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kdm801 / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
acanthophis public A comprehensive, opinionated plant variant calling pipeline in Snakemake 2024-01-18
pangenie public Genotype graph variants using short reads 2023-06-18
gapless public Combined scaffolding, gap-closing and assembly correction with long reads 2023-06-18
terashuf public Combined scaffolding, gap-closing and assembly correction with long reads 2023-06-18
axe-demultiplexer public Rapid competitive read demulitplexer. Made with tries. 2023-06-18
gfakluge public A C++ library and utilities for manipulating the Graphical Fragment Assembly format. 2023-06-18
seqhax public Miscelanelous fasta/fastq sequence and htslib utilities 2023-06-16
inotify public An adapter to Linux kernel support for inotify directory-watching. 2023-06-16
pyts2-beta public An efficent python toolkit for time-series plant phenomics 2023-06-16
rawpy public rawpy -- python interface to libraw 2023-06-16
datetime_truncate public Truncate datetime objects to a set level of precision 2023-06-16
pytelegraf public Telegraf client 2023-06-16
ucsc-fafilter public Filter fa records, selecting ones that match the specified conditions 2023-06-16
rmlint public Extremely fast tool to remove duplicates and other lint from your filesystem 2023-06-16

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