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Package Name Access Summary Updated
xorg-x11-proto-devel-cos7-ppc64le public (CDT) X.Org X11 Protocol headers 2023-06-16
recommonmark public A docutils-compatibility bridge to CommonMark 2023-06-16
python-jsonrpc-server public A Python 2.7 and 3.4+ server implementation of the JSON RPC 2.0 protocol. 2023-06-16
pango-cos7-ppc64le public (CDT) System for layout and rendering of internationalized text 2023-06-16
pam-cos6-i686 public (CDT) An extensible library which provides authentication for applications 2023-06-16
mesa-libgl-cos6-i686 public (CDT) Mesa libGL runtime libraries and DRI drivers 2023-06-16
mesa-libegl-cos6-i686 public (CDT) Mesa libEGL runtime libraries 2023-06-16
libxrender-devel-cos6-x86_64 public (CDT) X.Org X11 libXrender development package 2023-06-16
libxext-devel-cos6-x86_64 public (CDT) X.Org X11 libXext development package 2023-06-16
libxcomposite-cos6-x86_64 public (CDT) X Composite Extension library 2023-06-16
libthai-cos6-i686 public (CDT) Thai language support routines 2023-06-16
libsepol-cos6-i686 public (CDT) SELinux binary policy manipulation library 2023-06-16
libselinux-devel-cos6-x86_64 public (CDT) Header files and libraries used to build SELinux 2023-06-16
gtk2-devel-cos6-i686 public (CDT) Development files for GTK+ 2023-06-16
gettext-cos6-x86_64 public (CDT) GNU libraries and utilities for producing multi-lingual messages 2023-06-16
gconf2-cos6-x86_64 public (CDT) A process-transparent configuration system 2023-06-16
freetype-cos7-ppc64le public (CDT) A free and portable font rendering engine 2023-06-16
expat-cos6-i686 public (CDT) An XML parser library 2023-06-16
ca-certificates-cos6-x86_64 public (CDT) The Mozilla CA root certificate bundle 2023-06-16
alsa-utils-cos6-x86_64 public (CDT) Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) utilities 2023-06-16
gcc_linux-ppc64le public GNU C Compiler (activation scripts) 2023-06-16
openmpi-mpifort public An open source Message Passing Interface implementation. 2023-06-16
selectors2 public Back-ported, durable, and portable selectors 2023-06-16
orbit2-cos6-x86_64 public (CDT) A high-performance CORBA Object Request Broker 2023-06-16
mesa-libgl-devel-cos6-x86_64 public (CDT) Mesa libGL development package 2023-06-16
mesa-libgl-devel-cos6-i686 public (CDT) Mesa libGL development package 2023-06-16
libxxf86vm-cos7-ppc64le public (CDT) X.Org X11 libXxf86vm runtime library 2023-06-16
libxscrnsaver-devel-cos6-x86_64 public (CDT) X.Org X11 libXScrnSaver development package 2023-06-16
libxscrnsaver-cos6-i686 public (CDT) X.Org X11 libXss runtime library 2023-06-16
libxrandr-cos6-i686 public (CDT) X.Org X11 libXrandr runtime library 2023-06-16
libxfixes-cos6-x86_64 public (CDT) X Fixes library 2023-06-16
libxfixes-cos6-i686 public (CDT) X Fixes library 2023-06-16
libthai-cos6-x86_64 public (CDT) Thai language support routines 2023-06-16
libsepol-cos7-ppc64le public (CDT) SELinux binary policy manipulation library 2023-06-16
libsepol-devel-cos6-i686 public (CDT) Header files and libraries used to build policy manipulation tools 2023-06-16
libselinux-devel-cos7-ppc64le public (CDT) Header files and libraries used to build SELinux 2023-06-16
libcom_err-cos6-x86_64 public (CDT) Common error description library 2023-06-16
jpackage-utils-cos6-x86_64 public (CDT) JPackage utilities 2023-06-16
gtk2-devel-cos7-ppc64le public (CDT) Development files for GTK+ 2023-06-16
glib2-devel-cos6-x86_64 public (CDT) A library of handy utility functions 2023-06-16
font-ttf-dejavu-sans-mono public Monospace font for pretty code listings with many mathematical and other symbols 2023-06-16
cairo-devel-cos6-x86_64 public (CDT) Development files for cairo 2023-06-16
gfortran-dbg_linux-ppc64le public GNU Fortran Compiler (activation scripts) 2023-06-16
python-levenshtein public Python extension for computing string edit distances and similarities. 2023-06-16
openmpi public An open source Message Passing Interface implementation. 2023-06-16
libmklml public No Summary 2023-06-16
h2o public hadoop-centric machine learning (core java package) 2023-06-16
h2o-py public fast, scalable machine learning (python interface) 2023-06-16
_mutex_mxnet public Mutex package to pin a variant of MXNet Conda package 2023-06-16
unixodbc public ODBC on non MS Windows platforms 2023-06-16

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