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Package Name Access Summary Updated
gdb_linux-s390x public The GNU Project Debugger 2023-06-18
duma_linux-s390x public DUMA is an open-source library to detect buffer overruns and under-runs in C and C++ programs. 2023-06-18
strace_linux-ppc64le public Strace is a linux diagnostic, and debugging utility with cli 2023-06-18
ltrace_linux-ppc64le public Ltrace is a debugging tool for recording library calls, and signals 2023-06-18
gdb_server_linux-ppc64le public The GNU Project Debugger 2023-06-18
gdb_linux-ppc64le public The GNU Project Debugger 2023-06-18
strace_linux-aarch64 public Strace is a linux diagnostic, and debugging utility with cli 2023-06-18
ltrace_linux-aarch64 public Ltrace is a debugging tool for recording library calls, and signals 2023-06-18
gdb_server_linux-aarch64 public The GNU Project Debugger 2023-06-18
gdb_linux-aarch64 public The GNU Project Debugger 2023-06-18
duma_linux-aarch64 public DUMA is an open-source library to detect buffer overruns and under-runs in C and C++ programs. 2023-06-18
strace_linux-64 public Strace is a linux diagnostic, and debugging utility with cli 2023-06-18
ltrace_linux-64 public Ltrace is a debugging tool for recording library calls, and signals 2023-06-18
gdb_server_linux-64 public The GNU Project Debugger 2023-06-18
xorg-x11-util-macros-amzn2-aarch64 public (CDT) X.Org X11 Autotools macros 2023-06-18
devil public A full featured cross-platform image library. 2023-06-18
scotch public SCOTCH: Static Mapping, Graph, Mesh and Hypergraph Partitioning, and Parallel and Sequential Sparse Matrix Ordering Package 2023-06-18
qtwebkit public WebKit is one of the major engine to render webpages and execute JavaScript code 2023-06-18
qbs public Qbs (pronounced Cubes) is a cross-platform build tool 2023-06-18
ptscotch public PT-SCOTCH: (Parallel) Static Mapping, Graph, Mesh and Hypergraph Partitioning, and Parallel and Sequential Sparse Matrix Ordering Package 2023-06-18
perl-regexp-common public Provide commonly requested regular expressions 2023-06-18
perl-getopt-tabular public table-driven argument parsing for Perl 5 2023-06-18
perl-file-which public Perl implementation of the which utility as an API 2023-06-18
perl-extutils-makemaker public Create a module Makefile 2023-06-18
perl-exporter-lite public lightweight exporting of functions and variables 2023-06-18
perl-carp public alternative warn and die for modules 2023-06-18
openhmd public Free and Open Source API and drivers for immersive technology 2023-06-18
macports-legacy-support public Installs wrapper headers to add missing functionality to legacy OSX versions. 2023-06-18
m4ri public M4RI is a library for fast arithmetic with dense matrices over F2 2023-06-18
libtmglib public Linear Algebra PACKage 2023-06-18
liblapacke public Linear Algebra PACKage 2023-06-18
liblapack public Linear Algebra PACKage 2023-06-18
libcblas public Linear Algebra PACKage 2023-06-18
libblas public Linear Algebra PACKage 2023-06-18
ld64_osx-arm64 public Darwin Mach-O cross linker 2023-06-18
lapack public Linear Algebra PACKage 2023-06-18
gfortran_osx-arm64 public Fortran compiler from the GNU Compiler Collection 2023-06-18
gfortran_impl_osx-arm64 public Fortran compiler and libraries from the GNU Compiler Collection 2023-06-18
gfortran public Fortran compiler from the GNU Compiler Collection 2023-06-18
gdbm public A library of database functions that use extensible hashing and works similar to the standard UNIX dbm functions. 2023-06-18
covid-sim public COVID-19 CovidSim Model 2023-06-18
clangxx_osx-arm64 public clang compilers for conda-build 3 2023-06-18
clang_osx-arm64 public clang compilers for conda-build 3 2023-06-18
clang_bootstrap_osx-arm64 public clang compiler components in one package for bootstrapping clang 2023-06-18
cctools_osx-arm64 public Assembler, archiver, ranlib, libtool, otool et al for Darwin Mach-O files 2023-06-18
blas-devel public Linear Algebra PACKage 2023-06-18
xz-static public Data compression software with high compression ratio 2023-06-18
toolchain_fort_linux-aarch64 public A meta-package to enable the right toolchain. 2023-06-18
toolchain_cxx_linux-aarch64 public A meta-package to enable the right toolchain. 2023-06-18
toolchain_c_linux-aarch64 public A meta-package to enable the right toolchain. 2023-06-18

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