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Package Name Access Summary Updated
typeguard public Runtime type checker for Python 2024-10-17
traittypes public Trait types for NumPy, SciPy and friends 2024-10-17
traitlets public Configuration system for Python applications 2024-10-17
thriftpy2 public Pure python implementation of Apache Thrift. 2024-10-17
tomli public A simple TOML parser 2024-10-17
tinycss2 public Low-level CSS parser for Python 2024-10-17
tangled-up-in-unicode public Access to the Unicode Character Database (UCD) 2024-10-17
thrift_sasl public Thrift SASL module that implements TSaslClientTransport 2024-10-17
testpath public Testpath is a collection of utilities for Python code working with files and commands. 2024-10-17
termcolor public ANSII Color formatting for output in terminal. 2024-10-17
tensorboard-data-server public Data server for TensorBoard 2024-10-17
tabulate public Pretty-print tabular data in Python, a library and a command-line utility. 2024-10-17
strict-rfc3339 public Strict, simple, lightweight RFC3339 functions 2024-10-17
stdlib-list public A list of standard libraries for Python 2.6 through 3.12. 2024-10-17
spacy-loggers public Alternate loggers for spaCy pipeline training 2024-10-17
sphinxcontrib public Python namespace for sphinxcontrib 2024-10-17
soupsieve public A modern CSS selector implementation for BeautifulSoup 2024-10-17
spacy-legacy public Legacy functions and architectures for backwards compatibility 2024-10-17
sniffio public Sniff out which async library your code is running under 2024-10-17
snakeviz public Web-based viewer for Python profiler output 2024-10-17
smartypants public Python with the SmartyPants 2024-10-17
smart_open public Python library for efficient streaming of large files 2024-10-17
slack-sdk public The Slack API Platform SDK for Python 2024-10-17
slicerator public A lazy-loading, fancy-sliceable iterable. 2024-10-17
simpervisor public Simple async process supervisor 2024-10-17
shellingham public Tool to Detect Surrounding Shell 2024-10-17
setuptools-scm public The blessed package to manage your versions by scm tags 2024-10-17
setuptools-rust public Setuptools rust extension plugin 2024-10-17
setuptools-git-versioning public Use git repo data for building a version number according PEP-440 2024-10-17
setuptools-git public Setuptools revision control system plugin for Git 2024-10-17
scons public Open Source next-generation build tool. 2024-10-17
schemdraw public Electrical circuit schematic drawing 2024-10-17
schema public Schema validation just got Pythonic 2024-10-17
ruamel_yaml public A patched copy of ruamel.yaml. 2024-10-17
ruamel.yaml public A YAML package for Python. It is a derivative of Kirill Simonov's PyYAML 3.11 which supports YAML1.1 2024-10-17
ruamel.yaml.jinja2 public jinja2 pre and post-processor to update YAML 2024-10-17
ruamel public A package to ensure the `ruamel` namespace is available. 2024-10-17
rtree public R-Tree spatial index for Python GIS 2024-10-17
robotframework public Generic automation framework for acceptance testing and robotic process automation (RPA) 2024-10-17
rfc3986-validator public Pure python rfc3986 validator 2024-10-17
resolvelib public Simple, fast, extensible JSON encoder/decoder for Python 2024-10-17
pywin32-ctypes public A limited subset of pywin32 re-implemented using ctypes (or cffi) 2024-10-17
readchar public Python library to read characters and key strokes. 2024-10-17
queuelib public Collection of persistent (disk-based) queues 2024-10-17
re-assert public show where your regex match assertion failed! 2024-10-17
qstylizer public Qt stylesheet generation utility for PyQt/PySide 2024-10-17
querystring_parser public QueryString parser for Python/Django that correctly handles nested dictionaries 2024-10-17
qrcode public QR Code image generator 2024-10-17
pyuca public a Python implementation of the Unicode Collation Algorithm 2024-10-17
pytz public World timezone definitions, modern and historical. 2024-10-17

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