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ifilot / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
pytessel public Python package for building isosurfaces from 3D scalar fields 2025-03-18
pypwdft public Python package for performing simple DFT calculations 2025-02-11
pyqint public Python package for evaluating integrals of Gaussian type orbitals in electronic structure calculations 2025-02-05
ppmil public Pure Python Molecular Integral Library 2025-02-02
sphecerix public Python package for constructing Wigner-D matrices 2025-02-02
pydft public Python package for performing simple DFT calculations 2025-01-28
quantumsculpt public Python package for obtainin Lebedev quadrature integration points and weights 2024-02-17
pylebedev public Python package for obtainin Lebedev quadrature integration points and weights 2023-12-22
pyvwr public Python package for extracting Kohn-Sham wave function from WAVECARS 2023-06-18
pymdlj public Python package for performing molecular dynamics simulations using Lennard-Jones potentials 2023-06-16

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