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lucit / packages / lucit-licensing-python 1.8.2

LUCIT Licensing Client Module


  • linux-64 v1.8.2
  • osx-64 v1.8.2
  • win-64 v1.8.2

conda install

To install this package run one of the following:
conda install lucit::lucit-licensing-python


Get a UNICORN Binance Suite License

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Python client module of the LUCIT Licensing Service.

This module is used to verify LUCIT software licenses and also provides the developer with a command line interface to interact with the LUCIT Licensing API.

If you have already installed modules of LUCIT like the UNICORN Binance Suite, which use the lucit-licensing-python library, you have already installed the commandline tool lucitlicmgr automatically.

$ lucitlicmgr --quotas --apisecret bf7df011327d09b70fb0c6bfbc8661x33fdb0c58d42629c94ab35188d8d011ba  --licensetoken 5e84cbd7-acfa-489f-a84d-z7d1b615af40d

Example output:

{'quotas': {'instances': {'available': 10, 'free': 10, 'used': 0},
            'ips': {'available': 3, 'free': 2, 'used': 1},
            'resets': {'available': 3, 'free': 3, 'used': 0}},
 'signature': 'e762a949cb0987d6b6e11260a203752c1b2cbf1f8315f3eb6873100e528f8258',
 'timestamp': '1697880811.9013143'}

The apisecret and the licensetoken parameter can also be loaded from an INI file. Simply create the file lucit_license.ini in the app root path or in your home directory in the folder .lucit e.g. C:\Users\Name\.lucit or /home/Name/.lucit. with the following content:

api_secret = bf7df011327d09b70fb0c6bfbc8661x33fdb0c58d42629c94ab35188d8d011ba
license_token = 5e84cbd7-acfa-489f-a84d-z7d1b615af40d

Then just use:

$ lucitlicmgr --quotas

Example output:

{'quotas': {'instances': {'available': 10, 'free': 10, 'used': 0},
            'ips': {'available': 3, 'free': 2, 'used': 1},
            'resets': {'available': 3, 'free': 3, 'used': 0}},
 'signature': 'e762a949cb0987d6b6e11260a203752c1b2cbf1f8315f3eb6873100e528f8258',
 'timestamp': '1697880811.9013143'}

$ lucitlicmgr --info --apisecret bf7df011327d09b70fb0c6bfbc8661x33fdb0c58d42629c94ab35188d8d011ba  --licensetoken 5e84cbd7-acfa-489f-a84d-z7d1b615af40d

Example output:

{'license': {'license_holder_email': '[email protected]',
             'license_holder_name': 'John Doe',
             'licensed_product': 'UNICORN-BINANCE-SUITE',
             'paid_till': '2023-10-24 18:39:03.681745+00:00'},
 'signature': 'e0f7b631006c3480477f81e127729f2ee1489e2dd5dc0ffd7504fb590c4d515a',
 'timestamp': '1697881034.4675057'}

The apisecret and the licensetoken parameter can also be loaded from an INI file. Simply create the file lucit_license.ini in the app root path or in your home directory in the folder .lucit e.g. C:\Users\Name\.lucit or /home/Name/.lucit. with the following content:

api_secret = bf7df011327d09b70fb0c6bfbc8661x33fdb0c58d42629c94ab35188d8d011ba
license_token = 5e84cbd7-acfa-489f-a84d-z7d1b615af40d

Then just use:

$ lucitlicmgr --info

Example output:

{'license': {'license_holder_email': '[email protected]',
             'license_holder_name': 'John Doe',
             'licensed_product': 'UNICORN-BINANCE-SUITE',
             'paid_till': '2023-10-24 18:39:03.681745+00:00'},
 'signature': 'e0f7b631006c3480477f81e127729f2ee1489e2dd5dc0ffd7504fb590c4d515a',
 'timestamp': '1697881034.4675057'}

Please note: This will stop ALL active instances. This command can be executed only 3 times every 24 hours.

