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main / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
persistent public Translucent persistent objects 2025-01-03
pdf2image public A python module that wraps pdftoppm and pdftocairo to convert PDF to a PIL Image object 2025-01-03
paramiko public SSH2 protocol library 2025-01-03
parameterized public Parameterized testing with any Python test framework 2025-01-03
pandasql public Sqldf for pandas 2025-01-03
opentsne public Extensible, parallel implementations of t-SNE 2025-01-03
orderedmultidict public Ordered Multivalue Dictionary - omdict. 2025-01-03
opentelemetry-semantic-conventions public OpenTelemetry Python | Semantic Conventions 2025-01-03
opentelemetry-exporter-otlp-proto-http public OpenTelemetry Collector Protobuf over HTTP Exporter 2025-01-03
opentelemetry-sdk public OpenTelemetry Python / SDK 2025-01-03
opentelemetry-propagator-b3 public OpenTelemetry B3 Propagator 2025-01-03
opentelemetry-exporter-otlp-proto-common public OpenTelemetry Protobuf encoding 2025-01-03
openapi-pydantic public Pydantic OpenAPI schema implementation 2025-01-03
mysql-connector-python public Python driver for communicating with MySQL servers 2025-01-03
mlflow-skinny public MLflow Skinny: A Lightweight Machine Learning Lifecycle Platform Client 2025-01-03
msrest public The runtime library "msrest" for AutoRest generated Python clients. 2025-01-03
mpld3 public D3 Viewer for Matplotlib. 2025-01-03
mockupdb public MongoDB Wire Protocol server library 2025-01-03
mashumaro public Fast serialization framework on top of dataclasses 2025-01-03
mapclassify public Classification schemes for choropleth maps 2025-01-03
macholib public Mach-O header analysis and editing 2025-01-03
lockfile public Platform-independent file locking module 2025-01-03
lightgbm public LightGBM is a gradient boosting framework that uses tree based learning algorithms. 2025-01-03
lightning-cloud public Lightning AI Command Line Interface 2025-01-03
lightning-utilities public PyTorch Lightning Sample project. 2025-01-03
kmodes public Python implementations of the k-modes and k-prototypes clustering algorithms for clustering categorical data. 2025-01-03
ipython-sql public RDBMS access via IPython 2025-01-03
intervals public Python tools for handling intervals (ranges of comparable objects). 2025-01-03
infinity public All-in-one infinity value for Python. Can be compared to any object. 2025-01-03
inflect public Correctly generate plurals, singular nouns, ordinals, indefinite articles; convert numbers to words 2025-01-03
hvplot public A high-level plotting API for the PyData ecosystem built on HoloViews 2025-01-03
httpx-sse public Consume Server-Sent Event (SSE) messages with HTTPX. 2025-01-03
basemap-data public Plot on map projections (with coastlines and political boundaries) using matplotlib. 2025-01-03
google-auth-oauthlib public Google Authentication Library, oauthlib integration with google-auth 2025-01-03
flask-sqlalchemy public Adds SQLAlchemy support to your Flask application 2025-01-03
databricks-sdk public Databricks SDK for Python (Experimental) 2025-01-03
fastapi public FastAPI framework, high performance, easy to learn, fast to code, ready for production 2025-01-03
ensureconda public Install and run applications packaged with conda in isolated environments 2025-01-03
dash-bio public dash_bio 2025-01-03
csvkit public A suite of command-line tools for working with CSV, the king of tabular file formats. 2025-01-03
cron-descriptor public A Python library that converts cron expressions into human readable strings. 2025-01-03
clickhouse-sqlalchemy public Simple ClickHouse SQLAlchemy Dialect 2025-01-03
btrees public scalable persistent object containers 2025-01-03
azure-storage-blob public Microsoft Azure Blob Storage Client Library for Python 2025-01-03
aws-sam-translator public AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) prescribes rules for expressing Serverless applications on AWS. 2025-01-03
azure-core public Microsoft Azure Core Library for Python 2025-01-03
alembic public A database migration tool for SQLAlchemy. 2025-01-03
aiohttp-jinja2 public jinja2 template renderer for aiohttp.web (http server for asyncio) 2025-01-03
adtk public A package for unsupervised time series anomaly detection 2025-01-03
spacy-alignments public Align tokenizations for spaCy + transformers 2025-01-03

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