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main / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
keras-applications public Applications module of the Keras deep learning library. 2023-06-16
xmlrpc2 public Revamped xmlrpc library for Python 2023-06-16
pysal public Library of spatial analysis functions 2023-06-16
pyramid public The Pyramid Web Framework, a Pylons project 2023-06-16
pykdtree public Fast kd-tree implementation with OpenMP-enabled queries 2023-06-16
portend public TCP port monitoring utilities 2023-06-16
nomkl public No Summary 2023-06-16
msgpack-numpy public Numpy data serialization using msgpack 2023-06-16
libutf8proc public a clean C library for processing UTF-8 Unicode data 2023-06-16
iso8601 public Simple module to parse ISO 8601 dates 2023-06-16
gxx_linux-32 public GNU C++ Compiler (activation scripts) 2023-06-16
mxnet-gpu public MXNet metapackage which pins a variant of MXNet(GPU) Conda package 2023-06-16
mayavi public The Mayavi scientific data 3-dimensional visualizers 2023-06-16
gcc_impl_linux-64 public GNU C Compiler 2023-06-16
caffe public A deep learning framework made with expression, speed, and modularity in mind. 2023-06-16
xlutils public Utilities for working with Excel files 2023-06-16
wxpython public Cross platform GUI toolkit for Python, "Phoenix" version 2023-06-16
visvis public An object oriented approach to visualization of 1D to 4D data 2023-06-16
venusian public A library for deferring decorator actions 2023-06-16
unittest2 public The new features in unittest backported to Python 2.4+ 2023-06-16
traitsui public TraitsUI - Traits-capable windowing framework 2023-06-16
tornado-json public A simple JSON API framework based on Tornado 2023-06-16
service_identity public Service identity verification for pyOpenSSL. 2023-06-16
python-engineio public Engine.IO server 2023-06-16
pyramid_jinja2 public Jinja2 template bindings for the Pyramid web framework 2023-06-16
patchelf public A small utility to modify the dynamic linker and RPATH of ELF executables. 2023-06-16
paste public Tools for using a Web Server Gateway Interface stack 2023-06-16
openjdk public The JetBrains Runtime OpenJDK build. 2023-06-16
mpir public Multiple Precision Integers and Rationals. 2023-06-16
logilab-common public collection of low-level Python packages and modules used by Logilab projects 2023-06-16
libogg public OGG media container 2023-06-16
libaio public Provides the Linux-native API for async I/O 2023-06-16
gperf public GNU gperf is a perfect hash function generator. 2023-06-16
go-core public The Go Programming Language 2023-06-16
gevent-websocket public Websocket handler for the gevent pywsgi server, a Python network library 2023-06-16
ftfy public Fixes some problems with Unicode text after the fact 2023-06-16
descartes public Use geometric objects as matplotlib paths and patches. 2023-06-16
cubes public A light-weight Python OLAP framework for data warehouses 2023-06-16
conda-env public Tools for interacting with conda environments. 2023-06-16
chai public Easy to use mocking, stubbing and spying framework. 2023-06-16
agate-excel public agate-excel adds read support for Excel files (xls and xlsx) to agate. 2023-06-16
duma_linux-32 public DUMA is an open-source library to detect buffer overruns and under-runs in C and C++ programs. 2023-06-16
defusedxml public XML bomb protection for Python stdlib modules 2023-06-16
d2to1 public Allows using distutils2-like setup.cfg files for a package's metadata with a distribute/setuptools setup.py 2023-06-16
db public The Berkeley DB embedded database system. 2023-06-16
click-plugins public An extension module for click to enable registering CLI commands via setuptools entry-points 2023-06-16
chameleon public HTML/XML template engine for Python 2023-06-16
bison public General purpose parser generator converting annotated context-free grammar to a deterministic LR/GLR parser. 2023-06-16
argcomplete public Bash tab completion for argparse 2023-06-16
apr public Maintains a consistent API with predictable behaviour 2023-06-16

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