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i4Ds / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
everybeam public The EveryBeam library is a library that provides the antenna response pattern for several instruments, such as LOFAR (and LOBES), SKA (OSKAR), MWA, JVLA, etc. 2025-01-10
eidos public edios - Primary beam modelling of radio astronomy antennas. 2024-12-12
rascil public Radio Astronomy Simulation, Calibration and Imaging Library 2024-12-10
ska-sdp-func-python public SKA SDP Python Processing Functions 2024-12-10
ska-sdp-datamodels public SKA SDP Datamodels 2024-12-10
bdsf public Blob Detection and Source Finder 2024-12-03
wsclean public WSClean (w-stacking clean) is a fast generic widefield imager 2024-12-03
bluebild public BIPP - Bluebild Imaging++ 2024-10-10
montagepy public Montage, an astronomical image mosaic engine. 2024-10-10
tools21cm public tools21cm 2024-10-03
ska-sdp-func public SKA SDP Processing Functions 2024-10-03
ska-gridder-nifty-cuda public NIFTy Gridder - CUDA implementation 2024-10-03
katbeam public katbeam 2024-10-03
idg public Image Domain Gridding 2024-10-03
finufft public Nonuniform Fast Fourier Transform library 2024-10-03
fftw3f public FFTW single precision 2024-10-03
aratmospy public Python version of autoregressive atmosphere generator. 2024-10-03
aotools public A set of useful functions for Adaptive Optics in Python 2024-10-03

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