySide 2024-09-20
lld public The LLVM Linker 2024-09-20
sacrebleu public Reference BLEU implementation that auto-downloads test sets and reports a version string to facilitate cross-lab comparisons 2024-09-20
conda-token public Set repository access token 2024-09-19
vs2022_win-64 public Activation and version verification of MSVC 14.40 (VS 2022 compiler, update 10) 2024-09-19
vc public A meta-package to impose mutual exclusivity among software built with different VS versions 2024-09-19
trio-websocket public WebSocket library for Trio 2024-09-19
seaborn public Statistical data visualization 2024-09-19
scikit-image public Image processing in Python. 2024-09-19
pymc public PyMC: Bayesian Stochastic Modelling in Python 2024-09-19
plotnine public A grammar of graphics for python 2024-09-19
imbalanced-learn public Python module to balance data set using under- and over-sampling 2024-09-19
libllvm14 public Development headers and libraries for LLVM 2024-09-19
go-nocgo_win-64 public The Go (nocgo) compiler activation scripts for conda-build. 2024-09-19
go-cgo_win-64 public The Go (cgo) compiler activation scripts for conda-build. 2024-09-19
dask-ml public Distributed and parallel machine learning using dask. 2024-09-19
dask public Parallel PyData with Task Scheduling 2024-09-19
libpysal public Core components of PySAL A library of spatial analysis functions 2024-09-19
go-nocgo_osx-arm64 public The Go (nocgo) compiler activation scripts for conda-build. 2024-09-19
go-cgo_osx-arm64 public The Go (cgo) compiler activation scripts for conda-build. 2024-09-19
go-nocgo_osx-64 public The Go (nocgo) compiler activation scripts for conda-build. 2024-09-19
go-cgo_osx-64 public The Go (cgo) compiler activation scripts for conda-build. 2024-09-19
go-nocgo_linux-aarch64 public The Go (nocgo) compiler activation scripts for conda-build. 2024-09-19
go-cgo_linux-aarch64 public The Go (cgo) compiler activation scripts for conda-build. 2024-09-19
torchvision public Image and video datasets and models for torch deep learning 2024-09-19
sphinx public Sphinx is a tool that makes it easy to create intelligent and beautiful documentation 2024-09-19
sentencepiece-python public Unsupervised text tokenizer for Neural Network-based text generation. 2024-09-19
qtsvg public Cross-platform application and UI framework (svg libraries). 2024-09-19

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