$ lucitlicmgr --reset --apisecret bf7df011327d09b70fb0c6bfbc8661x33fdb0c58d42629c94ab35188d8d011ba  --licensetoken 5e84cbd7-acfa-489f-a84d-z7d1b615af40d

Example output:

{'reset': {'status': 'SUCCESSFUL'},
 'signature': '25e8868f963f583f451c0ce1d7bf8daeaaeae4a17db0265adace034232e6f925',
 'timestamp': '1697881249.771824'}

The apisecret and the licensetoken parameter can also be loaded from an INI file. Simply create the file lucit_license.ini in the app root path or in your home directory in the folder .lucit e.g. C:\Users\Name\.lucit or /home/Name/.lucit. with the following content:

api_secret = bf7df011327d09b70fb0c6bfbc8661x33fdb0c58d42629c94ab35188d8d011ba
license_token = 5e84cbd7-acfa-489f-a84d-z7d1b615af40d

Then just use:

$ lucitlicmgr --reset

Example output:

{'reset': {'status': 'SUCCESSFUL'},
 'signature': '25e8868f963f583f451c0ce1d7bf8daeaaeae4a17db0265adace034232e6f925',
 'timestamp': '1697881249.771824'}
$ lucitlicmgr --test

Example output:

{'message': 'Hello World!'}

Simply create the file lucit_license.ini in the app root path or in your home directory in the folder .lucit e.g. C:\Users\Name\.lucit or /home/Name/.lucit. with the following content:

api_secret = bf7df011327d09b70fb0c6bfbc8661x33fdb0c58d42629c94ab35188d8d011ba
license_token = 5e84cbd7-acfa-489f-a84d-z7d1b615af40d

api_secret = 62a9efe20be3d038d3be15ea339495629c096ad22762fa7b72ee2df607f194d3
license_token = f829d452-651b-4c6a-89a0-t742a16d0010e

Then just use:

$ lucitlicmgr --info --licenseprofile TENANT_A

Example output:

{'license': {'license_holder_email': '[email protected]',
             'license_holder_name': 'Tenant A',
             'licensed_product': 'UNICORN-BINANCE-SUITE',
             'paid_till': '2023-11-02 13:43:22.723258+00:00'},
 'signature': 'e0f7b631006c3480477f81e127729f2ee1489e2dd5dc0ffd7504fb590c4d515a',
 'timestamp': '1697881034.4675057'}

Note: All UNICORN Binance Suite modules also support the use of profiles. Please read the documentation of the respective module regarding the parameter license_profile.

$ lucitlicmgr --help

The module requires Python 3.7 or above.

The current dependencies are listed here.

If you run into errors during the installation take a look here.

Our Cython and PyPy Wheels are available on PyPI, these wheels offer significant advantages for Python developers: - Performance Boost with Cython Wheels: Cython is a programming language that supplements Python with static typing and C-level performance. By compiling Python code into C, Cython Wheels can significantly enhance the execution speed of Python code, especially in computationally intensive tasks. This means faster runtimes and more efficient processing for users of our package. - PyPy Wheels for Enhanced Efficiency: PyPy is an alternative Python interpreter known for its speed and efficiency. It uses Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation, which can dramatically improve the performance of Python code. Our PyPy Wheels are tailored for compatibility with PyPy, allowing users to leverage this speed advantage seamlessly.

Both Cython and PyPy Wheels on PyPI make the installation process simpler and more straightforward. They ensure that you get the optimized version of our package with minimal setup, allowing you to focus on development rather than configuration.

pip install lucit-licensing-python

pip install lucit-licensing-python --upgrade

The lucit-licensing-python package is available with Conda through the lucit channel.

For optimal compatibility and performance, it is recommended to source the necessary dependencies from the conda-forge channel.

conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda config --add channels lucit
conda install -c lucit lucit-licensing-python

conda update -c lucit lucit-licensing-python

Run in bash:

pip install https://github.com/LUCIT-Systems-and-Development/lucit-licensing-python/archive/$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/LUCIT-Systems-and-Development/lucit-licensing-python/releases/latest | grep -oP '"tag_name": "\K(.*)(?=")').tar.gz --upgrade

Use the below command with the version (such as 1.8.2) you determined here:

pip install https://github.com/LUCIT-Systems-and-Development/lucit-licensing-python/archive/1.8.2.tar.gz --upgrade This is not a release version and can not be considered to be stable!

pip install https://github.com/LUCIT-Systems-and-Development/lucit-licensing-python/tarball/master --upgrade

Download the latest release or the current master branch and use:

  • ./environment.yml
  • ./meta.yaml
  • ./pyproject.toml
  • ./requirements.txt
  • ./setup.py




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Before you report a bug, try the latest release. If the issue still exists, provide the error trace, OS and Python version and explain how to reproduce the error. A demo script is appreciated.

If you don't find an issue related to your topic, please open a new issue!

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LUCIT Licensing Python is an open source project which welcomes contributions which can be anything from simple documentation fixes and reporting dead links to new features. To contribute follow this guide.


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