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jjhelmus / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
python public No Summary 2024-09-20
setuptools public Download, build, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python packages 2024-08-16
pip public PyPA recommended tool for installing Python packages 2024-08-16
ipython public IPython: Productive Interactive Computing 2023-06-16
wcwidth public Measures number of Terminal column cells of wide-character codes. 2023-06-16
importlib_metadata public A library to access the metadata for a Python package 2023-06-16
pickleshare public Tiny 'shelve'-like database with concurrency support 2023-06-16
backcall public Specifications for callback functions passed in to an API 2023-06-16
pathlib2 public Fork of pathlib aiming to support the full stdlib Python API 2023-06-16
mpmath public Python library for arbitrary-precision floating-point arithmetic 2023-06-16
scipy public Scientific Library for Python 2023-06-16
cython public The Cython compiler for writing C extensions for the Python language 2023-06-16
jedi public An autocompletion tool for Python that can be used for text editors. 2023-06-16
numpy-base public No Summary 2023-06-16
numpy public Array processing for numbers, strings, records, and objects. 2023-06-16
numpy-devel public No Summary 2023-06-16
decorator public Better living through Python with decorators. 2023-06-16
py public library with cross-python path, ini-parsing, io, code, log facilities 2023-06-16
pytest public Simple and powerful testing with Python. 2023-06-16
traitlets public Configuration system for Python applications 2023-06-16
ptyprocess public Run a subprocess in a pseudo terminal 2023-06-16
more-itertools public More routines for operating on iterables, beyond itertools 2023-06-16
pexpect public Pexpect makes Python a better tool for controlling other applications. 2023-06-16
ipython_genutils public vestigial utilities from IPython 2023-06-16
pluggy public Plugin registration and hook calling for Python 2023-06-16
six public Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities 2023-06-16
certifi public Python package for providing Mozilla's CA Bundle. 2023-06-16
wheel public A built-package format for Python. 2023-06-16

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